8 research outputs found


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    Echinoderms are very important in marine ecosystems and are useful as a component in the food chain. Echinoderms can be detritus eaters, herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. This research was conducted for 2 weeks. The methods used are the cruise method and the quadrat transect method. The roaming method is carried out at 2 stations with data collection that is 100 m long. Next, data collection using the quadratic transect method was carried out by drawing a 10 m long transect line and placing a quadratic plot in a zig-zag manner next to the transect line. There were 5 plots observed measuring 1m x 1m with a plot distance of 2 m. Determining the distance of each station is 50 m from the first transect line and other transect lines. The results of research on the waters of Tambala Village that were obtained as a whole included four classes, namely Asteroidea, Holothuroidea, Echinoidea, and Ophiuroidea with a total of 8 types. Based on data analysis using the quadratic transect method, it was obtained: at station I H' = 1.067, the highest species density of Echinometra mathaei was 6.4 ind/m2 and the relative density was 55.49%, while at station II it was obtained H'= 0.831, the density the highest species Ophiocoma erinaceus was 15.53 ind/m2 and the relative density was 54.56%.Keywords: Echinoderms, Diversity, Abundance of species ABSTRAKEchinodermata sangat penting di dalam ekosistem laut dan bermanfaat sebagai salah satukomponen dalam rantai makanan. Echinodermata dapat bersifat sebagai pemakan detritus, herbivora, carnivora dan omnivora. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 2 minggu. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode jelajah (cruise method) dan metode transek kuadrat. Metode jelajah dilakukan pada 2 stasiun dengan pengambilan data yaitu sepanjang 100 m. Selanjutnya pengambilan data menggunakan metode transek kuadrat dilakukan dengan menarik garis transek sepanjang 10mdan diletakkan plot kuadrat secara zig-zag di samping garis transek. Plot yang diamati sebanyak 5 buah yang berukuran 1m x 1m dengan jarak plot 2 m.Penentuan jarak tiap stasiun yaitu berjarak 50 m dari garis transek pertama dan garis transek lainnya.Hasil penelitian pada perairan Desa Tambala yang diperoleh secara keseluruhan meliputi empat kelas yaitu Asteroidea, Holothuroidea, Echinoidea, dan Ophiuroidea debngan total 8 jenis. Berdasarkan analisis data menggunakan metode transek kuadrat, maka diperoleh: pada stasiun I H’ = 1,067, kepadatan spesies tertinggi Echinometra mathaei sebesar 6,4 ind/m2 dan kepadatan relative sebesar 55,49% sedangkan pada stasiun II diperoleh H’= 0,831, kepadatan spesies tertinggi Ophiocoma erinaceus sebesar 15,53 ind/m2 dan kepadatan relatif sebesar 54,56%.Kata Kunci: Echinodermata, Keanekaragaman, Kelimpahan jeni


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    Benthic fauna is a group of benthic organisms that live on the bottom of the water or the bottom of the sediment or between sediments. This study aims to obtain an overview of the distribution and types of benthic faunal organisms measuring > 1mm in the waters of Molas Village at a depth of 1-3 m, especially around coral fragments. Benthos sampling was carried out using a grab sampler with three repetitions. The benthic sediment sample was sieved using a 1000 m (1.0 mm) sieve.  The sediment retained in the sieve was then identified based on its morphological characters using a  stereo microscope.  Furthermore, the number of organisms found was counted and analyzed according to the calculation of the ecological index. The results of the identification of benthic faunal organisms >1mm obtained a total of 36 types of mollusks consisting of 34 species belonging to the class Gastropods and 2 species belonging to the class Bivalvia which were divided into 24 families and obtained an average density of 81.4 ind/m2, Diversity Index 1, 47 (medium category), Uniformity Index 0.97 (high category) and Dominance Index 0.27 (nothing dominates). Keywords: benthic ecology, grab sampling, Manado Bay   ABSTRAK Fauna bentos merupakan kelompok organisme bentos yang hidup di dasar perairan atau dasar sedimen maupun di antara sedimen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran distribusi dan jenis organisme fauna bentos yang berukuran > 1mm di daerah perairan Kelurahan Molas padakedalaman 1-3 m khususnya di sekitar pecahan karang. Pengambilan sampel bentos dilakukan dengan menggunakan grab sampler dengan pengulangan sebanyak tiga kali. Sampel sedimen bentos diayak menggunakan saringan 1000 µm (1,0 mm). Sedimen yang tertahan di saringan kemudian diidentifikasi berdasarkan karakter morfologi dengan menggunakan bantuan mikroskop stereo. Selanjutnya jumlah organisme yang ditemukan dihitung dan dianalisis menurut perhitungan indeks ekologi.Hasil identifikasi organisme fauna bentos >1mm mendapatkan total 36 jenis moluska yang terdiri dari 34 spesies anggota kelas Gastropoda dan 2 spesies anggota kelas Bivalvia yang terbagi dalam 24 famili dan mendapatkan hasil rata-rata kepadatan 81,4 ind/m2, Indeks Keanekaragaman 1,47 (kategori sedang), Indeks Keseragaman 0,97 (kategori tinggi) dan Indeks Dominansi 0,27 (tergolong tidak ada yang mendominasi). Kata Kunci: Ekologi bentos, grab sampling, Teluk Manado &nbsp

