507 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Mikroba Pelarut Fosfat Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Serapan Hara P Benih Kakao (Theobroma Cacao L.)

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    Mudah diserap oleh perakaran tanaman sehingga dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan efisiensi pemupukan anorganik, namun demikian pengaruhnya terhadap benih kakao (Theobroma cacao L.) belum banyak diketahui. Oleh karena itu, telah dilakukan penelitian untuk menguji pengaruh mikroba pelarut fosfat terhadap pertumbuhan dan serapan hara P benih kakao. Penelitian dilakukan di rumah kaca Balai Penelitian Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar, Sukabumi mulai Januari sampai Desember 2012. Perlakuan yang dicoba yaitu A) subsoil (kontrol), B) subsoil + NPK, C) subsoil + pukan (1:1), D) subsoil + zeolit (0,5 kg/10 kg), E) subsoil + pukan + zeolit, F) subsoil + MPF, G) subsoil + NPK + MPF, H) subsoil + pukan + NPK + MPF, I) subsoil + zeolit + NPK + MPF, dan J) subsoil + pukan + zeolit + NPK + MPF. MPF diisolasi dari tanah perakaran kakao rakyat di Kabupaten Kolaka, Sulawesi Tenggara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa inokulasi MPF yang dikombinasikan dengan pemberian pupuk NPK mampu meningkatkan tinggi tanaman dan bobot biomassa benih kakao sampai umur 12 minggu setelah perlakuan. Perlakuan MPF + NPK menghasilkan tinggi tanaman, bobot biomassa, dan serapan P tertinggi dibandingkan perlakuan lainnya. Isolat MPF yang dikombinasikan dengan pemberian NPK mampu meningkatkan serapan hara P oleh benih kakao sampai 3,07 kali.Kata Kunci: Theobroma cacao L., benih, mikroba pelarut fosfat, MPF, pertumbuhan, serapan hara PPhosphate solubilizing microbes (PSM) has been known capable of dissolving unavailable phosphates in the soil to the form that easily absorbed by crops so that increases crop growth and inorganic fertilizer efficiency, however in cacao it has not been known. The objective of the study was to evaluate the role of phosphate solubilizing microbes to the growth and P nutrient uptake by cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) seedlings. The experiment was conducted in the Greenhouse of Indonesian Industrial and Beverage Crops Research Institute, Sukabumi from January to December 2012. Treatments were arranged as follows: A) Subsoil (control), B) Subsoil + NPK, C) Subsoil + organic matter (1:1), D) Subsoil + zeolite (0.5 kg/10 kg), E) Subsoil + organic matter + zeolites, F) Subsoil + PSM, G) Subsoil + NPK + PSM, H) Subsoil + organic matter + NPK + PSM, I) Subsoil + zeolite + NPK + PSM, dan J) Subsoil + organic matter + zeolite + NPK + PSM. The results showed that PSM combined with NPK enhanced plant height and weight of the biomass of cacao seedling until 12 weeks after treatment (WAT). The treatment of PSM+NPK resulted in the highest plant height, biomass, and P nutrient uptake compared with others. PSM combined with NPK fertilizer are able to increase threefold P nutrient uptake by cacao seedling

    High Percentage of Rare Earth Element Connection with the Accumulation Sediment as Response Longshore Currents in the Belitung Waters

