25 research outputs found

    Mitochondrial effects of dexamethasone imply both membrane and cytosolic-initiated pathways in HepG2 cells

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    Glucocorticoid treatment is often linked to increased whole-body energy expenditure and hypermetabolism. Glucocorticoids affect mitochondrial energy production, notably in the liver, where they lead to mitochondrial uncoupling reducing the efficacy of oxidative phosphorylation. However, the signaling pathways involved in these phenomena are poorly understood. Here we treated HepG2 cells with dexamethasone for different times and, by using different combinations of inhibitors, we showed that dexamethasone treatment leads to recruitment of two main signaling pathways. The first one involves a G-protein coupled membrane glucocorticoid binding site and rapidly decreases complexes I and II activities while complex III activity is upregulated in a p38MAPK dependent mechanism. The second one implies the classical cytosolic glucocorticoid receptor and triggers long-term transcriptional increases of respiration rates and of complex IV activity and quantity. We concluded that mitochondria are the target of multiple dexamethasone-induced regulatory pathways that are set up gradually after the beginning of hormone exposure and that durably influence mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation

    Fatty liver and insulin resistance in obese Zucker rats: No role for mitochondrial dysfunction

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    The relationship between insulin resistance and mitochondrial function is of increasing interest. Studies looking for such interactions are usually made in muscle and only a few studies have been done in liver, which is known to be a crucial partner in whole body insulin action. Recent studies have revealed a similar mechanism to that of muscle for fat-induced insulin resistance in liver. However, the exact mechanism of lipid metabolites accumulation in liver leading to insulin resistance is far from being elucidated. One of the hypothetical mechanisms for liver steatosis development is an impairment of mitochondrial function. We examined mitochondrial function in fatty liver and insulin resistance state using isolated mitochondria from obese Zucker rats. We determined the relationship between ATP synthesis and oxygen consumption as well as the relationship between mitochondrial membrane potential and oxygen consumption. In order to evaluate the quantity of mitochondria and the oxidative capacity we measured citrate synthase and cytochrome c oxidase activities. Results showed that despite significant fatty liver and hyperinsulinemia, isolated liver mitochondria from obese Zucker rats display no difference in oxygen consumption, ATP synthesis, and membrane potential compared with lean Zucker rats. There was no difference in citrate synthase and cytochrome c oxidase activities between obese and lean Zucker rats in isolated mitochondria as well as in liver homogenate, indicating a similar relative amount of hepatic mitochondria and a similar oxidative capacity. Adiponectin, which is involved in bioenergetic homeostasis, was increased two-fold in obese Zucker rats despite insulin resistance. In conclusion, isolated liver mitochondria from lean and obese insulin-resistant Zucker rats showed strictly the same mitochondrial function. It remains to be elucidated whether adiponectin increase is involved in these results

    Plasmatic concentration of organochlorine lindane acts as metabolic disruptors in HepG2 liver cell line by inducing mitochondrial disorder.

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    Lindane (LD) is a persistent environmental pollutant that has been the subject of several toxicological studies. However, concentrations used in most of the reported studies were relatively higher than those found in the blood of the contaminated area residents and effects of low concentrations remain poorly investigated. Moreover, effects on cell metabolism and mitochondrial function of exposure to LD have received little attention. This study was designed to explore the effects of low concentrations of LD on cellular metabolism and mitochondrial function, using the hepatocarcinoma cell line HepG2. Cells were exposed to LD for 24, 48 and 72 h and different parameters linked with mitochondrial regulation and energy metabolism were analyzed. Despite having any impact on cellular viability, exposure to LD at plasmatic concentrations led to an increase of maximal respiratory capacity, complex I activity, intracellular ATP and NO release but decreased uncoupled respiration to ATP synthesis and medium lactate levels. In addition, LD exposure resulted in the upregulation of mitochondrial biogenesis genes. We suggest that, at plasmatic concentrations, LD acts as a metabolic disruptor through impaired mitochondrial function and regulation with an impact on cellular energetic metabolism. In addition, we propose that a cellular assay based on the analysis of mitochondria function, such as described here for LD, may be applicable for larger studies on the effects of low concentrations of xenobiotics, because of the exquisite sensitivity of this organelle

    Estrogen-related receptor α and PGC-1-related coactivator constitute a novel complex mediating the biogenesis of functional mitochondria

