362 research outputs found

    Fast domain wall propagation under an optimal field pulse in magnetic nanowires

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    We investigate field-driven domain wall (DW) propagation in magnetic nanowires in the framework of the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation. We propose a new strategy to speed up the DW motion in a uniaxial magnetic nanowire by using an optimal space-dependent field pulse synchronized with the DW propagation. Depending on the damping parameter, the DW velocity can be increased by about two orders of magnitude compared the standard case of a static uniform field. Moreover, under the optimal field pulse, the change in total magnetic energy in the nanowire is proportional to the DW velocity, implying that rapid energy release is essential for fast DW propagation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; updated version replace

    Stability of Spinmotive Force in Perpendicularly Magnetized Nanowires under High Magnetic Fields

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    Spinmotive force induced by domain wall motion in perpendicularly magnetized nanowires is numerically demonstrated. We show that using nanowires with large magnetic anisotropy can lead to a high stability of spinmotive force under strong magnetic fields. We observe spinmotive force in the order of tens of microvolt in a multilayered Co/Ni nanowire and in the order of several hundred microvolt in a FePt nanowire; the latter is two orders of magnitude greater than that in permalloy nanowires reported previously. The narrow structure and low mobility of a domain wall under magnetic fields in perpendicularly magnetized nanowires permits downsizing of spinmotive force devices.Comment: submitted to Applied Physics Letter

    Effects of spin current on ferromagnets

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    When a spin-polarized current flows through a ferromagnet, the local magnetization receives a spin torque. Two consequences of this spin torque are studied. First, the uniformly magnetized ferromagnet becomes unstable if a sufficiently large current is applied. The characteristics of the instability include spin wave generation and magnetization chaos. Second, the spin torque has profound effects on the structure and dynamics of the magnetic domain wall. A detail analysis on the domain wall mass, kinetic energy and wall depinning threshold is given

    Simple mechanism for a positive exchange bias

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    We argue that the interface coupling, responsible for the positive exchange bias (HE) observed in ferromagnetic/compensated antiferromagnetic (FM/AF) bilayers, favors an antiferromagnetic alignment. At low cooling field this coupling polarizes the AF spins close to the interface, which spin configuration persists after the sample is cooled below the Neel temperature. This pins the FM spins as in Bean's model and gives rise to a negative HE. When the cooling field increases, it eventually dominates and polarizes the AF spins in an opposite direction to the low field one. This results in a positive HE. The size of HE and the crossover cooling field are estimated. We explain why HE is mostly positive for an AF single crystal, and discuss the role of interface roughness on the magnitude of HE, and the quantum aspect of the interface coupling.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, to be published on May 1 issue of PR

    Photo-induced insulator-metal transition of a spin-electron coupled system

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    The photo-induced metal-insulator transition is studied by the numerical simulation of real-time quantum dynamics of a double-exchange model. The spatial and temporal evolutions of the system during the transition have been revealed including (i) the threshold behavior with respect to the intensity and energy of light, (ii) multiplication of particle-hole (p-h) pairs by a p-h pair of high energy, and (iii) the space-time pattern formation such as (a) the stripe controlled by the polarization of light, (b) coexistence of metallic and insulating domains, and (c) dynamical spontaneous symmetry-breaking associated with the spin spiral formation imposed by the conservation of total spin for small energy-dissipation rates

    Current-spin coupling for ferromagnetic domain walls in fine wires

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    The coupling between a current and a domain wall is examined. In the presence of a finite current and the absence of a potential which breaks the translational symmetry, there is a perfect transfer of angular momentum from the conduction electrons to the wall. As a result, the ground state is in uniform motion. This remains the case when relaxation is accounted for. This is described by, appropriately modified, Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equations.Comment: 4 pqges, no figure

    Comment on "Domain Structure in a Superconducting Ferromagnet"

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    According to Faure and Buzdin [Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 187202 (2005)], in a superconducting ferromagnet a domain structure with a period small compared with the London penetration depth can arise. They claim that this contradicts to the conclusion of Sonin [Phys. Rev. B, 66, 100504 (2002)] that ferromagnetic domain structure in the Meissner state of a superconducting ferromagnet is absent in equilibrium. This contradiction is imaginary, based on misinterpretation of the results of these two papers.Comment: 1 page, no figures, final version published in Phys.Rev.Let

    Creep of current-driven domain-wall lines: intrinsic versus extrinsic pinning

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    We present a model for current-driven motion of a magnetic domain-wall line, in which the dynamics of the domain wall is equivalent to that of an overdamped vortex line in an anisotropic pinning potential. This potential has both extrinsic contributions due to, e.g., sample inhomogeneities, and an intrinsic contribution due to magnetic anisotropy. We obtain results for the domain-wall velocity as a function of current for various regimes of pinning. In particular, we find that the exponent characterizing the creep regime depends strongly on the presence of a dissipative spin transfer torque. We discuss our results in the light of recent experiments on current-driven domain-wall creep in ferromagnetic semiconductors, and suggest further experiments to corroborate our model.Comment: For figure in GIF format, see http://www.phys.uu.nl/~duine/mapping.gif v2: (hopefully) visible EPS figure added. v2: expanded new versio

    Theory of electric polarization in multi-orbital Mott insulators

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    The interaction between the electric field, E, and spins in multi-orbital Mott insulators is studied theoretically. We find a generic dynamical coupling mechanism, which works for all crystal lattices and which does not involve relativistic effects. The general form of the coupling is -T_ab E_a e_b, where e is the `internal' electric field originating from the dynamical Berry phase of electrons and T_ab is a tensor determined by lattice symmetry. We discuss several effects of this interaction: (i) an unusual electron spin resonance induced by an oscillating electric field, (ii) the displacement of spin textures in an applied electric field, and (iii) the resonant absorption of circularly polarized light by Skyrmions, magnetic bubbles, and magnetic vortices.Comment: 5 page