42 research outputs found

    Epichloe (dawniej Neotyphodium) grzybowe endofyty zwi臋kszaj膮 adaptacje traw zimotrwa艂ych do stres贸w 艣rodowiskowych

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    Many cool-season grass species have evolved with asexual, nonsymptomatic fungal endophytes of the genus Epichlo毛 (formerly Neotyphodium) of the family Clavicipitaceae. These associations range from parasitic to mutualistic and have dramatic effects on grass host chemistry, increasing resistance to abiotic (drought, soil mineral imbalance) and biotic (vertebrate and invertebrate herbivory, nematodes, plant pathogens, plant competition) stresses. Native endophyte strains produce a range of bioprotective alkaloid and other nonalkaloid secondary compounds, several of them known to have detrimental effects on grazing animals. In the past two decades, epichloid endophyte strains have been selected with marginal or no capacity of producing ergot and/or lolitrem alkaloids. These novel endophyte strains have been introduced to several grass cultivars with the idea to increase grass host resistance to abiotic stresses without hindering grazing livestock, and abiotic stresses to ensure high competitive ability of symbiotic grass cultivars. In this presentation, we discuss mechanisms underlying the competitiveness of epichloid endophyte/grass associations and consequences of endophyte infection for grassland ecosystem functions.W trakcie ewolucji, wiele gatunk贸w traw zimotrwa艂ych ukszta艂towa艂o symbiozy z bezp艂ciowymi, bezobjawowymi grzybowymi endofytami z rodzaju Epichlo毛 (dawniej Neotyphodium ) z rodziny Clavicipitaceae. Zale偶no艣ci pomi臋dzy tymi organizmami obejmuj膮 zar贸wno relacje paso偶ytnicze jak i mutualistyczne, i maj膮 ogromny wp艂yw na szlaki metaboliczne traw, np. zwi臋kszaj膮 odporno艣膰 na wiele stres贸w 艣rodowiskowych (susza, zaburzenia r贸wnowagi mineralnej w glebie) i biotycznych (uszkodzenia li艣ci przez zwierz臋ta kr臋gowe i bezkr臋gowe, paso偶ytnicze nicienie, patogeny i konkurencj臋 z innymi ro艣linami). Niekt贸re szczepy endofyt贸w wytwarzaj膮 szereg alkaloid贸w i innych wt贸rnych zwi膮zk贸w chemicznych, kt贸re mog膮 mie膰 szkodliwy wp艂yw na zwierz臋ta wypasane na symbiotycznych trawach. W ci膮gu ostatnich dw贸ch dekad zosta艂y wyizolowane szczepy endofyt贸w, kt贸re nie produkuj膮 zwi膮zk贸w chemicznych szkodliwych dla zwierz膮t, tj. alkaloidy z grupy ergot czy lolitrem. Te nowe szczepy endofit贸w zosta艂y wprowadzone do kilku odmian traw pastwiskowych z my艣l膮 o zwi臋kszeniu ich odporno艣ci na stresy 艣rodo- wiskowe, ale bez negatywnego wp艂ywu na wypasane zwierz臋ta hodowlane w celu zapewnienia wysokiej zdolno艣ci konkurowania symbiotycznych odmian traw z chwastami. W niniejszej pracy omawiamy mechanizmy odpowiedzialne za wi臋ksz膮 zdolno艣膰 konkurencyjn膮 symbiotycznych traw oraz konsekwencje tej symbiozy dla ekosystem贸w ro艣linnych

    Zbiorowiska 艂膮kowe w USA i spodziewane kierunki ich przekszta艂ce艅 zwi膮zane ze zmianami klimatycznymi

