763 research outputs found

    Critical postsynaptic density 95/disc large/zonula occludens-1 interactions by glutamate receptor 1 (GluR1) and GluR2 required at different subcellular sites

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    Interactions between AMPA receptor subunits and proteins containing postsynaptic density 95/disc large/zonula occludens-1 (PDZ) domains have been shown to play critical roles in the proper trafficking of receptors to excitatory synapses. Synaptic accumulation of AMPA receptors containing the glutamate receptor 1 (GluR1) subunit can be driven by calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II activity or long-term potentiation and requires an interaction between GluR1 and a type I PDZ domain-containing protein. Synaptic incorporation of AMPA receptors with only GluR2 occurs continuously, and this requires an interaction between GluR2 and a type II PDZ domain-containing protein. We used dual-channel, two-photon laser scanning microscopy to provide high-resolution visualization and quantification of green fluorescent protein-tagged AMPA receptors in different subcellular compartments. We showed that mutations on GluR1 or GluR2 AMPA subunit that perturb interactions with PDZ domain proteins lead to the accumulation of these receptors at different subcellular sites. GluR1 mutants accumulate in the dendrite, whereas GluR2 mutants accumulate in dendritic spines. This suggests that the critical PDZ domain interactions are required for entry into spines for GluR1 and for entry into synapses for GluR2

    Postsynaptic density 95 controls AMPA receptor incorporation during long-term potentiation and experience-driven synaptic plasticity

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    The regulated delivery of AMPA-type glutamate receptors (AMPARs) to synapses is an important mechanism underlying synaptic plasticity. Here, we ask whether the synaptic scaffolding protein PSD-95 (postsynaptic density 95) participates in AMPAR incorporation during two forms of synaptic plasticity. In hippocampal slice cultures, the expression of PSD-95-green fluorescent protein (PSD-95-GFP) increases AMPAR currents by selectively delivering glutamate receptor 1 (GluR1)-containing receptors to synapses, thus mimicking long-term potentiation (LTP). Mutational analysis shows that the N terminal of PSD-95 including the first two PDZ [PSD-95/Discs large (Dlg)/zona occludens-1 (ZO-1)] domains is necessary and sufficient to mediate this effect. Further supporting a role in synaptic plasticity, wild-type PSD-95 occludes LTP and dominant negative forms block LTP. Moreover, we demonstrate that PSD-95 also participates in AMPAR delivery during experience-driven plasticity in vivo. In the barrel cortex from experience-deprived animals, the expression of PSD-95-GFP selectively increases AMPAR currents, mimicking experience-driven plasticity. In nondeprived animals, PSD-95-GFP produces no additional potentiation, indicating common mechanisms between PSD-95-mediated potentiation and experience-driven synaptic strengthening. A dominant negative form of PSD-95 blocks experience-driven potentiation of synapses. Pharmacological analysis in slice cultures reveals that PSD-95 acts downstream of other signaling pathways involved in LTP. We conclude that PSD-95 controls activity-dependent AMPAR incorporation at synapses via PDZ interactions not only during LTP in vitro but also during experience-driven synaptic strengthening by natural stimuli in vivo

    Calcium-evoked dendritic exocytosis in cultured hippocampal neurons. Part II: mediation by calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II.

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    Calcium-evoked dendritic exocytosis (CEDE), demonstrated in cultured hippocampal neurons, is a novel mechanism that could play a role in synaptic plasticity. A number of forms of neuronal plasticity are thought to be mediated by calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII). Here, we investigate the role of CaMKII in CEDE. We find that the developmental time course of CEDE parallels the expression of alphaCaMKII, a dominant subunit of CaMKII. An inhibitor of this enzyme, KN-62, blocks CEDE. Furthermore, 7 d in vitro neurons (which normally do not express alphaCaMKII nor show CEDE) can undergo CEDE when infected with a recombinant virus producing alphaCaMKII. Expression of a constitutively active CaMKII produces dendritic exocytosis in the absence of calcium stimulus, and this exocytosis is blocked by nocodazole, an inhibitor of microtubule polymerization that also blocks CEDE. These results indicate that CEDE is mediated by the activation of CaMKII, consistent with the view that CEDE plays a role in synaptic plasticity

    Multiple mechanisms for the potentiation of AMPA receptor-mediated transmission by alpha-Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II

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    Some forms of activity-dependent synaptic potentiation require the activation of postsynaptic Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII). Activation of CaMKII has been shown to phosphorylate the glutamate receptor 1 subunit of the AMPA receptor (AMPAR), thereby affecting some of the properties of the receptor. Here, a recombinant, constitutively active form of αCaMKII tagged with the fluorescent marker green fluorescent protein (GFP) [αCaMKII1–290–enhanced GFP (EGFP)] was expressed in CA1 pyramidal neurons from hippocampal slices. The changes in glutamatergic transmission onto these cells were analyzed. AMPA but not NMDA receptor-mediated EPSCs were specifically potentiated in infected compared with nearby noninfected neurons. This potentiation was associated with a reduction in the proportion of synapses devoid of AMPARs. In addition, expression of αCaMKII1–290–EGFP increased the quantal size of AMPAR-mediated responses. This effect reflected, at least in part, an increased unitary conductance of the channels underlying the EPSCs. These results reveal that several key features of long-term potentiation of hippocampal glutamatergic synapses are reproduced by the sole activity of αCaMKII

    Glutamate receptor subunit 2 serine 880 phosphorylation modulates synaptic transmission and mediates plasticity in CA1 pyramidal cells

