16 research outputs found

    Rickettsial detection in different mosquito species collected in Côte d’Ivoire, Gabon, and Senegal.

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    *<p>One sample (N.101761) was positive for a <i>Rickettsia</i>-specific real-time PCR that targeted two different genes and for an <i>R. felis-</i>specific real-time PCR that targeted two species-specific genes.</p>CI:<p>Number of positive samples: 101761*; 101731; 101729; 101733; 101722; 101728.</p>GL:<p>Number of positive sample: 12942.</p>GPG:<p>Number of positive samples: 10244; 10109; 10251; 10111; 10296; 10110.</p

    Minimum evolutionary tree using a bootstrap analysis for the putative novel <i>Rickettsia</i> species.

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    <p>The nearest GenBank sequences (showed at the end of the <i>Rickettsia</i> name) were aligned using the multi-sequence alignment ClustalX and BioEdit programs. The phylogenetic tree was constructed using parsimony and maximum-likelihood methods.</p

    Sequence similarity between the sequenced <i>Rickettsia</i> species detected in mosquitoes and <i>R. felis</i> URRWXCal2 (CP000053) [32].

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    <p>Sequence similarity between the sequenced <i>Rickettsia</i> species detected in mosquitoes and <i>R. felis</i> URRWXCal2 (CP000053) <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0048254#pone.0048254-Ogata1" target="_blank">[32]</a>.</p

    The spatial distribution of <i>Plasmodium falciparum</i> entomological inoculation rate (PfEIR) and <i>Rickettsia felis</i> infection incidence.

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    <p>2010 Malaria Atlas Project, available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0048254#pone.0048254-Gething1" target="_blank">[57]</a>.</p

    kdr mutation in <i>An. gambiae</i> before and after the implementation of LLINs.

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    <p>Proportion (and 95% CI) of <i>An. gambiae</i> with L1014F homozygote mutation (RR), heterozygote mutation (RS) or wild type (SS) sampled 24-13 months (n = 228) and 12-0 months (n = 99) before the implementation of long lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs) in July 2008, 0–12 months (n = 327) and 13–30 months after (n = 582).</p

    Molecular forms of <i>An. gambiae s.l.</i> among dead and surviving mosquitoes after insecticide exposure.

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    <p>Proportion and number of mosquitoes belonging to <i>An. arabiensis</i> specie and <i>An. gambiae s.s</i>. molecular form M, MS and S assessed after insecticide sensitivity in both dead and surviving (when available) mosquitoes.</p

    kdr-w mutation genotypes and allelic frequencies among dead and surviving mosquitoes after insecticide exposure.

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    <p>Proportion and number of mosquitoes with kdr-w genotype SS (sensitive, sensitive), SR (resistant, sensitive) and RR (resistant, resistant) and corresponding allelic frequency assessed after insecticide sensibility in both dead and surviving (when available) mosquitoes.</p

    kdr-w genotypes and allelic frequencies among the different molecular forms of <i>An. gambiae s.l</i>.

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    <p>Proportion and number of mosquitoes belonging to <i>An. arabiensis</i> species and <i>An. gambiae s.s</i>. molecular form M, MS and S and presenting kdr-w mutation genotypes SS, SR, and RR (Fisher exact test p<0.001) and corresponding allelic frequency.</p

    Bioassay susceptibility tests in 2010.

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    <p>Mortality rate (%) 24 hours after exposition, 50 and 95% knockdown (KDT<sub>50</sub> KDT<sub>95</sub>) time (min) with 95% confidence interval (CI), obtained on 100 <i>An. gambiae</i> for each insecticide tested. na: not applicable, 95% knock down time exceeded 80 min.</p

    Anti-PT seroprevalence at T1 in all villages according to age category.

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    a<p>Chi-square test has been performed.</p>b<p>Kruskal-Wallis test between IgG responses according to the villages.</p>c<p>Mann-Whitney test has been performed for children of the same villages.</p