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    The study area is geographically located in the West coast of Belitung island at coordinates 105o48'00" - 106o06' 00" E and 06o46'00" - 06o50' 00" S. The beach and coastal area is influenced by wave energy from the West and North directions The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between the zone of sediment accumulation of empirical approaches on oceanography parameter containing rare earth elements. The approach used is to predict the shore wave energy using wave prediction curve deep waters to obtain the energy flux of the wave at each point of reference. Sediments containing rare earth elements tend to lead to the south as a result of the movement of longshore currents. Regional coastal area of the western part of the island of Belitung, especially in the southern part of the estuary of the river Tanjung Pandan is estimated to be a zone of sediment accumulation. The movement of sediment caused by wave energy from the north led to sedimentation evolved significantly in the south which is thought to contain rare earths minerals derived from land. This sedimentation process takes place on a seasonal basis, which allegedly took place in the west. The movement of sediment to the south of the mouth of the Cerucuk River it is predicted that rare earth elements were supplied from these rivers tend to settle in the southern part of the estuary Cerucuk throughout the year.Keywords: accumulation of sediment, longshore currents, rare earth elements offshore Belitung Lokasi daerah penelitian secara geografis terletak di pesisir pantai barat Pulau Belitung pada koordinat 105o48'00" - 106o06'00" BT dan 06o46'00" - 06o50'00"LS. Pesisir pantai termasuk pantai terbuka terhadap pengaruh energi gelombang dari arah barat dan utara. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk melakukan analisis hubungan antara zona akumulasi sedimen dari pendekatan empirik parameter osenografi dan kandungan unsur tanah jarang. Pendekatan yang digunakan yaitu dengan memprediksi energi gelombang pantai menggunakan kurva prediksi gelombang perairan dalam untuk memperoleh energi fluks gelombang pada setiap titik referensi. Pengendapan sedimen bermuatan unsur tanah jarang cenderung mengarah ke selatan sebagai akibat dari pergerakan arus sejajar pantai. Daerah kawasan pesisir bagian barat Pulau Belitung terutama di bagian selatan muara sungai Tanjung Pandan diperkirakan menjadi zona akumulasi sedimen. Pergerakan sedimen akibat dari energi gelombang dari arah utara menyebabkan adanya sedimentasi berkembang cukup signifikan di bagian selatan yang diduga bermuatan mineral unsur tanah jarang asal dari darat. Proses sedimentasi ini berlangsung secara musiman, yang kemungkinan berlangsung pada musim barat. Adanya pergerakan sedimen ke arah selatan dari muara Sungai Cerucuk maka diperkirakan unsur tanah jarang yang dipasok dari sungai tersebut cenderung mengendap di bagian selatan dari muara Sungai Cerucuk sepanjang tahun

    Studi Simulasi Reservoir untuk Pengembangan Lapangan Dinar Reef β€˜Dap\u27

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    Lapangan DINARReef DAP7 merupakan lapangan yang telah produksi sejak tahun 2010.Lapangan tersebut mempunyai Original Oil In Place (OOIP) yang cukup besar yaitu 14.779MMSTB. Namun dikarenakan hanya satu sumur yang berproduksi minyak pada lapangan tersebutmaka pengurasan menjadi tidak optimal sehingga perlu dilakukan perencanaan pengembanganlapangan. Perencanaan pengembangan pada Lapangan DINAR Reef DAP dilakukan denganmodel 3D yang menggunakan software simulasi. Grid model reservoir yang digunakanberporositas tunggal atau disebut juga dengan single porosity. Porosity dengan jumlah grid cell 22x 17 x 174 dan dengan total cell 65076. Studi simulasi reservoir pada Lapangan DINAR ReefDAP7 Menggunakan 3 skenario prediksi. Pengembangan lapangan dalam kurva waktu 10 tahun.Skenario I adalah skenario prediksi dengan memproduksi sumur tanpa melakukan pekerjaanapapun, Skenario II adalah skenario prediksi dengan melakukan pengeboran side track padasumur ke dua, Skenario III yaitu skenario prediksi dengan melakukan injeksi air. Hasil yang didapatdari studi ini menunjukkan bahwa control laju aliran maksimum minyak dengan melakukan injeksiair berpengaruh secara signifikan, baik dalam memaksimalkan pengurasan maupun menjagatekanan agar tidak cepat turun. Sehingga dapat dikatakan skenario III dapat dijadikan acuansebagai perencanaan pengembangan Lapangan DINAR Reef DAP7.

