15 research outputs found

    MDP desmuramyl analogue LK-404 protects bone marrow and spleen cells from cyclophosphamide induced apoptosis

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    How Can We Advance Integrative Biology Research in Animal Science in 21st Century?:Experience at University of Ljubljana from 2002 to 2022

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    In this perspective analysis, we strive to answer the following question: how can we advance integrative biology research in the 21st century with lessons from animal science? At the University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Animal Science, we share here our three lessons learned in the two decades from 2002 to 2022 that we believe could inform integrative biology, systems science, and animal science scholarship in other countries and geographies. Cultivating multiomics knowledge through a conceptual lens of integrative biology is crucial for life sciences research that can stand the test of diverse biological, clinical, and ecological contexts. Moreover, in an era of the current COVID-19 pandemic, animal nutrition and animal science, and the study of their interactions with human health (and vice versa) through integrative biology approaches hold enormous prospects and significance for systems medicine and ecosystem health

    The Present State and Prospects of Slovenian Private Forest Ownersā€™ Cooperation within Machinery Rings

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    The study analyzes the challenges and prospects of private forest ownersā€™ cooperation based on the use of machinery in Slovenia applying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats approach (SWOT analysis) in combination with the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The data from questionnaires with forest owners and presidents of machinery rings were used to develop and to analyze the strategies for forest ownersā€™ cooperation. The results reveal that the members of machinery rings are only partly satisfied with the operation of the existing rings and that the activities of rings meet the membersā€™ interests related to forest management. Thus, machinery rings are recognized as a suitable form of forest ownersā€™ cooperation. The presidents of machinery rings perceive the integration of farmers and private forest owners, as well as knowing the level of mechanization of members as major strengths of machinery rings. Further, strengthening the operation of machinery rings in the field of forestry is recognized as an important opportunity. The shortage of means for operation is identified as a weakness for machinery rings, and the lack of subsidies for investments in equipment is identified as a critical threat. However, the rank of importance of the SWOT groups leads to defensive approach in the strategic planning where machinery rings have to minimize weaknesses in order to avoid threats. These results provide important insights in the future development of forest ownersā€™ cooperation based on common use of machinery

    The Present State and Prospects of Slovenian Private Forest Ownersā€™ Cooperation within Machinery Rings

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    The study analyzes the challenges and prospects of private forest ownersā€™ cooperation based on the use of machinery in Slovenia applying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats approach (SWOT analysis) in combination with the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The data from questionnaires with forest owners and presidents of machinery rings were used to develop and to analyze the strategies for forest ownersā€™ cooperation. The results reveal that the members of machinery rings are only partly satisfied with the operation of the existing rings and that the activities of rings meet the membersā€™ interests related to forest management. Thus, machinery rings are recognized as a suitable form of forest ownersā€™ cooperation. The presidents of machinery rings perceive the integration of farmers and private forest owners, as well as knowing the level of mechanization of members as major strengths of machinery rings. Further, strengthening the operation of machinery rings in the field of forestry is recognized as an important opportunity. The shortage of means for operation is identified as a weakness for machinery rings, and the lack of subsidies for investments in equipment is identified as a critical threat. However, the rank of importance of the SWOT groups leads to defensive approach in the strategic planning where machinery rings have to minimize weaknesses in order to avoid threats. These results provide important insights in the future development of forest ownersā€™ cooperation based on common use of machinery

    Barriers and solutions in salvage logging in private forests damaged by natural disasters

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    Pogoste ujme v zadnjih letih so velik izziv pri gospodarjenju z zasebnimi gozdovi in povečujejo aktivnost vseh deležnikov vzdolž gozdno-lesne verige. V prispevku smo naredili pregled literature o sanaciji v ujmah poŔkodovanih zasebnih gozdov, s ciljem identificirati ovire, s katerimi se zasebni lastniki srečujejo pri sanaciji, in reŔitve za hitrejŔo in učinkovitejŔo sanacijo. Po pregledu relevantne literature smo v končno analizo vključili 59 člankov in 25 zapisnikov dela koordinacijske skupine za sanacijo posledic vetroloma. Rezultati so pokazali, da se raziskovalci z identifikacijo ovir do sedaj Ŕe niso sistematično ukvarjali. Identificirali smo 51 ovir, ki smo jih razvrstili v 7 skupin, ter 68 reŔitev, ki smo jih združili v 11 skupin. Največ raziskovalcev se je doslej ukvarjalo z ovirami iz skupine %Značilnosti zasebnih lastnikov gozdov% ter z reŔitvami iz skupine %Sodelovanje med deležniki%. Nazadnje smo identificirane ovire povezali s primernimi reŔitvami za sanacijo in ugotovili, da vse identificirane reŔitve pomenijo reŔitev za vsaj eno izmed ovir in da ima vsaka ovira vsaj eno reŔitev. Raziskava je Ŕele prvi, vendar pomemben korak pri spoznavanju dejavnikov odločanja za sanacijo in nadaljnje gospodarjenje v ujmah poŔkodovanih zasebnih gozdov.Frequent natural disasters in recent years have been a major challenge in private forest management and have led to increased activity among all stakeholders along the forest-wood chain. In this paper, we reviewed the literature on salvage logging in private forests damaged by natural disasters, with the aim of identifying the barriers that private forest owners face in salvaging and solutions for faster and more efficient salvaging. After reviewing the relevant literature, we included 59 articles and 25 reports in the final analysis. The results showed that researchers have not yet systematically addressed the identification of barriers. We identified 51 barriers, which we classified into 7 groups, and 68 solutions, which we classified into 11 groups. Most researchers have dealt with barriers from the %Characteristics of private forest owners% group and solutions from the %Stakeholder Cooperation% group. Finally, we associated the identified barriers with appropriate salvaging solutions and found that all identified solutions represent a solution for at least one of the barriers and that each barrier has at least one solution. The research represents the first, but important, step in identifying the decision-making factors for salvaging in private forests damaged by natural disasters