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    Mitochondrial biogenesis, which depends on nuclear as well as mitochondrial genes, occurs in response to increased cellular ATP demand. The nuclear transcriptional factors, estrogen-related receptor α (ERRα) and nuclear respiratory factors 1 and 2, are associated with the coordination of the transcriptional machinery governing mitochondrial biogenesis, whereas coactivators of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ coactivator-1 (PGC-1) family serve as mediators between the environment and this machinery. In the context of proliferating cells, PGC-1-related coactivator (PRC) is a member of the PGC-1 family, which is known to act in partnership with nuclear respiratory factors, but no functional interference between PRC and ERRα has been described so far. We explored three thyroid cell lines, FTC-133, XTC.UC1 and RO 82 W-1, each characterized by a different mitochondrial content, and studied their behavior towards PRC and ERRα in terms of respiratory efficiency. Overexpression of PRC and ERRα led to increased respiratory chain capacity and mitochondrial mass. The inhibition of ERRα decreased cell growth and respiratory chain capacity in all three cell lines. However, the inhibition of PRC and ERRα produced a greater effect in the oxidative cell model, decreasing the mitochondrial mass and the phosphorylating respiration, whereas the nonphosphorylating respiration remained unchanged. We therefore hypothesize that the ERRα–PRC complex plays a role in arresting the cell cycle through the regulation of oxidative phosphorylation in oxidative cells, and through some other pathway in glycolytic cells

    Pro-oxidant effect of ALA is implicated in mitochondrial dysfunction of HepG2 cells

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    Heme biosynthesis begins in the mitochondrion with the formation of delta-aminolevulinic acid (ALA). In acute intermittent porphyria, hereditary tyrosinemia type I and lead poisoning patients, ALA is accumulated in plasma and in organs, especially the liver. These diseases are also associated with neuromuscular dysfunction and increased incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma. Many studies suggest that this damage may originate from ALA-induced oxidative stress following its accumulation. Using the MnSOD as an oxidative stress marker, we showed here that ALA treatment of cultured cells induced ROS production, increasing with ALA concentration. The mitochondrial energetic function of ALA-treated HepG2 cells was further explored. Mitochondrial respiration and ATP content were reduced compared to control cells. For the 300 μM treatment, ALA induced a mitochondrial mass decrease and a mitochondrial network imbalance although neither necrosis nor apoptosis were observed. The up regulation of PGC-1, Tfam and ND5 genes was also found; these genes encode mitochondrial proteins involved in mitochondrial biogenesis activation and OXPHOS function. We propose that ALA may constitute an internal bioenergetic signal, which initiates a coordinated upregulation of respiratory genes, which ultimately drives mitochondrial metabolic adaptation within cells. The addition of an antioxidant, Manganese(III) tetrakis(1-methyl-4-pyridyl)porphyrin (MnTMPyP), resulted in improvement of maximal respiratory chain capacity with 300 μM ALA. Our results suggest that mitochondria, an ALA-production site, are more sensitive to pro-oxidant effect of ALA, and may be directly involved in pathophysiology of patients with inherited or acquired porphyria

    Effects of the cannabinoid CB1 antagonist rimonabant on hepatic mitochondrial function in rats fed a high-fat diet

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of rimonabant treatment on hepatic mitochondrial function in rats fed a high-fat diet. Sprague-Dawley rats fed a high-fat diet (35% lard) for 13 wk were treated with rimonabant (10 mg·kg−1·day−1) during the last 3 wk and matched with pair-fed controls. Oxygen consumption with various substrates, mitochondrial enzyme activities on isolated liver mitochondria, and mitochondrial DNA quantity were determined. Body weight and fat mass were decreased in rats treated with rimonabant compared with pair-fed controls. Moreover, the serum adiponectin level was increased with rimonabant. Hepatic triglyceride content was increased, while serum triglycerides were decreased. An increase of mitochondrial respiration was observed in rats treated with rimonabant. The increase of mitochondrial respiration with palmitoyl-CoA compared with respiration with palmitoyl-l-carnitine stating that the entry of fatty acids into mitochondria via carnitine palmitoyltransferase I was increased in rats treated with rimonabant. Moreover, rimonabant treatment led to a reduction in the enzymatic activity of ATP synthase, whereas the quantity of mitochondrial DNA and the activity of citrate synthase remained unchanged. To summarize, rimonabant treatment leads to an improvement of hepatic mitochondrial function by increasing substrate oxidation and fatty acid entry into mitochondria for the β-oxidation pathway and by increasing proton leak. However, this increase of mitochondrial oxidation is regulated by a decrease of ATP synthase activity in order to have only ATP required for the cell function