    Prestasi Belajar Matematika Ditinjau dari Kepercayaan Diri dan Keaktifan Siswa di Kelas

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    . The purpose of the study was to analyze whether there is influence confidence and activity of students in the class of the mathematics achievement class VIII SMP Negeri 208 Jakarta. The research method in this study is a survey method through correlation techniques. The population in this study were all students of class VIII SMP 208. Sampling techniques using random sampling techniques,. The amount of a sample group of 40 students. Confidence data collection instruments, and active participation by students in class with each of 30 questionnaires and data collection Mathematics Learning Achievement through documents UAS value. Then test data requirements that normality test with chi-square test, which marks the third data Xh <Xt, namely Confidence (5.65 <7.815), active participation by students in Grades (1.42 <7.815), mathematics Learning Achievement (0, 39 <7.815), then three normal distribution. The next test of linearity regression with ? = 0.05. Mathematics Learning Achievement on Self Confidence Fh <Ft (1.015 <2.35), then H0 is accepted concluded subsequent linear regression model patterned Mathematics Learning Achievement of the activeness of students in Grades Fh <Ft (0.4753 <2.13) H0 accepted, patterned linear regression model. Hypothesis testing technique used is the technique of double correlation. Double correlation test with ? = 0.05, then to DK1 = 2 and obtained Ftabel dk2 = 37 = 3.25. Because Fh> Ft (6.87 <3.25) is high, we conclude that together a significant difference between Confidence and active participation by students in Grades towards mathematics achievemen

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Akademik pada TK Dalilussa'adah Berbasis Web

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    Utilization of informatics technology in business especially in education field can reduce the potential mistake of data processing compared to manual data processing. This study aims to build information system of academic at kindergarden Dalilussa'adah Karawang. The advantage is to provide convenience in processing the value of report cards and teaching scheduling. This application is implemented with, PHP programming language, MySQL database as data storage media. Test method using black box testing with structured approach. Approach to the development of systems equipped with flow map tools, context diagrams, DFD, data dictionary, ERD, table relationships and waterfall methods that create the initial form of the system to be created and continuously tested and developed. Information system of academic at kindergarden Dalilussa'adah Karawang are still done manually, so these can cause data errors caused by human error factor. This web-based application is designed online so teachers and homers can see the teaching schedule and input student grades. The results of scheduling teaching and processing of student report cards can be viewed and processed as reports in the form of useful information for homeroom teachers and students. The results of this study are expected to answer the difficulties that are often faced by the teaching, curriculum, teachers and homeroom so that it can be much more efficient and effective. This application is also expected to be a reference for other researchers and then can develop it for further research

    Structural analysis of the human SYCE2-TEX12 complex provides molecular insights into synaptonemal complex assembly

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    The successful completion of meiosis is essential for all sexually reproducing organisms. The synaptonemal complex (SC) is a large proteinaceous structure that holds together homologous chromosomes during meiosis, providing the structural framework for meiotic recombination and crossover formation. Errors in SC formation are associated with infertility, recurrent miscarriage and aneuploidy. The current lack of molecular information about the dynamic process of SC assembly severely restricts our understanding of its function in meiosis. Here, we provide the first biochemical and structural analysis of an SC protein component and propose a structural basis for its function in SC assembly. We show that human SC proteins SYCE2 and TEX12 form a highly stable, constitutive complex, and define the regions responsible for their homotypic and heterotypic interactions. Biophysical analysis reveals that the SYCE2–TEX12 complex is an equimolar hetero-octamer, formed from the association of an SYCE2 tetramer and two TEX12 dimers. Electron microscopy shows that biochemically reconstituted SYCE2–TEX12 complexes assemble spontaneously into filamentous structures that resemble the known physical features of the SC central element (CE). Our findings can be combined with existing biological data in a model of chromosome synapsis driven by growth of SYCE2–TEX12 higher-order structures within the CE of the SC

    Sistem Kultivasi Organik Pada Kacang Tanah (Arachis Hypogea L.) Dengan Memanfaatkan Tingkat Kematangan Kompos

