27 research outputs found

    Comparison between Spanish and Italian Regulations on Cooperative Firms: Traditional or Hybrid Model?

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    This paper analyses the differences between the regulations on agrarian cooperatives set up in Spain and Italy. Some of these aspects are related to the solutions proposed and used by cooperatives belonging to the hybrid model to solve problems faced by the cooperatives belonging to the traditional model. The main differences in the calculation of returns and reserves and in the fiscal aspects involved have also been analysed. Although in both countries there exist regulations referring to the hybrid model, the lack of conditions required for their implementation and the absence of professional management makes cooperatives of both countries fall within the traditional model. Several differences have been found in terms of the calculation of returns and reserves and of the fiscal aspects involved.Ce document analyse les diffĂ©rences entre la loi espagnole et la loi italienne sur les coopĂ©ratives agricoles. Certaines diffĂ©rences relĂšvent aux solutions que les coopĂ©ratives hybrides proposent et mettent en oeuvre afin de rĂ©soudre les problĂšmes auxquels les coopĂ©ratives traditionnelles font face. MĂȘme les diffĂ©rences principales en ce qui concerne aussi bien le calcul de la rentabilitĂ© Ă©conomique et des rĂ©serves que les aspects fiscaux impliquĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© investiguĂ©es. En rĂ©alitĂ©, aussi bien les coopĂ©ratives espagnoles que les coopĂ©ratives italiennes appartiennent au modĂšle traditionnel, mĂȘme si dans les deux pays il existe un rĂšglement concernant des aspects du modĂšle hybride. L’ennui c’est qu’il y a le manque de conditions requises et de staff professionnel adĂ©quat pour la mise sur pied du modĂšle hybride. Bon nombre de diffĂ©rences ont Ă©tĂ© trouvĂ©es en matiĂšre de calcul de la rentabilitĂ© Ă©conomique et des rĂ©serves et des aspects fiscaux impliquĂ©s

    Biofortification of Lettuce and Basil Seedlings to Produce Selenium Enriched Leafy Vegetables

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    Selenium (Se) biofortification of plants has been recognized as a good strategy to improve the nutritive value of vegetables and increase Se daily intake in humans. Identifying the most appropriate method to enrich plants is a key issue in the biofortification process. We tested a biofortification technique that produces Se enriched seedlings for transplant, yet barely modifies conventional cultivation techniques. Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) were exposed to selenium by adding 0, 1 and 3 mg L−1 (lettuce) and 0, 2 and 3 mg L−1 (basil) of Se, as sodium selenate, to the growing substrate immediately after sowing. When seedlings reached an appropriate size, they were transplanted into the open field, and plants were grown until maturity. Lettuce and basil seedlings accumulated selenium without any reduction in leaf biomass at maturity. The highest dose of Se induced a higher antioxidant capacity and flavonoid content in both species at both sampling times. At maturity, biofortified plants still showed a higher leaf Se content compared to the control, and would be able to provide from 10% to 17% (lettuce) and from 9% to 12% (basil) of the adequate intake (AI) of Se

    Characterization of yeasts isolated from parmigiano reggiano cheese natural whey starter: From spoilage agents to potential cell factories for whey valorization

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    Whey is the main byproduct of the dairy industry and contains sugars (lactose) and proteins (especially serum proteins and, at lesser extent, residual caseins), which can be valorized by the fermentative action of yeasts. In the present study, we characterized the spoilage yeast population inhabiting natural whey starter (NWS), the undefined starter culture of thermophilic lactic acid bacteria used in Parmigiano Reggiano (PR) cheesemaking, and evaluated thermotolerance, mating type, and the aptitude to produce ethanol and bioactive peptides from whey lactose and proteins, respectively, in a selected pool of strains. PCR-RFLP assay of ribosomal ITS regions and phylogenetic analysis of 26S rDNA D1/D2 domains showed that PR NWS yeast population consists of the well-documented Kluyveromyces marxianus, as well as of other species (Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Wickerhamiella pararugosa, and Torulaspora delbrueckii), with multiple biotypes scored within each species as demonstrated by (GTG)5-based MSP-PCR. Haploid and diploid K. marxianus strains were identified through MAT genotyping, while thermotolerance assay allowed the selection of strains suitable to grow up to 48◩C. In whey fermentation trials, one thermotolerant strain was suitable to release ethanol with a fermentation efficiency of 86.5%, while another candidate was able to produce the highest amounts of both ethanol and bioactive peptides with potentially anti-hypertensive function. The present work demonstrated that PR NWS is a reservoir of ethanol and bioactive peptides producer yeasts, which can be exploited to valorize whey, in agreement with the principles of circularity and sustainability

