11 research outputs found

    Pengaruh perubahan remapping ecu terhadap torsi dan daya pada sepeda motor honda cb 150 r

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    ABSTRAKPerkembangan teknologi yang semakin pesat khususnya dibidang transportasi darat memicu para enginers berlomba lomba menemukan cara yang efektif dan efisien agar kendaraan tersebut khusunya kendaraan roda 2 berbasis EFI lebih bertenaga tanpa harus merubah komponen mesin yaitu dengan cara reset ulang ECU. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menyelidiki pengaruh remapping ECU pada sepeda motor Honda CB 150 R terhadap perubahan torsi dan daya. Variabel yang diteliti yaitu remapping RPM 11500 12000 12500. Pengujian torsi dan daya dilakukan menggunakan dynamometer dengan menggunakan bahan bakar pertalite pada percepatan gigi 4. Hasil dari penelitian yang telah dilakukanmenunjukan bahwa sepeda motor Honda CB 150 R menggunakan ECU standar menghasilkan daya tertinggi 14,7 HP pada putaran mesin 9500 RPMdan torsi tertinggi 13,21 NM pada putaran mesin 7000 RPM. Setelah ECU di remapping daya tertinggi 15,3 HP pada RPM 9500 dan torsi tertinggi 13,65 NM pada 7000 RPM pada variabel perubahan 1 yaitu 11500 RPM. Ada perbedaan kenaikan daya sebesar 0,6 HP dan torsi 0,41NM. Dapat disimpulkan dari penelitian remapping ECU Honda CB 150 R mengalami kenaikan dan berpengaruh pada torsi dan daya

    Analysis of Temperature Distribution and Reactor Material in Microwave

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    One way to use biomass waste is to convertit into solid fuel or commonly called briquettes. To obtain good quality biomass briquettes, the biomass raw material is processed in biochar through a slow heating process at low temperatures known as to reflation. One of the efficient heating technologies to carry out the to refaction process is to use microwave radiation. In addition, the purpose of this study is one of the results of applied research funded by Ristekdikti through DPRM in 2019. The purpose of this study Is to determine the temperature required by a microwave transformer using the computational fluid dynamics method ( CFD). The variables in this study were variations in powerof 100 W, 150 W and 200 W with time variations of each power of 30 minutes, 60 minutes, 90 minutes and 120 minutes. The results showed that the best temperature was reached by a device with a voltage of 150 W with a burning time of 90 minutes. A good material used for reactors with low conductivity (glass) produce shigh temperatures (45, 105, 165, 225 oC) at 30, 60, 90, 120 minutes

    Analisa Laju Perpindahan Panas Counter Flow Heat Exchanger skala laboratorium dengan aliran berulir

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    Penggunaan Heat Exchanger dengan berbagai macam bentuk dan model telah banyak di lakukan diantaranya dengan menggunakan Turbulator sebagai penghalang dan pengantar panas,Penelitian tentang counter flowheat exchanger menggunakan berbagai bentuk spiral yang ditempatkan pada pipa bagian dalam telah dilakukan dengan merubah berbagai macam turbulator. Characteristicof performance counter flow heat exchangerakan berubah sesuai dengan turbulensi yang terjadi. Metode eksperimendengan rancangan percobaan berskala laboratorium menggunakan satu set up peralatan double tube heat exchanger merupakan metode yang digunakan dan hasil yang diperole padaLaju perpindahan kalor tertinggi terdapat pada debit terbesar dengan diameter luar Poros berulur 18 mmdengan kedalaman 9 mm sebesar 24,45 J/s dan Laju perpidahan kalor terkecil pada debit 100 kedalaman 5 diameter 16 mm sebesar 14,03 J/s sedangkan Efektifitas terbesar di peroleh oleh debit 100 kedalaman 5 mm sebesar 88.77 % . Kata Kunci : heat exchanger, Ketinggian Ulir Poros, debit air panas,Laju perpindahan Panas

    Evaluation of melting behaviour of Nickel, Titanium, and NiTi alloy using EAM and MEAM type potential

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    The atomic level study of NiTi alloy at high temperature is very important to understand the mechanism of NiTi fabrication, in partial the process during the hot working. In the atomic investigation using molecular dynamics simulation, the use of the interatomic potential greatly affects the results. Therefore, the suitability of the interatomic potential applied in some specific condition has to be examined. In our previous work, we have tested the performance of EAM and MEAM potential to reproduce the lattice constant of NiTi alloy. Our previous results have shown that the MEAM potential work better than the EAM potential. In this research, we further investigate the performance of EAM and MEAM type potential to describe the melting behavior of nickel, titanium, and NiTi alloy. We find from the current result that the accuracy of the MEAM potential is better than EAM potential in high temperature MD simulations

