9 research outputs found

    Novel Chemokine-Based Immunotoxins for Potent and Selective Targeting of Cytomegalovirus Infected Cells

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    Immunotoxins as antiviral therapeutics are largely unexplored but have promising prospective due to their high selectivity potential and their unparalleled efficiency. One recent example targeted the virus-encoded G protein-coupled receptor US28 as a strategy for specific and efficient treatment of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infections. US28 is expressed on virus-infected cells and scavenge chemokines by rapid internalization. The chemokine-based fusion-toxin protein (FTP) consisted of a variant (F49A) of CX3CL1 specifically targeting US28 linked to the catalytic domain of Pseudomonas exotoxin A (PE). Here, we systematically seek to improve F49A-FTP by modifications in its three structural domains; we generated variants with (1) altered chemokine sequence (K14A, F49L, and F49E), (2) shortened and elongated linker region, and (3) modified toxin domain. Only F49L-FTP displayed higher selectivity in its binding to US28 versus CX3CR1, the endogenous receptor for CX3CL1, but this was not matched by a more selective killing of US28-expressing cells. A longer linker and different toxin variants decreased US28 affinity and selective killing. Thereby, F49A-FTP represents the best candidate for HCMV treatment. Many viruses encode internalizing receptors suggesting that not only HCMV but also, for instance, Epstein-Barr virus and Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus may be targeted by FTPs

    Rationally designed chemokine-based toxin targeting the viral G protein-coupled receptor US28 potently inhibits cytomegalovirus infection in vivo

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    The use of receptor–ligand interactions to direct toxins to kill diseased cells selectively has shown considerable promise for treatment of a number of cancers and, more recently, autoimmune disease. Here we move the fusion toxin protein (FTP) technology beyond cancer/autoimmune therapeutics to target the human viral pathogen, human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), on the basis of its expression of the 7TM G protein-coupled chemokine receptor US28. The virus origin of US28 provides an exceptional chemokine-binding profile with high selectivity and improved binding for the CX3C chemokine, CX(3)CL1. Moreover, US28 is constitutively internalizing by nature, providing highly effective FTP delivery. We designed a synthetic CX(3)CL1 variant engineered to have ultra-high affinity for US28 and greater specificity for US28 than the natural sole receptor for CX(3)CL1, CX(3)CR1, and we fused the synthetic variant with the cytotoxic domain of Pseudomonas Exotoxin A. This novel strategy of a rationally designed FTP provided unparalleled anti-HCMV efficacy and potency in vitro and in vivo

    Structure–Activity Relationships and Identification of Optmized CC-Chemokine Receptor CCR1, 5, and 8 Metal-Ion Chelators

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    Chemokine receptors are involved in trafficking of leukocytes and represent targets for autoimmune conditions, inflammatory diseases, viral infections, and cancer. We recently published CCR1, CCR8, and CCR5 agonists and positive modulators based on a three metal-ion chelator series: 2,2′-bipyridine, 1,10-phenanthroline, and 2,2′;6′,2″-terpyridine. Here, we have performed an in-depth structure–activity relationship study and tested eight new optimized analogs. Using density functional theory calculations we demonstrate that the chelator zinc affinities depend on how electron-donating and -withdrawing substituents modulate the partial charges of chelating nitrogens. The zinc affinity was found to constitute the major factor for receptor potency, although the activity of some chelators deviate suggesting favorable or unfavorable interactions. Hydrophobic and halogen substituents are generally better accommodated in the receptors than polar groups. The new analog brominated terpyridine (<b>29</b>) resulted in the highest chelator potencies observed so far CCR1 (EC<sub>50</sub>: 0.49 μM) and CCR8 (EC<sub>50</sub>: 0.28 μM). Furthermore, we identified the first selective CCR5 agonist chelator, meta dithiomethylated bipyridine (<b>23</b>). The structure–activity relationships contribute to small-molecule drug development, and the novel chelators constitute valuable tools for studies of structural mechanisms for chemokine receptor activation

    Modulation in Selectivity and Allosteric Properties of Small-Molecule Ligands for CC-Chemokine Receptors

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    Among 18 human chemokine receptors, CCR1, CCR4, CCR5, and CCR8 were activated by metal ion Zn­(II) or Cu­(II) in complex with 2,2′-bipyridine or 1,10-phenanthroline with similar potencies (EC<sub>50</sub> from 3.9 to 172 μM). Besides being agonists, they acted as selective allosteric enhancers of CCL3. These actions were dependent on a conserved glutamic acid at TM-7 (VII:06/7.39). A screening of 20 chelator analogues in complex with Zn­(II) identified compounds with increased potencies, with <b>7</b> reaching highest potency at CCR1 (EC<sub>50</sub> of 0.85 μM), <b>20</b> at CCR8 (0.39 μM), and <b>8</b> at CCR5 (1.0 μM). Altered selectivity for CCR1 and CCR8 over CCR5 (<b>11</b>, <b>12</b>) and a receptor-dependent separation of allosteric from intrinsic properties were achieved (<b>20</b>). The pocket similarities of CCR1 and CCR8, contrary to CCR5 as proposed by the ligand screen, were elaborated by computational modeling. These studies facilitate exploration of chemokine receptors as possible targets for therapeutic intervention