    Effects of Selenium Enrichment of Tomato Plants on Ripe Fruit Metabolism and Composition

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    The effects of selenium (Se) addition on production and quality traits of Solanum lycopersicon ‘Red Bunch’ were investigated. Se was added as sodium selenate at the rate of 0, 0.5 and 1 mg Se L-1 to the nutrient solution. Se was absorbed by roots and accumulated in leaves and fruits, and at the tested concentrations, it did not affect yield. Se concentration followed a gradient, decreasing from the basal to the apical part of the plant. At red ripe stage, the fruits on the lower trusses accumulated higher amount of Se than the fruits of the higher trusses. ß-carotene and lutein significantly decreased only at 1.0 mg Se L-1. Lycopene increased either in 0.5 and, less markedly, 1.0 mg Se L-1-treated fruits where a pronounced increase in quercetin was also observed

    Personalizing Cancer Pain Therapy: Insights from the Rational Use of Analgesics (RUA) Group

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    Introduction: A previous Delphi survey from the Rational Use of Analgesics (RUA) project involving Italian palliative care specialists revealed some discrepancies between current guidelines and clinical practice with a lack of consensus on items regarding the use of strong opioids in treating cancer pain. Those results represented the basis for a new Delphi study addressing a better approach to pain treatment in patients with cancer. Methods: The study consisted of a two-round multidisciplinary Delphi study. Specialists rated their agreement with a set of 17 statements using a 5-point Likert scale (0 = totally disagree and 4 = totally agree). Consensus on a statement was achieved if the median consensus score (MCS) (expressed as value at which at least 50% of participants agreed) was at least 4 and the interquartile range (IQR) was 3–4. Results: This survey included input from 186 palliative care specialists representing all Italian territory. Consensus was reached on seven statements. More than 70% of participants agreed with the use of low dose of strong opioids in moderate pain treatment and valued transdermal route as an effective option when the oral route is not available. There was strong consensus on the importance of knowing opioid pharmacokinetics for therapy personalization and on identifying immediate-release opioids as key for tailoring therapy to patients’ needs. Limited agreement was reached on items regarding breakthrough pain and the management of opioid-induced bowel dysfunction. Conclusion: These findings may assist clinicians in applying clinical evidence to routine care settings and call for a reappraisal of current pain treatment recommendations with the final aim of optimizing the clinical use of strong opioids in patients with cancer

    Scogli di Apani (Br): le piastre da focolare della capanna 2

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    Le campagne di scavo condotte nel sito di Scogli di Apani, negli anni 2008, 2009 e 2011, hanno messo in luce i resti di due capanne attribuibili alla media età del Bronzo. All’interno di una delle due strutture, la cosiddetta capanna 2 del SAS B, sono state rinvenute 5 piastre da focolare localizzate, a poca distanza l’una dall’altra, in un’area complessiva di 100 mq ca. La tecnica costruttiva utilizzata ù quella comunemente attestata nei siti coevi dell’Italia meridionale: essa prevede un livello basale a potsherd (o talvolta a ciottoli) realizzato con frammenti ceramici sul quale veniva steso un impasto di argilla che costituiva la superficie a vista della piastra. Le installazioni che presentano un migliore stato di conservazione hanno forma subcircolare con un diametro massimo pari ad 1m ca. Una delle 5 piastre rinvenute (US 178) conserva una particolare rifinitura dei margini con una decorazione ottenuta ad impressioni verticali affiancate; il piano della piastra presenta, inoltre, un solco a margini piuttosto regolari che corre lungo il perimetro. La presenza della decorazione la rende attualmente un unicum in Italia meridionale

