5 research outputs found

    miRNA Expression in Endometrium and Trophoblast.

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    <p>Expression levels of miRNAs detected by microarray which were significantly different (<i>p</i><0.05) between endometrium (n = 3) and trophoblast (n = 3) from isolated from healthy (A) and arresting conceptus attachment sites (B). Real-Time PCR validation was performed for several miRNAs, and significant fold changes are listed for comparison. A positive fold change indicates that the miRNA was elevated in endometrium. A negative fold change indicates a decrease in the miRNA in endometrium. N/A: not assessed, N.S.: not significant.</p

    miRNA Expression during Porcine Pregnancy.

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    <p>Expression levels of miRNAs detected by microarray which were significantly different (<i>p</i><0.05) between non-pregnant endometrium (n = 4) as compared to endometrium associated with healthy conceptus attachment sites (A, n = 3), and arresting conceptus attachment sites (B, n = 3). Real-Time PCR validation was performed for several miRNAs, and significant fold changes are listed for comparison. A positive fold change indicates that the miRNA was elevated in non-pregnant endometrium. A negative fold change indicates a decrease in the miRNA in the non-pregnant endometrium. N/A: not assessed, N.S.: not significant.</p

    Assessment of Putative miRNA Target Genes by Real-Time PCR.

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    <p>Eleven mRNA targets of the miRNAs that were significantly elevated in arresting as compared to healthy endometrium in the microarray experiment were selected for quantification by Real-Time PCR. Each mRNA was relatively quantified against the control gene GAPDH. As miRNAs negatively regulate their mRNA targets, a decrease in mRNA transcripts in endometrium from arresting conceptus attachment sites was expected. Endometrium from healthy attachment sites (white bars, n = 6) was compared to endometrium from arresting sites (black bars, n = 6) by t-test. Bars on the graphs represent the mean plus the SEM. Data is presented on a logarithmic scale to display all genes on one graph. No statistically significant differences were observed, however each of the 11 mRNAs quantified was decreased in arresting endometrium. Statistical analyses revealed the power of the t-tests to be low, and this may have muted differences between the tissues.</p