3,342 research outputs found

    Do malaria preventive interventions reach the poor? Socioeconomic inequities in expenditure on and use of mosquito control tools in Sudan.

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    OBJECTIVES: To determine levels of socioeconomic inequities in the prevention of malaria, and to examine the implications of the findings for improving the equitable control of malaria in the Sudan. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey using a pre-tested interviewer-administered questionnaire was administered to 720 randomly selected householders from six localities in Gezira and Khartoum States. A socioeconomic status (SES) index, which was developed using principal components analysis, was used to examine socioeconomic inequity in the prevention of malaria. FINDINGS: Socioeconomic status was positively related to expenditures and use of vector control tools. The poorest households spent the least amounts of money to prevent malaria and were the least likely to own mosquito nets. CONCLUSION: The inequity in the prevention of malaria in the study areas has to be redressed before malaria can be effectively controlled in Sudan. Malaria control managers should continually determine the extent to which malaria preventive tools reach the poorest socioeconomic groups, and fashion strategies that will ensure that equity is always maintained


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    ABSTRAKPerancangan city branding ini digunakan untuk membangun citra baru Kota Sungai Penuh dan mempromosikan Kota Sungai Penuh, sehingga memberikan suatu gambaran pikiran, perasaan, asosiasi dan ekspetasi yang datang dari benak seseorang ketika seseorang tersebut melihat atau mendengar nama atau kata Sungai Penuh. Dengan perancangan city branding Kota Sungai Penuh ini diharapkan terciptanya suatu identitas yang sangat lekat dengan kota Sungai Penuh sehingga memberikan perasaan bangga terhadap masyarakat yang tinggal di Sungai Penuh, meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat, dan dapat membedakan Sungai Penuh dengan kota lainnya. Dengan menggunakan metode analisis s.w.o.t maka didapatkanlah citra yang relevan dengan Kota Sungai Penuh, yaitu Kota dengan sebutan Sekepal Tanah Surga, yang mana dapat mengingatkan target audience akan Kota Sungai Penuh apabila mendengar kata tersebut.ABSTRACTThe design of this city's branding is used to build a new image of Sungai Penuh City and promote Sungai Penuh City, thereby providing a picture of the thoughts, feelings, associations, and expectations that come to one's mind when that person sees or hears the name or word "Sungai Penuh." By designing the city branding of Sungai Penuh City, it is hoped that it will create an identity that is very closely related to the city of Sungai Penuh so as to give a feeling of pride to the people who live in Sungai Penuh, improve the community's economy, and distinguish Sungai Penuh from other cities. By using the s.w.o.t analysis method, we get an image that is relevant to Sungai Penuh City, namely the city called Sekepal Tanah Heaven, which can remind the target audience of Sungai Penuh City when they hear the word

    Discordant Evolution of the Adjacent Antiretroviral Genes TRIM22 and TRIM5 in Mammals

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    TRIM5α provides a cytoplasmic block to retroviral infection, and orthologs encoded by some primates are active against HIV. Here, we present an evolutionary comparison of the TRIM5 gene to its closest human paralogs: TRIM22, TRIM34, and TRIM6. We show that TRIM5 and TRIM22 have a dynamic history of gene expansion and loss during the evolution of mammals. The cow genome contains an expanded cluster of TRIM5 genes and no TRIM22 gene, while the dog genome encodes TRIM22 but has lost TRIM5. In contrast, TRIM6 and TRIM34 have been strictly preserved as single gene orthologs in human, dog, and cow. A more focused analysis of primates reveals that, while TRIM6 and TRIM34 have evolved under purifying selection, TRIM22 has evolved under positive selection as was previously observed for TRIM5. Based on TRIM22 sequences obtained from 27 primate genomes, we find that the positive selection of TRIM22 has occurred episodically for approximately 23 million years, perhaps reflecting the changing pathogenic landscape. However, we find that the evolutionary episodes of positive selection that have acted on TRIM5 and TRIM22 are mutually exclusive, with generally only one of these genes being positively selected in any given primate lineage. We interpret this to mean that the positive selection of one gene has constrained the adaptive flexibility of its neighbor, probably due to genetic linkage. Finally, we find a striking congruence in the positions of amino acid residues found to be under positive selection in both TRIM5α and TRIM22, which in both proteins fall predominantly in the β2-β3 surface loop of the B30.2 domain. Astonishingly, this same loop is under positive selection in the multiple cow TRIM5 genes as well, indicating that this small structural loop may be a viral recognition motif spanning a hundred million years of mammalian evolution

    Herausforderungen anwendungsbezogener Aufgaben – eine curriculare Perspektive auf den Forschungsstand

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    Curriculare Kohärenz gilt als ein Qualitätsmerkmal von Curricula und soll gewährleisten, dass Lernende fachliche Kompetenzen und fachliches Verständnis systematisch erwerben (Schmidt et al., 2005). Traditionell soll sie durch Orientierung an der fachlichen Struktur der Disziplin gewährleistet werden, berücksichtigt in jüngerer Zeit aber auch die Lernpfade von Lernenden (Confrey et al., 2017). Dabei ist zu berücksichtigen, dass diese Lernpfade nicht nur fachliche Aspekte umfassen, sondern auch eng mit sprachlichen Aspekten verbunden sind, sodass für erfolgreichen Verständnis- und Kompetenzaufbau fachliche und sprachliche Lernpfade zu koordinieren sind (Prediger & Pöhler, 2015)

