63 research outputs found

    Kreativitätsförderung durch die Mind-Map-Technik: Effektivität, Einfluss von Rahmenbedingungen und konzeptuelle Weiterentwicklung

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    Malycha CP. Kreativitätsförderung durch die Mind-Map-Technik: Effektivität, Einfluss von Rahmenbedingungen und konzeptuelle Weiterentwicklung. Bielefeld: Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld; 2015.Mit spezifischen Kreativitätstechniken kann das Kreativitätspotential von Individuen unterstützt und somit die Innovationskraft von Organisationen gesteigert werden. Kreativitätstrainings, die sowohl die Aktivierung von Wissen als auch die konzeptuelle Kombination fördern, zeigten in Metaanalysen die größten positiven Effekte auf die kreative Leistung. Visualisierungstechniken, wie die Mind-Map-Technik, fördern durch ihren netzartigen Aufbau, in dem gleichzeitig die Makrostruktur und die Details der Informationen sichtbar sind, genau diese beiden Phasen. Auch wenn Mind-Maps häufig als Kreativitätstechnik empfohlen werden, existieren bislang keine wissenschaftlichen Studien über ihre Effektivität im Hinblick auf kreatives Problemlösen. Diese wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit in drei experimentellen Studien untersucht. In Studie 1 wurden zunächst die differentiellen Effekte der Mind-Map-Technik im Hinblick auf kreatives Problemlösen untersucht. Es wurden signifikante Effekt auf die Quantität und die Variabilität der Ideen gefunden, sowie ein nicht signifikanter Effekt auf die Originalität der Ideen. Die weiteren beiden Studien bauten auf den Erkenntnissen von Studie 1 auf. So wurden in Studie 2 Rahmenbedingungen der Mind-Map-Technik spezifiziert. Neben einer zusätzlichen Unterstützung durch vorgezeichnete Mind-Maps, wurde die Komplexität der Aufgaben variiert. Es zeigte sich, dass die ressourcenschonende Unterstützung durch vorgezeichnete Maps insbesondere bei komplexen Aufgaben zu einem großen Anstieg der kreativen Leistung führte. In Studie 3 wurde die Mind-Map-Technik mit einer weiteren Kreativitätstechnik, der Random-Input-Technik, kombiniert, um neben der Quantität und der Variabilität auch gezielt die Originalität der Ideen zu fördern. Die Random-Input-Technik ist darauf ausgerichtet neue Konzepte in die Lösungsfindung mit einzubeziehen und so die Phase der konzeptuellen Kombination gezielt zu fördern. Die Ergebnisse wiesen eine inkrementelle Steigerung der kombinierten Technik im Vergleich zu den beiden Einzeltechniken auf, die auf einen additiven Effekt bei der gleichzeitigen Förderung verschiedener Kreativitätsphasen hindeutet. Um generalisierbare Aussagen über die unterschiedlichen Befunde treffen zu können, wurden abschließend die Ergebnisse der drei unabhängigen Studien metaanalytisch integriert. Es wurden signifikante und große Effekte bei der Anwendung der Mind-Map-Technik in allen drei Kreativitätsdimensionen gefunden. Damit konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Anwendung der Mind-Map-Technik wesentlich zur Steigerung der Kreativität beiträgt. Ihre weite Verbreitung hat somit durchaus ihre Berechtigung

    The Influence of Intrinsic Motivation and Synergistic Extrinsic Motivators on Creativity and Innovation

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    Despite the vast amount of research focusing on intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, the effects of extrinsic motivators on creativity and innovation have been scarcely investigated. Extrinsic factors can be seen as synergistic extrinsic motivators when they have a positive effect on the outcome. The present study investigates synergistic extrinsic motivators that organizations can use to foster creativity and innovation of their intrinsically motivated knowledge workers. The analysis is based on Amabile and Pratt’s dynamic componential model of creativity and innovation in organizations combined with elements from Ryan and Deci’s self-determination theory. The quantitative data stemmed from 90 knowledge workers of an international consulting company who participated in an online self-assessment. In exploratory factor analyses, extrinsic motivation items consolidated two factors “relational rewards” and “transactional rewards”, while creativity and innovation items resulted in a one-factor solution, called “creativity/innovation performance”.The results of hierarchical regression analyses confirmed the widely found positive effects of intrinsic motivation on creative and innovative performance. Moreover, the results supported the hypothesis that the extrinsic motivator, relational rewards, moderated the relationship between intrinsic motivation and creativity/innovation performance significantly and positively. The findings showed the higher the perceived probability of receiving relational rewards and the higher the intrinsic motivation, the greater the positive effect on creative/innovative outcomes. At the same time, the results did not confirm the hypothesis, that the moderator transactional rewards had a statistically significant effect on the relationship between intrinsic motivation and creative/innovative performance. Finally, the empirical evidence provided practical implications on how to stimulate the creativity/innovation performance of knowledge workers within organizations

    Quality metrics for the evaluation of Rapid Response Systems: Proceedings from the third international consensus conference on Rapid Response Systems.