    Empirical approach to the sequential relationships between generation, relational capital and performance in family wineries in Spain

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    Purpose This study aims to focus on relational social capital in family wineries. Relational social capital is influenced by the family nature of the business and is at the same time a key antecedent of winery performance. The aim is to analyse these relationships in the qualified denomination of origin (DOC) Rioja wine industry (Spain). Design/methodology/approach Using a final sample of 110 family wineries, a Baron and Kenny approach was performed to investigate the causal and mediating relationships between the generation in control, relational social capital and family winery performance. Findings Using a final sample of 110 family wineries, the study demonstrates that later generations show a higher level of relational social capital, that the positive relationship between relational social capital and performance is maintained in a family firm sample and that the generation in control sequentially influence on performance through its influence on relational social capital. Research limitations/implications The main limitations are that empirical data were obtained only from DOC Rioja wine family businesses and a cross-sectional study was conducted. Social implications This study provides policymakers and family managers responsible for succession with a better understanding of the effects of transferring the business to the next generations in terms of relational social capital and performance. Originality/value To the best of the knowledge, this is the first study to examine the sequential relationships between generation, relational social capital and performance in DOC Rioja family wineries. The context of the DOC Rioja wine industry is particularly noteworthy for two reasons. First, in this industry, family-controlled firms predominate. Second, the DOC Rioja wine industry is focussed on the small-to-medium context, which has conventionally provided a very good area for the development of social capital theory

    Uptake and partitioning of selenium in basil ( Ocimum basilicum L.) plants grown in hydroponics

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    Biofortification of edible crops with selenium (Se) may represent an alternative system for providing selenium in the human diet. The aim of the present study was to provide insights into the ability of basil plants grown in hydroponics to take up Se from the growth substrate, and to study the effects of Se concentration on plant growth and Se accumulation. The addition of sodium selenate at the rates of 4, 8 and 12 mg Se L-1 to the nutrient solution induced a dose-dependent increase in the Se uptake rate. Se was absorbed by the roots and translocated to the above-ground organs and accumulated particularly in the leaves, without affecting the biomass production of the plants. Se concentration increased during seedling growth, was highest in the younger leaves, and then declined before or upon flowering. The results clearly highlight the potential of selenizing basil shoots through the addition of selenate to the nutrient solution. This study provides crucial information for assessing the appropriate Se dosage in order to obtain the desired Se content in leaves, and the best harvest time to obtain the highest leaf Se concentration in basil. The addition of selenate to the nutrient solution could be an efficient system for providing enriched basil plants

    Production of selenium‐biofortified microgreens from selenium‐enriched seeds of basil

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    BACKGROUND:Microgreens (i.e. tender immature greens) are a popular alternative to sprouts (i.e. germinating seeds) because of their higher content of vitamins, carotenoids and phenols, as well as their lower content of nitrates. Their nutritional value can be improved by biofortification, which increases micronutrient levels during plant growth. Because selenium (Se) plays a significant role in antioxidant defense, biofortificationwith Se is a goodway of improving the nutritional quality of sprouts and microgreens. The present study investigated the production of Se-fortified microgreens from Se-enriched seeds of sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.). Thesemicrogreens could be used as new beneficial dietary supplements. RESULTS: Basil plants were grown in a nutrient solution, containing 0 (control), 4 or 8mg Se L−1 as sodium selenate, to full maturity. Seeds accumulated a high amount of Se and were then used to produce microgreens. The germination index was higher in the seeds from Se-treated plants and the microgreens were enriched in Se. The antioxidant capacity of Se-fortified microgreens was higher compared to the control. CONCLUSION: The production of microgreens fromSe-enriched seeds could comprise a good system for obtainingmicrogreens with a high nutritional value. Basil plants treated with Se could be used to produce both Se-fortified leaves and microgreen