6 research outputs found

    A localized orthogonal decomposition method for semi-linear elliptic problems

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    In this paper we propose and analyze a new Multiscale Method for solving semi-linear elliptic problems with heterogeneous and highly variable coefficient functions. For this purpose we construct a generalized finite element basis that spans a low dimensional multiscale space. The basis is assembled by performing localized linear fine-scale computations in small patches that have a diameter of order H |log H| where H is the coarse mesh size. Without any assumptions on the type of the oscillations in the coefficients, we give a rigorous proof for a linear convergence of the H1-error with respect to the coarse mesh size. To solve the arising equations, we propose an algorithm that is based on a damped Newton scheme in the multiscale space

    Localization of Elliptic Multiscale Problems

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    This note constructs a local generalized finite element basis for elliptic problems with heterogeneous and highly varying coefficients. The basis functions are solutions of local problems on vertex patches. The error of the corresponding generalized finite element method decays exponentially with respect to the number of element layers in the patches. Hence, on a uniform mesh of size H, patches of diameter H\log(1/H) are sufficient to preserve a linear rate of convergence in H without any pre-asymptotic or resonance effects. The analysis does not rely on regularity of the solution or scale separation in the coefficient. This result motivates new and justifies old classes of variational multiscale methods


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    In this paper we propose a local orthogonal decomposition method (LOD) for elliptic partial differential equations with inhomogeneous Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions. For this purpose, we present new boundary correctors which preserve the common convergence rates of the LOD, even if the boundary condition has a rapidly oscillating fine scale structure. We prove a corresponding a priori error estimate and present numerical experiments. We also demonstrate numerically that the method is reliable with respect to thin conductivity channels in the diffusion matrix. Accurate results are obtained without resolving these channels by the coarse grid and without using patches that contain the channels