    An expanded clade of rodent Trim5 genes

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    AbstractTrim5α from primates (including humans), cows, and rabbits has been shown to be an active antiviral host gene that acts against a range of retroviruses. Although this suggests that Trim5α may be a common antiviral restriction factor among mammals, the status of Trim5 genes in rodents has been unclear. Using genomic and phylogenetic analyses, we describe an expanded paralogous cluster of at least eight Trim5-like genes in mice (including the previously described Trim12 and Trim30 genes), and three Trim5-like genes in rats. Our characterization of the rodent Trim5 locus, and comparison to the Trim5 locus in humans, cows, and rabbits, indicates that Trim5 has undergone independent evolutionary expansions within species. Evolutionary analysis shows that rodent Trim5 genes have evolved under positive selection, suggesting evolutionary conflicts consistent with important antiviral function. Sampling six rodent Trim5 genes failed to reveal antiviral activities against a set of eight retroviral challenges, although we predict that such activities exist

    Socio-economic inequity in demand for insecticide-treated nets, in-door residual house spraying, larviciding and fogging in Sudan

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    BACKGROUND: In order to optimally prioritize and use public and private budgets for equitable malaria vector control, there is a need to determine the level and determinants of consumer demand for different vector control tools. OBJECTIVES: To determine the demand from people of different socio-economic groups for indoor residual house-spraying (IRHS), insecticide-treated nets (ITNs), larviciding with chemicals (LWC), and space spraying/fogging (SS) and the disease control implications of the result. METHODS: Ratings and levels of willingness-to-pay (WTP) for the vector control tools were determined using a random cross-sectional sample of 720 householdes drawn from two states. WTP was elicited using the bidding game. An asset-based socio-economic status (SES) index was used to explore whether WTP was related to SES of the respondents. RESULTS: IRHS received the highest proportion of highest preferred rating (41.0%) followed by ITNs (23.1%). However, ITNs had the highest mean WTP followed by IRHS, while LWC had the least. The regression analysis showed that SES was positively and statistically significantly related to WTP across the four vector control tools and that the respondents' rating of IRHS and ITNs significantly explained their levels of WTP for the two tools. CONCLUSION: People were willing to pay for all the vector-control tools, but the demand for the vector control tools was related to the SES of the respondents. Hence, it is vital that there are public policies and financing mechanisms to ensure equitable provision and utilisation of vector control tools, as well as protecting the poor from cost-sharing arrangements

    Impact of Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography on Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy

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    Background: For Common Bile Duct (CBD) stones an Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is done prior to cholecystectomy. However, the ideal timing of cholecystectomy following ERCP is still a matter of debate. The aim of the present study was to observe the possible impact of ERCP on subsequent laparoscopic cholecystectomy.Material and Methods: This case control study was carried out in the Department of Surgery Unit 1, Holy Family hospital, Rawalpindi, from January 2018 to March 2019. A total number of 300 patients of symptomatic gallstones presenting to outpatient department were enrolled. Two groups, A (control group) and B (case group) were made on the basis of absence or presence of CBD stones, respectively. Group A underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy within three working days of admission. In group B, ERCP was performed prior to cholecystectomy. Primary operating surgeon filled structured questionnaires for each patient immediately after surgery to compare operative differences between both groups. The baseline demographic details, clinical characteristics, laboratory investigations and peri-operative findings of both groups were recorded. Means and percentages were calculated with P value <0.05 regarded as statistically significant.Results: Majority of patients in this study were females (81%) of middle age group (42.5+15 years). Biliary colic was most common presenting complaint in both groups (33%). Dissection in triangle of Calot (P=0.00) and removal of gallbladder from liver bed (P=0.00) was significantly more difficult in group B than A. Intra-abdominal lavage was also done more often in post ERCP group (P=0.00). However procedural time did not vary between the two groups (P=0.19).Conclusions: Preoperative ERCP increases difficulty in laparoscopic cholecystectomy but does not prolong procedural time.Key words: Choledocholithiasis, Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, Laparoscopic cholecystectom

    Mathematik – Lesen – Lernen: Ein Vorlesungskonzept zur Förderung mathematischer Lesekompetenz

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    Auch in Zeiten der Digitalisierung steht der Fachtext in Form von Journalartikeln, Lehrbüchern und Vorlesungsskripten im Zentrum der Lehre an Hochschulen sowie der Wissenschaftskommunikation im Allgemeinen. Damit ist die fachliche Lesekompetenz nach wie vor eine zentrale Voraussetzung für den Wissens- und Kompetenzerwerb im Studium und für lebenslanges Lernen (Feilke, 2019). Die Förderung fachlicher Lesekompetenz ist daher nicht nur eine bedeutende und herausfordernde Aufgabe der schulischen Bildung, sondern sollte auch im Rahmen der Hochschullehre bezogen auf wissenschaftliche Fachtexte weiterentwickelt werden. Die zentrale Frage ist, wie die Lesekompetenz im Rahmen fachlicher Hochschullehre gefördert werden kann. Dazu wurde im Rahmen einer Mathematik-Lehrveranstaltung für Studierende der Lehrämter an Grundschulen und für sonderpädagogische Förderung ein Vorlesungskonzept entwickelt, das im WS21/22 pilotiert wurde. Das Vorlesungskonzept verbindet die Idee des flipped-classrooms mit der Förderung fachlicher Lesekompetenz und bietet dabei spezifisch auf die Vorkenntnisse und Lesekompetenzen der jeweiligen Lerngruppe abgestimmte Vorlesungen. Dies wird durch den Einsatz des digitalen Annotationstools AnnoPy ermöglicht, das in Kooperation mit der Sprachdidaktik und der Didaktik der Informatik an der Universität Paderborn entwickelt wurde
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