461 research outputs found

    Local structure of Liquid-Vapour Interfaces

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    The structure of a simple liquid may be characterised in terms of ground state clusters of small numbers of atoms of that same liquid. Here we use this sensitive structural probe to consider the effect of a liquid-vapour interface upon the liquid structure. At higher temperatures (above around half the critical temperature) we find that the predominant effect of the interface is to reduce the local density, which significantly suppresses the local cluster populations. At lower temperatures, however, pronounced interfacial layering is found. This appears to be connected with significant orientational ordering of clusters based on 3- and 5-membered rings, with the rings aligning perpendicular and parallel to the interface respectively. At all temperatures, we find that the population of five-fold symmetric structures is suppressed, rather than enhanced, close to the interface.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication by Molecular Physic

    Ultrafast electroabsorption dynamics in an InAs quantum dot saturable absorber at 1.3 mu m

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    The authors report a direct measurement of the absorption dynamics in an InAs p-i-n ridge waveguide quantum dot modulator. The carrier escape mechanisms are investigated via subpicosecond pump-probe measurements at room temperature, under reverse bias conditions. The optical pulses employed are degenerate in wavelength with the quantum dot ground state transition at 1.28 mu m. The absorption change recovers with characteristic times ranging from 62 ps (0 V) to similar to 700 fs (-10 V), showing a decrease of nearly two orders of magnitude. The authors show that at low applied fields, this recovery is attributed to thermionic emission while for higher applied fields, tunneling becomes the dominant mechanism. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.</p

    The effect of attractions on the local structure of liquids and colloidal fluids

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    We revisit the role of attractions in liquids and apply these concepts to colloidal suspensions. Two means are used to investigate the structure; the pair correlation function and a recently developed topological method. The latter identifies structures topologically equivalent to ground state clusters formed by isolated groups of 5 < m < 13 particles, which are specific to the system under consideration. Our topological methodology shows that, in the case of Lennard-Jones, the addition of attractions increases the system's ability to form larger (m>8) clusters, although pair-correlation functions are almost identical. Conversely, in the case of short-ranged attractions, pair correlation functions show a significant response to adding attraction, while the liquid structure exhibits a strong decrease in clustering upon adding attractions. Finally, a compressed, weakly interacting system shows a similar pair structure and topology.Comment: 22 page

    ERPs reveal the temporal dynamics of auditory word recognition in specific language impairment.

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    We used event-related potentials (ERPs) to compare auditory word recognition in children with specific language impairment (SLI group; N=14) to a group of typically developing children (TD group; N=14). Subjects were presented with pictures of items and heard auditory words that either matched or mismatched the pictures. Mismatches overlapped expected words in word-onset (cohort mismatches; see: DOLL, hear: dog), rhyme (CONE -bone), or were unrelated (SHELL -mug). In match trials, the SLI group showed a different pattern of N100 responses to auditory stimuli compared to the TD group, indicative of early auditory processing differences in SLI. However, the phonological mapping negativity (PMN) response to mismatching items was comparable across groups, suggesting that just like TD children, children with SLI are capable of establishing phonological expectations and detecting violations of these expectations in an online fashion. Perhaps most importantly, we observed a lack of attenuation of the N400 for rhyming words in the SLI group, which suggests that either these children were not as sensitive to rhyme similarity as their typically developing peers, or did not suppress lexical alternatives to the same extent. These findings help shed light on the underlying deficits responsible for SLI

    Photoelectron spectroscopy of manganese-based Heusler alloys

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    Ultraviolet-photoemission spectroscopy has been employed to investigate the valence-band electronic structures of the magnetic alloys Co2MnSn, Cu2MnAl, and Pd2MnSn.The valence band of Co2MnSn extends to approximately 5 eV below the Fermi level with a high density of states immediately below the Fermi edge. Cu2MnAl and Pd2MnSn have valence-band widths of 6 and 7 eV, respectively, with the highest density of states lying some 3 eV below the Fermi level in each case. Photoemission measurements in the region of the Mn 3p threshold indicate that Mn 3d character extends across the full width of the valence band for all three alloys. For Pd2MnSn, additional photoemission measurements in the region of the Pd 4d Cooper minimum confirm this conclusion. Modulations in photocurrent resulting from Mn 3p-to-3d resonances across the valence band of Co2MnSn are most intense towards the bottom of the band. This is discussed in terms of possible variations in initial-state hybridization. The experimental photoemission spectra are compared with calculated spectra derived from theoretical band structures. Although there are some differences in shape, the bandwidths of the calculated spectra agree very well with the experimental results