    Hard Coral Cover and Coral Fish Density in Pantai Pall Waters,Tanjung Pulisan, East Likupang, North Minahasa Regency

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    Tanjung Pulisan area in Likupang has been designated as part of the Likupang Special Economic Zone (SEZ), as one of five super-priority tourist destinations. To support this program, it is urgent to have an assessment based on coral reef and fish ecology that can be destined as a tourism target. Thus, the purpose of this study is to provide information on the percentage of hard coral cover, the percentage of hard coral genera, as well as the density of reef fish in the waters of Tanjung Pulisan. The author uses the Line Intercept Transect and Underwater Visual Census methods at three stations which are combined synergistically to obtain data on corals and target reef fish effectively. Data were analyzed using the Microsoft Excel program. The results of the analysis showed that the percentage of live coral cover in Tanjung Pulisan waters was categorized as moderate with an average percentage of 47.04%, consisting of 30.28% hard coral and 16.76% soft coral. In these waters, 32 genera of hard corals were found, and Porites as the most dominant genus, with an average percentage of 23.01 %. In addition, the total average density of target reef fish in this location was 0.185 ind/m2, with the most dominant family being Acanthuridae with an average density value of 0.096 ind/m2.Keywords: Hard coral; Likupang; Reef fish; Tanjung PulisanAbstrakKawasan Tanjung Pulisan, Likupang telah ditetapkan menjadi bagian dari Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus (KEK) Likupang, satu dari lima destinasi wisata super prioritas. Guna menunjang program ini, perlu dilakukan analisis berbasis ekologi karang dan ikan karang yang bisa dijadikan sebagai target wisata. Berdasarkan ini maka dilakukan riset tutupan karang keras, persentase genera karang keras, juga kepadatan ikan karang di lokasi tersebut. Metode yang digunakan adalah Line Intercept Transect dan Sensus Visual Bawah Air pada tiga stasiun yang dipadukan secara sinergis untuk memperoleh data karang dan ikan karang target secara efektif. Data dianalisis menggunakan program Microsoft Excel. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa persentase tutupan karang hidup di perairan Tanjung Pulisan terkategorikan sedang dengan persentase rata-rata sebesar 47,04 %, yang terdiri dari 30,28 % karang keras dan 16,76 % karang lunak. Di perairan ini ditemukan 32 genera karang keras, dengan genus yang paling dominan yaitu Porites dengan persentase rata-rata sebesar 23,01 %. Selain itu, total kepadatan rata-rata ikan karang target di lokasi ini adalah 0,185 ind/m2, dengan Famili yang paling dominan adalah Acanthuridae dengan nilai kepadatan rata-rata sebesar 0,096 ind/m2.Kata kunci:   Ikan karang; Karang keras; Likupang; Tanjung Pulisa

    Length Increase and Survival Rate of Coral Isopora palifera which Transplanted on Concrete Block

