2,955 research outputs found

    Reading Environments for Genetic Editions

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    This paper discusses the state-of-the-art in digital “genetic” editing, that is the philological analysis (and presentation) of the processes behind the creation of literary texts. Research on such processes is mainly based on draft manuscripts or typescripts that authors have left behind intentionally or accidentally. Creative note-taking, revisions, proof-readings, cross-linkings and additional material makes them a complex and interwoven set of data requiring specific analytic tools and reading and research environments for both general and specialist readers and users to understand them better. The paper traces the idea of pre-electronic genetic editing and the significant changes it is undergoing in the digital era. It compares two editorial projects on renowned authors, one in print and one digital: the so-called ‘Frankfurt edition’ of Friedrich Hölderlin, and the Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project. The paper discusses these in particular as “reading environments” (or user interfaces) designed for “critically experiencing” authorial writing processes in both the print and the digital medium

    Investigation of the Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Elastic Textile/Polymer Composites for Stretchable Electronics at Quasi-Static or Cyclic Mechanical Loads

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    In the last decade, interest in stretchable electronic systems that can be bent or shaped three-dimensionally has increased. The application of these systems is that they differentiate between two states and derive there from the requirements for the materials used: once formed, but static or permanently flexible. For this purpose, new materials that exceed the limited mechanical properties of thin metal layers as the typical printed circuit board conductor materials have recently gained the interest of research. In this work, novel electrically conductive textiles were used as conductor materials for stretchable circuit boards. Three different fabrics (woven, knitted and nonwoven) made of silver-plated polyamide fibers were investigated for their mechanical and electrical behavior under quasi-static and cyclic mechanical loads with simultaneous monitoring of the electrical resistance. Thereto, the electrically conductive textiles were embedded into a thermoplastic polyurethane dielectric matrix and structured by laser cutting into stretchable conductors. Based on the characterization of the mechanical and electrical material behavior, a life expectancy was derived. The results are compared with previously investigated stretchable circuit boards based on thermoplastic elastomer and meander-shaped conductor tracks made of copper foils. The microstructural changes in the material caused by the applied mechanical loads were analyzed and are discussed in detail to provide a deep understanding of failure mechanisms.EC/H2020/825647/EU/Re-Thinking of Fashion in Research and Artist collaborating development for Urban Manufacturing/REFREA

    Konzernsteuerung börsennotierter Aktiengesellschaften in Deutschland: Eine Studie im Auftr. der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung

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    Hat sich die Orientierung am Shareholder Value weltweit durchgesetzt? Diese Untersuchung der ĂŒber 100 grĂ¶ĂŸten börsennotierten Aktiengesellschaften in Deutschland zeigt erstmals, dass sich nur eine verschwindende Minderheit zur Bevorzugung der AktionĂ€re bekennt. Vermeidet man diesen Begriff nur, weil er politisch umstritten ist und redet stattdessen von wertorientierter UnternehmensfĂŒhrung?In der vorliegenden Studie Konzernsteuerung wird nach einer EinfĂŒhrung in die GrundzĂŒge wertorientierter UnternehmensfĂŒhrung gezeigt, wie verbreitet dieser Managementansatz inzwischen ist. Chancen und Risiken werden herausgearbeitet. Es geht um inhaltliche Vorbehalte gegenĂŒber der einseitigen Orientierung nur am Börsenwert: Zur nachhaltigen, wertorientierten UnternehmensfĂŒhrung gehört auch die Einbeziehung der Erwartungen und Werte weiterer Anspruchsgruppen. Werte schaffen Wert

    Dynamical universality of the contact process

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    The dynamical relaxation and scaling properties of three different variants of the contact process in two spatial dimensions are analysed. Dynamical contact processes capture a variety of contagious processes such as the spreading of diseases or opinions. The universality of both local and global two-time correlators of the particle-density and the associated linear responses are tested through several scaling relations of the non-equilibrium exponents and the shape of the associated scaling functions. In addition, the dynamical scaling of two-time global correlators can be used as a tool to improve on the determination of the location of critical points.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figure

    Two pandemic years greatly reduced young people’s life satisfaction: evidence from a comparison with pre-COVID-19 panel data

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    How much did young people suffer from the COVID-19 pandemic? A growing number of studies address this question, but they often lack a comparison group that was unaffected by the pandemic, and the observation window is usually short. Here, we compared the 2-year development of life satisfaction of German high school students during COVID-19 (N = 2,698) with the development in prepandemic cohorts (N = 4,834) with a difference-in-differences design. We found a decline in life satisfaction in winter 2020/2021 (Cohen’s d = -0.40) that was approximately three times stronger than that in the general population and persisted until winter 2021/2022. Young people found some restrictions particularly burdensome, especially travel restrictions, bans on cultural events, and the closure of bars/clubs