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    BACKGROUND: Clinically significant deterioration of patients admitted to general wards is a recognized complication of hospital care. Rapid Response Systems (RRS) aim to reduce the number of avoidable adverse events. The authors aimed to develop a core quality metric for the evaluation of RRS. METHODS: We conducted an international consensus process. Participants included patients, carers, clinicians, research scientists, and members of the International Society for Rapid Response Systems with representatives from Europe, Australia, Africa, Asia and the US. Scoping reviews of the literature identified potential metrics. We used a modified Delphi methodology to arrive at a list of candidate indicators that were reviewed for feasibility and applicability across a broad range of healthcare systems including low and middle-income countries. The writing group refined recommendations and further characterized measurement tools. RESULTS: Consensus emerged that core outcomes for reporting for quality improvement should include ten metrics related to structure, process and outcome for RRS with outcomes following the domains of the quadruple aim. The conference recommended that hospitals should collect data on cardiac arrests and their potential predictability, timeliness of escalation, critical care interventions and presence of written treatment goals for patients remaining on general wards. Unit level reporting should include the presence of patient activated rapid response and metrics of organizational culture. We suggest two exploratory cost metrics to underpin urgently needed research in this area. CONCLUSION: A consensus process was used to develop ten metrics for better understanding the course and care of deteriorating ward patients. Others are proposed for further development

    Sentinel lymph node biopsy - Commentary

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    Article first published online: 19 JUN 2003Peter Malych

    RE: Training of breast surgeons

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    Surgeon-initiated and -managed randomized controlled trial to evaluate axillary sentinel node surgery in breast cancer

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    Article first published online: 17 MAR 2005Peter Malych

    National breast surgery audit

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    BackgroundSurgical audit is routinely conducted throughout the surgical community in order to examine practice in a peer-review environment. A national audit for breast cancer surgery has been implemented in Australia and New Zealand. It aims to standardize the way in which surgical activities are recorded. The present paper describes the development and implementation of the audit project.MethodsAn audit kit including instruction manual, data dictionary and choice of two data collection instruments (paper or database) were distributed among participants. Surgeons record their patients prospectively, submit data to central office and provide feedback.ResultsInformation on 3000 breast cancer patients has been collected within the first 6 months.ConclusionThe project has been successfully implemented and is continuing to develop. Many surgeons have incorporated the patient record forms in their routine case management activities. Comments and other submissions have been reviewed and changes incorporated into the second and subsequent releases of the kit

    Clinician-performed ultrasound in assessing potentially malignant thyroid nodules

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    Background: Ultrasound (US) is used in the workup of thyroid nodules. Ultrasonographic characteristics, such as an ill-defined margin, hypoechoicity or fine calcifications, are known to be associated with malignant thyroid lesions. The association between these characteristics and the risk of malignancy has been reported predominantly from series published where US is performed in radiology departments. Clinician-performed ultrasound (CPU) is increasingly being used as a modality, although there is little published literature validating this practice. Method: A prospectively collected database of known ultrasonographic characteristics of malignancy as determined by CPU on thyroid nodules is reported and correlated against adequate cytology or operative histopathology. Results: In total, 157 thyroid nodules (28 malignant, 129 benign) were included and characteristics of poorly defined capsule (sensitivity 46%, specificity 91%), absence of halo (sensitivity 54%, specificity 80%), hypoechoicity (sensitivity 79%, specificity 54%), heterogeneity (sensitivity 64%, specificity 68%), fine calcifications (sensitivity 36%, specificity 95%) and central blood supply (sensitivity 71%, specificity 69%) were found to be associated with malignant thyroid nodules. Negative-predictive values (NPVs) for these characteristics were consistently high (89%, 89%, 92%, 90%, 87% and 94%, respectively). Discussion: These results are consistent with the previously published datasets of ultrasonographic characteristics of malignancy and validate the use of CPU. The consistently high NPV suggests that the absence of ultrasonographic characteristics of malignancy correlates well with benign lesions. CPU is a reliable and useful tool in the hands of surgeons assessing and following potentially malignancy thyroid nodules.Peter W. Hamer, Sebastian R. Aspinall and Peter L. Malych

    The random-map technique enhancing mind-mapping with a conceptual combination technique to foster creative potential

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    Malycha CP, Maier GW. The random-map technique enhancing mind-mapping with a conceptual combination technique to foster creative potential. Creativity Research Journal. 2017;29(2):114-124.Although creativity techniques are highly recommended in working environments, their effects have been scarcely investigated. Two cognitive processes are often considered to foster creative potential and are therefore taken as a basis for creativity techniques: knowledge activation and conceptual combination. In the present study both processes were enhanced individually and jointly with an appropriate technique. Knowledge activation was fostered by the mind-map technique and conceptual combination by the random-input technique. The random-map technique evolved from merging these two techniques together. The two different techniques were tested in a 2x2 factorial experimental design with 80 participants. It was assumed that (a) both individual techniques would enhance creative potential when compared to the control group, and (b) the combined technique would lead to more creative potential than implementing the techniques individually. Results showed an increased creativity level of each of the individual techniques when compared to the control group. The combined creativity technique resulted in even higher creativity level when compared to both individual techniques. Thus, fostering different creativity processes jointly had an additive effect on creative potential

    Differential Effects of the Mind Map Technique to the creative Solution of unstructured Problems

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    Malycha CP, Maier GW. Differentielle Effekte der Mind-Map-Technik auf das kreative Lösen von unstrukturierten Problemen. Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie. 2012;26(2):149-157
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