1,353 research outputs found

    Sterile neutrinos after the first MiniBooNE results

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    In view of the recent results from the MiniBooNE experiment we revisit the global neutrino oscillation fit to short-baseline neutrino data by adding one, two or three sterile neutrinos with eV-scale masses to the three Standard Model neutrinos. We find that four-neutrino oscillations of the (3+1) type, which have been only marginally allowed before the recent MiniBooNE results, become even more disfavored with the new data. In the framework of so-called (3+2) five-neutrino mass schemes the MiniBooNE results can be nicely reconciled with the LSND appearance evidence thanks to the possibility of CP violation available in such oscillation schemes; however, the tension between appearance and disappearance experiments represents a serious problem in (3+2) schemes, so that these models are ultimately not viable. This tension remains also when a third sterile neutrino is added, and we do not find a significant improvement of the global fit in a (3+3) scheme.Comment: 5 pages, LaTeX file using jpconf style, 3 figures included. Proceedings of "The 2007 Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics", Manchester, England, July 19-25, 2007. Typos correcte

    Impact of two mass-scale oscillations on the analysis of atmospheric and reactor neutrino data

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    We study the stability of the results of 3-nu oscillation analysis of atmospheric and reactor neutrino data under departures of the one--dominant mass scale approximation. In order to do so we perform the analysis of atmospheric and reactor neutrino data in terms of three--neutrino oscillations where the effect of both mass differences is explicitly considered. We study the allowed parameter space resulting from this analysis as a function of the mass splitting hierarchy parameter alpha = Delta m^2/Delta M^2 which parametrizes the departure from the one--dominant mass scale approximation. We consider schemes with both direct and inverted mass ordering. Our results show that in the analysis of atmospheric data the derived range of the largest mass splitting, Delta M^2$, is stable while the allowed ranges of mixing angles sin^2 theta_{23} and sin^2 theta_{13} are wider than those obtained in the one--dominant mass scale approximation. Inclusion of the CHOOZ reactor data in the analysis results into the reduction of the parameter space in particular for the mixing angles. As a consequence the final allowed ranges of parameters from the combined analysis are only slightly broader than when obtained in the one--dominant mass scale approximation.Comment: Updated data, references added and typos corrected. Version to appear in Eur.Phys.J.

    Status of Global Analysis of Neutrino Oscillation Data

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    In this talk we discuss some details of the analysis of neutrino data and our present understanding of neutrino masses and mixing. This talk is based on hep-ph/0306001, hep-ph/0306226 and hep-ph/0404085.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX file using ws-procs9x6, 6 figures included. Talk given by MCGG at the 5th Workshop on "Neutrino Oscillations and their Origin" (NOON2004), Tokyo, Japan, February 11-15, 200

    Robust Cosmological Bounds on Neutrinos and their Combination with Oscillation Results

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    We perform a global analysis of cosmological observables in generalized cosmologies which depart from Λ\LambdaCDM models by allowing non-vanishing curvature Ωk≠0\Omega_k\neq 0, dark energy with equation of state with ω≠−1\omega\neq -1, the presence of additional relativistic degrees of freedom ΔNrel\Delta N_{\rm rel}, and neutrino masses Ων≠0\Omega_\nu\neq 0. By combining the data from cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiments (in particular the latest results from WMAP-7), the present day Hubble constant (H0) measurement, the high-redshift Type-I supernovae (SN) results and the information from large scale structure (LSS) surveys, we determine the parameters in the 10-dimensional parameter space for such models. We present the results from the analysis when the full shape information from the LSS matter power spectrum (LSSPS) is included versus when only the corresponding distance measurement from the baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) is accounted for. We compare the bounds on the neutrino mass scale in these generalized scenarios with those obtained for the 6+1 parameter analysis in ΛCDM+mν\Lambda{\rm CDM}+m_\nu models and we also study the dependence of those on the set of observables included in the analysis. Finally we combine these results with the information on neutrino mass differences and mixing from the global analysis of neutrino oscillation experiments and derive the presently allowed ranges for the two laboratory probes of the absolute scale of neutrino mass: the effective electron neutrino mass in single beta decay and the effective Majorana neutrino mass in neutrinoless ββ\beta\beta decay.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures. Acknowledgments correcte

    Updated global fit to three neutrino mixing: status of the hints of theta13 > 0

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    We present an up-to-date global analysis of solar, atmospheric, reactor and accelerator neutrino data in the framework of three-neutrino oscillations. We discuss in detail the statistical significance of the observed "hint" of non-zero theta13 in the solar sector at the light of the latest experimental advances, such as the Borexino spectral data, the lower value of Gallium rate recently measured in SAGE, and the low energy threshold analysis of the combined SNO phase I and phase II. We also study the robustness of the results under changes of the inputs such as the choice of solar model fluxes and a possible modification of the Gallium capture cross-section as proposed by SAGE. In the atmospheric sector we focus on the latest results for nu_e appearance from MINOS and on the recent Super-Kamiokande results from the combined phases I, II and III, and we discuss their impact on the determination of theta13. Finally, we combine all the data into a global analysis and determine the presently allowed ranges of masses and mixing.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures. Acknowledgments correcte

    On the Determination of Leptonic CP Violation and Neutrino Mass Ordering in Presence of Non-Standard Interactions: Present Status

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    We perform a global analysis of neutrino data in the framework of three massive neutrinos with non-standard neutrino interactions which affect their evolution in the matter background. We focus on the effect of NSI in the present observables sensitive to leptonic CP violation and to the mass ordering. We consider complex neutral current neutrino interactions with quarks whose lepton-flavor structure is independent of the quark type. We quantify the status of the "hints" for CP violation, the mass-ordering and non-maximality of θ23\theta_{23} in these scenarios. We also present a parametrization-invariant formalism for leptonic CP violation in presence of a generalized matter potential induced by NSI.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figure

    Updated fit to three neutrino mixing: status of leptonic CP violation

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    We present a global analysis of solar, atmospheric, reactor and accelerator neutrino data in the framework of three-neutrino oscillations based on data available in summer 2014. We provide the allowed ranges of the six oscillation parameters and show that their determination is stable with respect to uncertainties related to reactor neutrino and solar neutrino flux predictions. We find that the maximal possible value of the Jarlskog invariant in the lepton sector is 0.0329±0.00090.0329 \pm 0.0009 (±0.0027\pm 0.0027) at the 1σ1\sigma (3σ3\sigma) level and we use leptonic unitarity triangles to illustrate the ability of global oscillation data to obtain information on CP violation. We discuss "tendencies and tensions" of the global fit related to the octant of θ23\theta_{23} as well as the CP violating phase δCP\delta_\mathrm{CP}. The favored values of δCP\delta_\mathrm{CP} are around 3π/23\pi/2 while values around π/2\pi/2 are disfavored at about Δχ2≃6\Delta\chi^2 \simeq 6. We comment on the non-trivial task to assign a confidence level to this Δχ2\Delta\chi^2 value by performing a Monte Carlo study of T2K data.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figures, 1 table. Typos corrected. Updated results of the global fit will be available at http://www.nu-fit.org
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