    Analisa Kekuatan Maksimal bata plastik hasil pengepresan jenis Polyethelene Terephthalate

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    PenggunaanSampah Plastik dariberbagaimacambentukdan model telahbanyak di lakukandiantaranyadengan membuat peralatan dan hiasan dari plastik. Mesin Press sampah plastik ini menggunakan sumber api sebagai media pemanas, Pengolahan sampah plastik perlu dilakukan supaya lingkungan jadi bersih dan tidak terjadi banjir, dan juga hasil dari pengolahan sampah plastik bisa bermanfaat bagi kehidupan manusia. Tanpa kita sadari plastik memiliki 7 jenis plastik yang ada disekitar kita yaitu PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate), HDPE (high density polyethylene), PVC (polyvinyl chloride),LDPE (Low Density Polyethylene), PP (polypropylene), PS (polystyrene) dan OTHER. Dengan suhu 180-250 0C plastik akan meleleh. Proses pegepressan dimulai dengan membersihkan sampah plastik sebelum dimasukan ke dalam mesin press,dari hasil uji kekuatan material sampah plastik jenis PET lebih kuat dengan Temperatur titik leleh pada proses pengepressan sampah plastik jenis PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) adalah 276 įµ’Cdi bandinngkan dengan jenis plastik jenis PP, OTHER dan HDPE sedangkan untuk hasil kekuatan sampah plastik diperoleh data berdasarkan perhitungan beban berdasarkan kekuatan material langsung sebesar 0,35 Kg/Cm^2 dengan ukuran hasil penelitian 35cmx2cmx4,7cm (luas bahan pengujian) didapatkan titik kelenturan sampai patah seberat 24,5 Kg sehingga untuk satu bata keramik plastik (40cm x 40Cm) membutuhkan beban maksimal sebesar 980 Kg

    Pressure dependence of the structure of liquid NiTi: a molecular dynamics study

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    We evaluate the structure of liquid NiTi under various pressures from 0 GPa to 40 GPa in the atomic level using molecular dynamics simulations. The structure factor and radial distribution function are used to investigate the general structural change of the system. Further identification of the local structures is examined by the bond-angle method and bond- angle distribution analysis. From our results, we found that the count of the local structure of fcc, hcp, bcc, and icosahedral short-range order monotonically increase when the pressures increase. We also observed in our results that the size of the local cluster grows as the pressure increases, and the long-range connectivity of the quasi-crystal is achieved at high pressure

    Glassy NiTi produced with diļ¬€erent cooling times: Structural investigation using molecular dynamics simulations

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    In this research we investigate the structure of glassy NiTi using molecular dynamics simulations. The ļ¬nal conļ¬gurations are obtained by decreasing the temperature of liquid NiTi rapidly from 2500 K to 300 K, with various cooling times from 0.1 ns to 2.0 ns. We found that the height of the peak values for structural factors slightly increases with an increase in cooling time. From the analysis of local atomic packing using the bond- angle method, we also ļ¬nd that the count of hexagonal close packed (HCP)-like structure drops at the longer cooling time, a ļ¬nding which is contrary to the trend for body-centered cubic (BCC)-like and icosahedral short- range order (ISRO) structures. It is also observed that face-centered cubic (FCC)-like structure is insensitive to change in cooling time

    Glassy NiTi produced with different cooling times: Structural investigation using molecular dynamics simulations

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    In this research we investigate the structure of glassy NiTi using molecular dynamics simulations. The final configurations are obtained by decreasing the temperature of liquid NiTi rapidly from 2500ā€ÆK to 300ā€ÆK, with various cooling times from 0.1ā€Æns to 2.0ā€Æns. We found that the height of the peak values for structural factors slightly increases with an increase in cooling time. From the analysis of local atomic packing using the bond-angle method, we also find that the count of hexagonal close packed (HCP)-like structure drops at the longer cooling time, a finding which is contrary to the trend for body-centered cubic (BCC)-like and icosahedral short-range order (ISRO) structures. It is also observed that face-centered cubic (FCC)-like structure is insensitive to change in cooling time