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    Efforts to mitigate damage to coral reef ecosystems can be made by developing techniques for coral transplantation. The purpose is to know the survival rate of coral Isopora palifera and Measure the length increase of coral Isopora palifera using the Image-J application as the measurement. The research method was that artificial blocks made of concrete were used as containers for the installation of 27 colonies of coral Isopora palifera. Data collection in the field in the form of colonies that were successfully transplanted to artificial reef units will be explored using a camera from each concrete block which will take perpendicular pictures and colony portraits from each artificial reef unit. The results are then analyzed using the Image-J application. The transplantation results survival rate in Isopora palifera coral colonies in Paputungan village is 66.6% of 100%, while the Isopora palifera coral colony increase length was around 1.51 mm/5 months or 0.302 mm/month. Keywords: Coral, Isopora palifera, Transplant, Concrete block, North Sulawesi Abstrak Upaya penanggulangan kerusakan ekosistem terumbu karang dapat dilakukan dengan menggembangkan teknik transplantasi karang. Tujuan adalah Mengetahui tingkat ketahanan hidup karang Isopora palifera dan Mengetahui laju pertambahan karang Isopora palifera dengan menggunakan aplikasi Image-J sebagai pengukuran pertumbuhan. Metode penelitian yaitu balok buatan dari beton dijadikan wadah tempat pemasangan karang Isopora palifera sebanyak 27 koloni. Pengambilan data di lapangan berupa koloni yang berhasil ditransplantasi ke unit terumbu buatan akan didokumentasikan menggunakan kamera dari tiap-tiap balok diambil gambar tegak lurus dan memotret koloni dari masing-masing unit terumbu buatan.  Hasil pemotretan tersebut selanjutnya dianalisa menggunakan aplikasi Image-J. Proses transplantasi di desa Paputungan menghasilkan 66,6% dari 100% tingkat kelangsungan hidup pada koloni karang Isopora palifera, sedangkan untuk laju pertabahan koloni karang Isopora palifera berada disekitar 1,51 mm/5 bulan atau 0,302 mm/bln. Kata Kunci: Karang, Isopora palifera, Transplantasi, Balok beton, Sulawesi Utara


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    The objective of this present study is to know the composition of nematocyst types from the coral Scleractinia, Pocillopora sp. The coral colonies of Pocillopora sp. were collected at Tontayuo coastal coral reefs, Batudaa Pantai, Gorontalo. This research was conducted for 3 months, from September-December 2020. The method of testing the type and composition of nematocysts was carried out using an Olympus CX41 type microscope with x100 objective lens magnification connected to a computer ST24 monitor equipped with optical view 7 application (software). Photos of Pocillopora sp. both alive and skeleton form are documented in this journal. The results of the current study showed that Pocillopora sp. has the types and composition of MpM of 91.49%, while HI is 8.51%. MpM is the dominant nematocyst in Pocillopora sp. Future research is recommended to identify this coral at the species level and to study more deeply the various coral species in the genus Pocillopora based on the types and morphology of nematocysts that are useful in the taxonomy of Scleractinia corals.Keywords: Gorontalo, HI, MpM, nematocyst, Pocillopora sp., Scleractinian cora

    Polychaeta Communities in Subtidal Zone Soft Substrate of Manado Bay, North Sulawesi

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    This study aims to analyze the structure of the Polychaeta community on the soft substrate of the subtidal zone in Manado Bay. Samples were taken by grab at 3 stations namely ST1 located at a depth of 8 m with black mud substrate; ST2 is located at a depth of 26 m with blackish sand substrate, and ST3 are located at a depth of 18 m with blackish sand as a substrate. From the three sampling stations, 27 species of 253 Polychaeta individuals were identified. Station 1, which is located near the mouth of the Bailang River, has high individual abundance but low species diversity. Station 2, which is located near the Megamas area, has moderate individual abundance but high species richness. Station 3, which is located around the Faculty of Medicine, Unsrat Malalayang, has low individual abundance but high species richness. Substrate types and anthropogenic disturbances such as enrichment of organic matter are thought to be determinants of individual abundance, composition, and species richness of Polychaeta in Manado Bay.Keywords: Polychaeta; biodiversity; soft substrate; Manado BayAbstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis struktur komunitas Polychaeta pada substrat lunak zona subtidal di Teluk Manado. Sampel diambil dengan grab pada 3 stasiun yakni ST1 terletak pada kedalaman 8 m dengan substrat lumpur berwarna hitam; ST2 terletak pada kedalaman 26 m dengan substrat pasir berwarna kehitaman; dan ST3 terletak pada kedalaman 18 m dengan substrat pasir berwarna kehitaman. Dari tiga stasiun sampling tersebut berhasil diidentifikasi 27 spesies dari 253 individu Polychaeta. Stasiun 1 yang terletak dekat muara Sungai Bailang memiliki kelimpahan individu tinggi tetapi keanekaragaman spesies rendah. Stasiun 2 yang terletak dekat kawasan Megamas memiliki kelimpahan individu sedang tetapi kekayaan spesies tinggi. Stasiun 3 yang terletak di sekitar pemukiman belakang Fakultas Kedokteran Unsrat Malalayang memiliki kelimpahan individu rendah tetapi kekayaan spesies tinggi. Jenis substrat dan gangguan antropogenik seperti pengayaan bahan organik diduga merupakan faktor penentu kelimpahan individu, komposisi dan kekayaan spesies Polychaeta di Teluk Manado. Kata Kunci: Polychaeta; keanekaragaman hayati; substrat lunak; Teluk Manad