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    The cytoplasmic C termini of AMPA receptor subunits contain PDZ ( postsynaptic density 95/Discs large/zona occludens 1) ligand domains that can control their synaptic trafficking during plasticity. The glutamate receptor subunit 2 (GluR2) PDZ ligand domain can be phosphorylated at serine 880 (S880), and this disrupts interactions with GRIP/ABP (glutamate receptor-interacting protein/AMPA binding protein) but not with PICK1 (PKC-interacting protein 1). Here, the impact of GluR2 S880 phosphorylation on synaptic transmission and plasticity was explored by expressing, in hippocampal slice cultures, GluR2 subunits containing point mutations that mimic or prevent phosphorylation at this residue. Our results indicate that mimicking GluR2 S880 phosphorylation excludes these receptors from synapses, depresses transmission, and partially occludes long-term depression (LTD). Conversely, mutations that prevent phosphorylation reduce LTD. Disruption of the interaction between GluR2 and GRIP/ABP by S880 phosphorylation may thus facilitate removal of synaptic AMPA receptors and mediate some forms of activity-dependent synaptic depression

    GluR1 links structural and functional plasticity at excitatory synapses

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    Long-term potentiation (LTP), a cellular model of learning and memory, produces both an enhancement of synaptic function and an increase in the size of the associated dendritic spine. Synaptic insertion of AMPA receptors is known to play an important role in mediating the increase in synaptic strength during LTP, whereas the role of AMPA receptor trafficking in structural changes remains unexplored. Here, we examine how the cell maintains the correlation between spine size and synapse strength during LTP. We found that cells exploit an elegant solution by linking both processes to a single molecule: the AMPA-type glutamate receptor subunit 1 (GluR1). Synaptic insertion of GluR1 is required to permit a stable increase in spine size, both in hippocampal slice cultures and in vivo. Synaptic insertion of GluR1 is not sufficient to drive structural plasticity. Although crucial to the expression of LTP, the ion channel function of GluR1 is not required for the LTP-driven spine size enhancement. Remarkably, a recombinant cytosolic C-terminal fragment (C-tail) of GluR1 is driven to the postsynaptic density after an LTP stimulus, and the synaptic incorporation of this isolated GluR1 C-tail is sufficient to permit spine enlargement even when postsynaptic exocytosis of endogenous GluR1 is blocked. We conclude that during plasticity, synaptic insertion of GluR1 has two functions: the established role of increasing synaptic strength via its ligand-gated ion channel, and a novel role through the structurally stabilizing effect of its C terminus that permits an increase in spine size

    Glutamate receptor exocytosis and spine enlargement during chemically induced long-term potentiation

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    The changes in synaptic morphology and receptor content that underlie neural plasticity are poorly understood. Here, we use a pH-sensitive green fluorescent protein to tag recombinant glutamate receptors and monitor their dynamics onto dendritic spine surfaces. We show that chemically induced long-term potentiation (chemLTP) drives robust exocytosis of AMPA receptors. In contrast, the same stimulus produces a small reduction of NMDA receptors from the spine surface. chemLTP produces similar modification of small and large spines. Interestingly, during chemLTP induction, spines increase in volume before accumulation of AMPA receptors on their surface, indicating that distinct mechanisms underlie changes in morphology and receptor content

    Cholinergic-mediated IP3-ereceptor activation induces long-lasting synaptic enhancement in CA1 pyramidal neurons

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    Cholinergic–glutamatergic interactions influence forms of synaptic plasticity that are thought to mediate memory and learning. We tested in vitro the induction of long-lasting synaptic enhancement at Schaffer collaterals by acetylcholine (ACh) at the apical dendrite of CA1 pyramidal neurons and in vivo by stimulation of cholinergic afferents. In vitro ACh induced a Ca2+ wave and synaptic enhancement mediated by insertion of AMPA receptors in spines. Activation of muscarinic ACh receptors (mAChRs) and Ca2+ release from inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3)-sensitive stores were required for this synaptic enhancement that was insensitive to blockade of NMDA receptors and also triggered by IP3 uncaging. Activation of cholinergic afferents in vivo induced an analogous atropine-sensitive synaptic enhancement. We describe a novel form of synaptic enhancement (LTPIP3) that is induced in vitro and in vivo by activation of mAChRs. We conclude that Ca2+ released from postsynaptic endoplasmic reticulum stores is the critical event in the induction of this unique form of long-lasting synaptic enhancement

    Distinct sites of opiate reward and aversion within the midbrain identified using a herpes simplex virus vector expressing GluR1

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    Repeated administration of morphine increases expression of GluR1 (an AMPA glutamate receptor subunit) in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) of the midbrain, an important neural substrate for the rewarding actions of morphine. Microinjections of a herpes simplex virus (HSV) vector that causes local overexpression of GluR1 (HSV-GluR1) into the VTA can enhance the ability of morphine to establish conditioned place preferences, suggesting that altered GluR1 expression in this region is directly associated with changes in the rewarding efficacy of morphine. We now report that in rats given HSV-GluR1 directly into the VTA, morphine is most rewarding when maximal transgene expression is in the rostral VTA, whereas morphine is aversive when maximal transgene expression is in the caudal VTA. Dual-labeling immunohistochemistry shows that this difference cannot be explained by a different fraction of dopaminergic neurons infected in the rostral versus caudal VTA. No such anatomical specificity is seen in rats given VTA microinjections of HSV-LacZ, a vector expressing a control protein (beta-galactosidase). These results suggest that distinct substrates within the VTA itself differentially contribute to the rewarding and aversive properties of opiates
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