7 research outputs found

    Dynamics of stable viscous displacement in porous media

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    We investigate the stabilization mechanisms of the invasion front in two-dimensional drainage displacement in porous media by using a network simulator. We focus on the process when the front stabilizes due to the viscous forces in the liquids. We find that the capillary pressure difference between two different points along the front varies almost linearly as function of height separation in the direction of the displacement. The numerical results support arguments that differ from those suggested earlier for viscous stabilization. Our arguments are based upon the observation that nonwetting fluid flows in loopless strands (paths) and we conclude that earlier suggested theories are not suitable to drainage when nonwetting strands dominate the displacement process. We also show that the arguments might influence the scaling behavior between the front width and the injection rate and compare some of our results to experimental work.Comment: The paper has been substantially revised. 12 papes, 10 figure

    Dynamics and structure of interfacial crack fronts

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    The propagation of an interfacial crack front through a weak plane of a transparent Plexiglas block has been studied experimentally. A stable crack in mode I was generated by loading the system by an imposed displacement. The local velocities of the fracture front line have been measured by using an high speed CCD camera. The distribution of the velocities exhibits a power law behavior for velocities larger than the average front velocity with a crossover to a slowly increasing function for velocities lower than . The fluctuations in the velocities reflect an underlying irregular bursts activity with a power law distribution of the bursts. We further found that the size of the local bursts scales differently in the direction parallel to and perpendicular to the fracture front

    Growth activity during fingering in a porous Hele Shaw cell

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    We present in this paper an experimental study of the invasion activity during unstable drainage in a 2D random porous medium, when the (wetting) displaced fluid has a high viscosity with respect to that of the (non-wetting) displacing fluid, and for a range of almost two decades in capillary numbers corresponding to the transition between capillary and viscous fingering. We show that the invasion process takes place in an active zone within a characteristic screening length from the tip of the most advanced finger. The invasion probability density is found to only depend on the distance to the latter tip, and to be independent of the value for the capillary number Ca. The mass density along the flow direction is related analytically to the invasion probability density, and the scaling with respect to the capillary number is consistent with a power law. Other quantities characteristic of the displacement process, such as the speed of the most advanced finger tip or the characteristic finger width, are also consistent with power laws of the capillary number. The link between the growth probability and the pressure field is studied analytically and an expression for the pressure in the defending fluid along the cluster is derived. The measured pressure are then compared with the corresponding simulated pressure field using this expression for the boundary condition on the cluster.Comment: 11 pages 10 figure

    Granular Rayleigh-Taylor Instability: Experiments and Simulations

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    A granular instability driven by gravity is studied experimentally and numerically. The instability arises as grains fall in a closed Hele-Shaw cell where a layer of dense granular material is positioned above a layer of air. The initially flat front defined by the grains subsequently develops into a pattern of falling granular fingers separated by rising bubbles of air. A transient coarsening of the front is observed right from the start by a finger merging process. The coarsening is later stabilized by new fingers growing from the center of the rising bubbles. The structures are quantified by means of Fourier analysis and quantitative agreement between experiment and computation is shown. This analysis also reveals scale invariance of the flow structures under overall change of spatial scale.Comment: 4 pages, 11 figure