    Travelling and sticky affects: : Exploring teens and sexualized cyberbullying through a Butlerian-Deleuzian- Guattarian lens

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    In this paper we combine the thinking of Deleuze and Guattari (1984, 1987) with Judith Butler’s (1990, 1993, 2004, 2009) work to follow the rhizomatic becomings of young people’s affective relations in a range of on- and off-line school spaces. In particular we explore how events that may be designated as sexual cyberbullying are constituted and how they are mediated by technology (such as texting or in/through social networking sites). Drawing on findings from two different studies looking at teens’ uses of and experiences with social networking sites, Arto in Denmark, and Bebo in the UK, we use this approach to think about how affects flow, are distributed, and become fixed in assemblages. We map how affects are manoeuvred and potentially disrupted by young people, suggesting that in the incidences discussed affects travel as well as stick in points of fixation. We argue that we need to grasp both affective flow and fixity in order to gain knowledge of how subjectification of the gendered/classed/racialised/sexualised body emerges. A Butlerian-Deleuzian-Guattarian frame helps us to map some of these affective complexities that shape sexualized cyberbully events; and to recognize technologically mediated lines of flight when subjectifications are at least temporarily disrupted and new terms of recognition and intelligibility staked out. Keywords

    Assessment of the potential in vivo ecotoxicity of Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (DWNTs) in water, using the amphibian Ambystoma mexicanum

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    Because of their specific properties (mechanical, electrical, etc), carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are being assessed for inclusion in many manufactured products. Due to their massive production and number of potential applications, the impact of CNTs on the environment must be taken into consideration. The present investigation evaluates the ecotoxic potential of CNTs in the amphibian larvae (Ambystoma mexicanum). Acute toxicity and genotoxicity were analysed after 12 days of exposure in laboratory conditions. The genotoxic effects were analysed by scoring the micronucleated erythrocytes in the circulating blood of the larvae according to the French standard micronucleus assay. The results obtained in the present study demonstrated that CNTs are neither acutely toxic nor genotoxic to larvae whatever the CNTs concentration in the water, although black masses of CNTs were observed inside the gut. In the increasing economical context of CNTs, complementary studies must be undertaken, especially including mechanistic and environmental investigations

    Geometric frustration in small colloidal clusters

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    We study the structure of clusters in a model colloidal system with competing interactions using Brownian dynamics simulations. A short-ranged attraction drives clustering, while a weak, long-ranged repulsion is used to model electrostatic charging in experimental systems. The former is treated with a short-ranged Morse attractive interaction, the latter with a repulsive Yukawa interaction. We consider the yield of clusters of specific structure as a function of the strength of the interactions, for clusters with m=3,4,5,6,7,10 and 13 colloids. At sufficient strengths of the attractive interaction (around 10 kT), the average bond lifetime approaches the simulation timescale and the system becomes nonergodic. For small clusters m<=5 where geometric frustration is not relevant, despite nonergodicity, for sufficient strengths of the attractive interaction the yield of clusters which maximise the number of bonds approaches 100%. However for m=7m=7 and higher, in the nonergodic regime we find a lower yield of these structures where we argue geometric frustration plays a significant role. m=6m=6 is a special case, where two structures, of octahedral and C2v symmetry compete, with the latter being favoured by entropic contributions in the ergodic regime and by kinetic trapping in the nonergodic regime. We believe that our results should be valid as far as the one-component description of the interaction potential is valid. A system with competing electrostatic repulsions and van der Waals attractions may be such an example. However, in some cases, the one-component description of the interaction potential may not be appropriate.Comment: 21 pages, accepted for publication by J. Phys. Condens. Matte