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    In order to support a sustainable agriculture system, an organic farming purpose had been carried out all through groundnut cultivation. In this experiment, the combination of phosphate solubilizing bacteria (Pseudomonas sp.), fixing nitrogen bacteria (Rhizobium spp.), and fungal degrading cellulose (Trichoderma sp. and Aspergillus sp.) were used as inoculant. Organic substrate as a green manure compost and cattle waste was mixing with the inoculant to utilize into biofertilizer improvement. Full and half fermented compost materials designed for soil augmentation. Half fermented compost materials exploited to semi-on-site-composting practice in appropriate to fuel plant growth. Result of the treatment evaluated through plant growth and the pods yield. There have not significant different among biofertilizer handling, and all have the exclusion to the control. As du

    Potensi Pengembangan Kemiri Sunan (Reutealis Trisperma (Blanco) Airy Shaw)di Lahan Terdegradasi

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    The Multiple Benefits of Developing Kemiri Sunan (Reutealis trisperma (Blanco) Airy Shaw) In Degraded LandKemiri sunan (Reutealis trisperma (Blanco) Airy Shaw) is one kind of vegetable oil crops that have great potential as a source of raw material for biodiesel. The productivity level that can reach 8-9 tons of crude oil, equivalent to 6-8 tons of biodiesel/ha/year make as a strategic commodity associated with government programs to find alternative sources of renewable energy. Development of renewable energy such as from vegetable oils of kemiri sunan is one of the alternatives in an effort to solve the deficit of energy for domestic use so that Indonesia can way out of the crush of the energy crisis. Lands that have been degraded in Indonesia continuously increasing both cause of the extent of natural factors and uncontrolled exploitation. On the other hand the development of this plants retricted by aviability of land. The research88 Volume 14 Nomor 2, Des 2015 : 87 - 101 studies have been conducted on the characteristics of plants, oil and biodiesel production, and adaptability in very broadly of Indonesian agro-ecosystem, this plant show well hopes besides as a source of raw material for biodiesel, it can also function as a conservation plant to reclaim marginal lands that have been degraded. In addition, the development of kemiri sunan on degraded land will not only be able to increase the economic value of the land, but also can be used as crops of high economic value, and able to provide for the energy needs of the surrounding communities and to the wider region

    Karya Patung Ikan Hiu dengan Media Limbah Anorganik (Limbah Anorganik Besi sebagai Sumber Media Berkarya Patung)

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    Karya Patung Ikan Hiu dengan Media Limbah Anorganik ini dilatar belakangi oleh ketertarikan penulis terhadap ikan hiu, dan pemanfaatan limbah anorganik besi yang penulis wujudkan dalam karya seni patung. Ikan hiu adalah ikan yang bersifat agresif dalam bertahan hidup. Penulis menganalogikan sikap tersebut pada kehidupan manusia dalam mempertahankan kelangsungan hidupnya. Limbah anorganik besi adalah limbah yang bersifat solid sehingga sulit diurai. Selain itu juga, limbah tersebut mempunyai bentuk yang menarik sehingga penulis tertarik untuk mengolahnya. Pembuatan kerangka ikan hiu dengan menggunakan besi beton ukuran lima milimeter adalah proses awal. Setelah pembuatan kerangka, penulis memilih beberapa macam limbah anorganik besi seperti limbah mesin mobil (matahari, kopling, laher, bel klakson dan lain sebagainya), mesin motor (kanvas rem, gear, cakram, rantai, shock braiker, dan lain sebagainya), sepeda kayuh (gear, sadel, pengayuh dan lain sebagainya) untuk dirangkai dengan teknik konstruksi las listrik pada kerangka menjadi patung ikan hiu. Dalam proses penempelan limbah besi pada kerangka, ada limbah yang bentuknya dipotong (tidak utuh) dan ada pula yang tidak mengalami pemotongan (utuh). Penulis menampilkan tiga karya ikan hiu yang bersifat saling berkesinambungan satu dengan lainnya. Yakni patung gesture mengintai mangsa, patung gesture siap-siap menerkam mangsa dan patung gesture setelah menerkam mangsa
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