1,449 research outputs found

    Juvenile Court Probation Supervised Youths: At Risk in Cuyahoga County, Ohio

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    Focuses on the increasing court cases of juvenile delinquents which are being processed in the U.S. Average of 1.2 million youths who are adjudicated delinquent and subsequently monitored by the juvenile justice system each year; Legal implication of the term probation; Risks involved in the juvenile justice system including family conflicts, addiction disorders, school problems and trauma

    A simple aid to footrot control

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    Two bags of superphosphate - suitably placed to form a combined seat and sheep-holding cradle - have enabled a Bridgetown farmer to carry out extensive footrot control work with only a fraction of the physical stain which usually demands

    Santa Gertrudis cattle

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    A GROWING number of Australian cattlemen, distributed throughout most of the States of the Commonwealth, are experimenting with Santa Gertrudis Cattle— an American breed evolved from an admixture of five-eighths Shorthorn and three eighths Zebu blood. Bulls of this new breed sell freely at four-figure prices and are in demand for grading-up ; pure-bred females are not sold, but remain a closely-guarded monopoly of the parent studs

    Preparing and using rawhide

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    Untanned bullock or horse hide—usually known as rawhide or greenhide—has played an important role in agriculture in many countries for centuries. It needs little preparation and combines tremendous tensile strength with light weight and durability, so is an ideal material for many farm uses

    Ropes, knots and splices

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    For hoisting and hauling, for lashing loads, restraining livestock and a hundred other farm tasks, good ropes are unexcelled. They are light to handle, take up little storage space and —if given fair usage and reasonable care—will last for years

    Build your own low-cost library

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    Although I have managed to acquire a fairly extensive library of farming books, find that the most useful volumes on my bookshelves are not the products of the recognised publishing houses. For a number of years I have been making collections of the Department of Agriculture bulletins on various farming subjects. These, when bound and indexed for easy reference are far more informative than most of the standard publications

    Behaviorally-Based Disorders: The Historical Social Construction of Youths\u27 Most Prevalent Psychiatric Diagnoses

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    The article discusses the historical social construction of the most prevalent diagnosis of youth in the U.S. The country\u27s psychiatry controls the definitions of mental health disorders and diagnosis through required practice utilization of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. A research is conducted through a social construction theoretical paradigm to identify diagnostic classification systems, nosology changes, and critical time periods

    Famous sheep breeds. 3. The Leicester

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    THE Leicester sheep, often referred to in Australia as the English Leicester to distinguish it from its relative, the Border Leicester, is the oldest of the improved British breeds. Its development from the nondescript local sheep marked an advance in stockbreeding technique which did much to make Britain famous as the stud-farm of the world

    The home tanning of hides and skins

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    Inquiries are frequently received from farmers concerning methods of home tanning, and while this subject is outside the scope of normal departmental advice, we are publishing a number of recipes from various sources which may be helpful
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