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    Grasslands, including managed grazinglands, represent one of the largest ecosystems on the planet. Managed grazinglands in particular tend to occupy marginal climatic and edaphic resource zones, thus exacerbating responses in net primary productivity relative to changes in system resources, including anthropogenic factors. Climate dynamism, as evident from the fossil record, appears to be a putative feature of our planet. Recent global trends in temperature and precipitation patterns seem to differ from long-term patterns and have been associated with human activities linked with increased greenhouse gas emissions; specifically CO2. Thus grasslands, with their diverse floristic components, and interaction with and dependence upon herbivores, have a remarkable ability to persist and sustain productivity in response to changing resource conditions. This resistance and resilience to change, including uncertain long-term weather conditions, establishes managed grasslands as an important means of protecting food security. We review responses of grassland communities across regions of the USA and consider the responses in productivity and system function with respect to climatic variation. Research is needed to identify plant resources and management technologies that strengthen our ability to capitalize upon physiological and anatomical features prevalent in grassland communities associated with varying growing conditions.Trwa艂e u偶ytki zielone, w tym pastwiska, nale偶膮 do ekosystem贸w trawiastych i zajmuj膮 du偶e obszary w strefach klimatycznych, gdzie niemo偶liwy jest rozw贸j formacji drzewiastych. Pastwiska na og贸艂 zajmuj膮 regiony marginalne pod wzgl臋dem klimatycznym i glebowym, co dodatkowo przyczynia si臋 do pogarszania ich podstawowej wydajno艣ci w stosunku do zasob贸w systemowych, w tym czynnik贸w antropogenicznych. Dynamika klimatu, jak wynika z danych kopalnych, jest trwa艂膮 cech膮 zmian zachodz膮cych na naszej planecie. Notowane obecnie wzorce temperatury i opad贸w r贸偶ni膮 si臋 od danych wieloletnich, co wi膮偶e si臋 z dzia艂alno艣ci膮 cz艂owieka i wzrostem emisji gaz贸w cieplarnianych, w szczeg贸lno艣ci CO2. Trwa艂e u偶ytki zielone, z ich r贸偶norodnym sk艂adem florystycznym i oddzia艂ywaniem i/lub uzale偶nieniem od ro艣lino偶erc贸w, maj膮 szczeg贸ln膮 zdolno艣膰 do przetrwania i utrzymywania produktywno艣ci przy zmieniaj膮cych si臋 zasobach siedliska. Ta odporno艣膰 i elastyczno艣膰 na zmiany d艂ugoterminowe oraz niepewne warunki pogodowe, sprawia 偶e trwa艂e u偶ytki zielone s膮 istotnym elementem dla ochrony i zapewnienia bezpiecze艅stwa 偶ywno艣ciowego. W prezentowanej pracy dokonano przegl膮du trwa艂ych u偶ytk贸w zielonych w poszczeg贸lnych regionach USA oraz oceniano ich produkcyjno艣膰 i funkcjonowanie w odniesieniu do zmian klimatycznych. Niezb臋dne s膮 badania w celu identyfikacji zasob贸w ro艣linnych i opracowanie technologii produkcji opartych o rozpoznanie fizjologicznych i anatomicznych cech ro艣linno艣ci. Technologie te umo偶liwiaj膮, w powi膮zaniu z r贸偶nymi warunkami uprawy, wykorzystanie potencjalnych mo偶liwo艣ci zbiorowisk trawiastych

    Synchronously pumped optical parametric oscillator driven by a femtosecond mode-locked fibre laser

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    A femtosecond all-fiber laser source incorporating a cw mode-locked Yb-doped silica fiber oscillator and amplifier has been used to synchronously pump an optical parametric oscillator based on periodically poled lithium niobate. The signal output, consisting of 330-fs pulses at a 54-MHz repetition rate and average powers up to 90mW, was tuned from 1.55 to 1.95 碌m , with a corresponding idler range of 2.30 to 3.31 碌m

    Fibre-laser-pumped femtosecond PPLN optical parametric oscillator

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    The performance of a fibre-laser-pumped femtosecond PPLN optical parametric oscillator is described. The parametric oscillator exhibits a low threshold of 21mW, a high signal slope efficiency of 35% and generates broadly tunable 330fs pulses

    Fibre-laser-pumped femtosecond PPLN OPO

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    High-power fibre laser systems are an emerging technology for compact, robust and stable generation of ultrashort pulses. Their power levels have now converged with the power levels needed for efficient frequency conversion in quasi phase matched (QPM) nonlinear materials such as periodically poled LiNbO3 (PPLN). The combination of these two technologies is seen as an attractive method for producing broadly tunable ultrashort pulses. Here we present results of a synchronously pumped optical parametric oscillator (SPOPO) in PPLN, pumped by an Yb-doped, fibre laser source[1] in a master oscillator power amplifier scheme. The operating characteristics of this system will be described, including its tuning behaviour, the role of cavity-length-dependent effects, the effect of dispersion and its compensation using an SF10 prism pair. The experimental set-up is shown in Fig. 1. The high power fibre source generates 300fs pulses at a repetition rate of 54MHz, delivering a maximum average power of 200mW to the OPO. An operating pump wavelength of 1.056碌m was chosen for these experiments. For the SPOPO, a 5mm-long PPLN crystal was used with grating periods covering the signal range 1.65-2.1 碌m (implied idler output 2.1 - 3.0 碌m). A threshold of 20mW was measured for the case of an all high reflector cavity. The performance confirms the practicality of combining fibre laser systems with synchronously pumped OPOs. The low threshold and associated high gain suggest that the recently demonstrated use of a diffraction grating, in a picosecond SPOPO, to provide agile tuning, should be compatible with this femtosecond system. Ongoing work is aimed at demonstrating this. Fig. 1 - Schematic of OPO set-up

    Fiber laser pumped sources for the Mid-IR

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    We review recent advances in the use of fibre laser and associated technology to develop fiber-pumped mid-IR and THz based sources. In particular we review recent progress in fibre pumped OPOs operating in both the ps and ns regimes, fiber based mid-IR supercontinuum generation and narrowband DFG based THz generation