626 research outputs found

    Health-Related Quality of Life, Mental Health and Psychotherapeutic Considerations for Women Diagnosed with a Disorder of Sexual Development: Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

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    Little is known about the long-term health-related quality of life (HRQL) and mental health outcomes for women diagnosed with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), a disorder of sex development. Though recommendations for therapists exist, no research has empirically investigated women's experiences in therapy or their recommendations for therapy. Thus the purpose of the study was to investigate HRQL, mental health concerns of women with CAH, and patients' recommendations for therapists. A qualitative methodology, consensual qualitative research, was used to answer these questions. Eight women with CAH participated in the study. Results from their interviews revealed six domains: physical functioning, psychological functioning, interpersonal processes and relationships, healthcare experiences of women with CAH, recommendations for health care professionals, and systemic considerations. Domains were further broken down into categories with results yielding implications for both medical and mental health professionals and shedding light on issues related to normalcy, concerns both related and unrelated to CAH, sex, and gender, and highlighting effective supports and therapeutic interventions

    Mll-AF4 Confers Enhanced Self-Renewal and Lymphoid Potential during a Restricted Window in Development.

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    MLL-AF4+ infant B cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia is characterized by an early onset and dismal survival. It initiates before birth, and very little is known about the early stages of the disease's development. Using a conditional Mll-AF4-expressing mouse model in which fusion expression is targeted to the earliest definitive hematopoietic cells generated in the mouse embryo, we demonstrate that Mll-AF4 imparts enhanced B lymphoid potential and increases repopulation and self-renewal capacity during a putative pre-leukemic state. This occurs between embryonic days 12 and 14 and manifests itself most strongly in the lymphoid-primed multipotent progenitor population, thus pointing to a window of opportunity and a potential cell of origin. However, this state alone is insufficient to generate disease, with the mice succumbing to B cell lymphomas only after a long latency. Future analysis of the molecular details of this pre-leukemic state will shed light on additional events required for progression to acute leukemia.Core facilities at the Cambridge Institute for Medical Research are supported by Strategic Award WT100140 and equipment grant 093026; core facilities at the Edinburgh MRC Centre for Regenerative Medicine are supported by centre grant MR/K017047/1. This work was funded by a Bloodwise Bennett Senior Fellowship (10015 to K.O.), a Wellcome Trust Clinical PhD Studentship (097454/z/11/z to N.A.B.) the Gabrielle’s Angel Foundation for Cancer Research (to K.O.), and the Kay Kendall Leukaemia Fund (to K.O.).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Cell Press/Elsevier at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2016.06.046

    Alcohol-related suicide across Australia : a geospatial analysis

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    Background: The acute effects of alcohol consumption are a major risk factor for suicide. Positive blood alcohol concentrations are present in almost one-third of all suicides at time of death. These suicides are defined as alcohol-related suicides. This cross-sectional study examines the geospatial distribution/clustering of high proportions of alcohol-related suicides and reports on socioeconomic and demographic risk factors. Methods: National Coronial Information System (NCIS) data were used to calculate proportions of suicides with alcohol present at the time of death for each level 3 statistical areas (SA3) in Australia. A density analysis and hotspot cluster analysis were used to visualise and establish statistically significant clustering of areas with higher (hotspots) and lower (coldspots) proportions. Subsequently, socioeconomic and demographic risk factors for alcohol use and suicide were reported on for hot and cold spots. Results: Significant clustering of areas with higher proportions of alcohol-related suicide occurred in northern Western Australia, the Northern Territory and Queensland, as well as inland New South Wales and inland Queensland. Clustering of SA3s with significantly lower proportions occurred in major city and inner regional Sydney and Melbourne. Conclusion and implications for public health: Results from this study identify areas in which prevention strategies should target alcohol use and can be used to inform prevention strategy design. Additionally, hotspots and coldspots identified in this study can be used for further analysis to better understand contextual risk factors for alcohol-related suicide

    Sculpting DNA-based synthetic cells through phase separation and phase-targeted activity

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    Synthetic cells, like their biological counterparts, require internal compartments with distinct chemical and physical properties where different functionalities can be localized. Inspired by membrane-less compartmentalization in biological cells, here, we demonstrate how microphase separation can be used to engineer heterogeneous cell-like architectures with programmable morphology and compartment-targeted activity. The synthetic cells self-assemble from amphiphilic DNA nanostructures, producing core-shell condensates due to size-induced de-mixing. Lipid deposition and phase-selective etching are then used to generate a porous pseudo-membrane, a cytoplasm analog, and membrane-less organelles. The synthetic cells can sustain RNA synthesis via in vitro transcription, leading to cytoplasm and pseudo-membrane expansion caused by an accumulation of the transcript. Our approach exemplifies how architectural and functional complexity can emerge from a limited number of distinct building blocks, if molecular-scale programmability, emergent biophysical phenomena, and biochemical activity are coupled to mimic those observed in live cells

    Numerical modeling of 3.5mu m dual-wavelength pumped erbium-doped mid-infrared fiber lasers

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    Date of publication September 19, 2016The performance of mid-infrared Er³+-doped fiber lasers has dramatically improved in the last few years. In this paper, we present a numerical model that provides valuable insight into the dynamics of a dual-wavelength pumped fiber laser that can operate on the 3.5- and 2.8-μm bands. This model is a much needed tool for optimizing and understanding the performance of these laser systems. Comparisons between simulation and experimental results for three different systems are presented.Andrew Malouf, Ori Henderson-Sapir, Martin Gorjan, and David J. Ottawa

    Association of atrial fibrillation and obstructive sleep apnea.

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    BACKGROUND: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is associated with recurrent atrial fibrillation (AF) after electrocardioversion. OSA is highly prevalent in patients who are male, obese, and/or hypertensive, but its prevalence in patients with AF is unknown. METHODS AND RESULTS: We prospectively studied consecutive patients undergoing electrocardioversion for AF (n=151) and consecutive patients without past or current AF referred to a general cardiology practice (n=312). OSA was diagnosed with the Berlin questionnaire, which is validated to identify patients with OSA. We also assessed its accuracy compared with polysomnography in a sample of the study population. Groups were compared with the 2-tailed t, Wilcoxon, and chi2 tests. Logistic regression modeled the association of AF and OSA after adjustment for relevant covariates. Patients in each group had similar age, gender, body mass index, and rates of diabetes, hypertension, and congestive heart failure. The questionnaire performed with 0.86 sensitivity, 0.89 specificity, and 0.97 positive predictive value in our sample. The proportion of patients with OSA was significantly higher in the AF group than in the general cardiology group (49% versus 32%, P=0.0004). The adjusted odds ratio for the association between AF and OSA was 2.19 (95% CI 1.40 to 3.42, P=0.0006). CONCLUSIONS: The novel finding of this study is that a strong association exists between OSA and AF, such that OSA is strikingly more prevalent in patients with AF than in high-risk patients with multiple other cardiovascular diseases. The coinciding epidemics of obesity and AF underscore the clinical importance of these results