13 research outputs found

    Compact: Approximating Complex Activation Functions for Secure Computation

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    Secure multi-party computation (MPC) techniques can be used to provide data privacy when users query deep neural network (DNN) models hosted on a public cloud. State-of-the-art MPC techniques can be directly leveraged for DNN models that use simple activation functions (AFs) such as ReLU. However, DNN model architectures designed for cutting-edge applications often use complex and highly non-linear AFs. Designing efficient MPC techniques for such complex AFs is an open problem. Towards this, we propose Compact, which produces piece-wise polynomial approximations of complex AFs to enable their efficient use with state-of-the-art MPC techniques. Compact neither requires nor imposes any restriction on model training and results in near-identical model accuracy. We extensively evaluate Compact on four different machine-learning tasks with DNN architectures that use popular complex AFs SiLU, GeLU, and Mish. Our experimental results show that Compact incurs negligible accuracy loss compared to DNN-specific approaches for handling complex non-linear AFs. We also incorporate Compact in two state-of-the-art MPC libraries for privacy-preserving inference and demonstrate that Compact provides 2x-5x speedup in computation compared to the state-of-the-art approximation approach for non-linear functions -- while providing similar or better accuracy for DNN models with large number of hidden layer

    Oblivious Extractors and Improved Security in Biometric-based Authentication Systems

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    We study the problem of biometric-based authentication with template confidentiality. Typical schemes addressing this problem, such as Fuzzy Vaults (FV) and Fuzzy Extractors (FE), allow a server, aka Authenticator, to store “random looking” Helper Data (HD) instead of biometric templates in clear. HD hides information about the corresponding biometric while still enabling secure biometric-based authentication. Even though these schemes reduce the risk of storing biometric data, their correspondent authentication procedures typically require sending the HD (stored by the Authenticator) to a client who claims a given identity. The premise here is that only the identity owner - i.e., the person whose biometric was sampled to originally generate the HD - is able to provide the same biometric to reconstruct the proper cryptographic key from HD. As a side effect, the ability to freely retrieve HD, by simply claiming a given identity, allows invested adversaries to perform offline statistical attacks (a biometric analog for dictionary attacks on hashed passwords) or re-usability attacks (if the FE scheme is not reusable) on the HD to eventually recover the user’s biometric. In this work we develop Oblivious Extractors: a new construction that allows an Authenticator to authenticate a user without requiring neither the user to send a biometric to the Authenticator, nor the server to send the HD to the client. Oblivious Extractors provide concrete security advantages for biometric-based authentication systems. From the perspective of secure storage, an oblivious extractor is as secure as its non-oblivious fuzzy extractor counterpart. In addition, it enhances security against aforementioned statistical and re-usability attacks. To demonstrate the construction’s practicality, we implement and evaluate a biometric-based authentication prototype using Oblivious Extractors

    SPHINX: A Password Store that Perfectly Hides Passwords from Itself

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    Password managers (aka stores or vaults) allow a user to store and retrieve (usually high-entropy) passwords for her multiple password-protected services by interacting with a device serving the role of the manager (e.g., a smartphone or an online third-party service) on the basis of a single memorable (low-entropy) master password. Existing password managers work well to defeat offline dictionary attacks upon web service compromise, assuming the use of high-entropy passwords is enforced. However, they are vulnerable to leakage of all passwords in the event the device is compromised, due to the need to store the passwords encrypted under the master password and/or the need to input the master password to the device (as in smartphone managers). Evidence exists that password managers can be attractive attack targets. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach to password management, called SPHINX, which remains secure even when the password manager itself has been compromised. In SPHINX the information stored on the device is information theoretically independent of the user\u27s master password --- an attacker breaking into the device learns no information about the master password or the user\u27s site-specific passwords. Moreover, an attacker with full control of the device, even at the time the user interacts with it, learns nothing about the master password --- the password is not entered into the device in plaintext form or in any other way that may leak information on it. Unlike existing managers, SPHINX produces strictly high-entropy passwords and makes it compulsory for the users to register these randomized passwords with the web services, hence fully defeating offline dictionary attack upon service compromise. The design and security of SPHINX is based on the device-enhanced PAKE model of Jarecki et al. that provides the theoretical basis for this construction and is backed by rigorous cryptographic proofs of security. While SPHINX is suitable for different device and online platforms, in this paper, we report on its concrete instantiation on smartphones given their popularity and trustworthiness as password managers (or even two-factor authentication). We present the design, implementation and performance evaluation of SPHINX, offering prototype browser plugins, smartphone apps and transparent device-client communication. Based on our inspection analysis, the overall user experience of SPHINX improves upon current managers. We also report on a lab-based usability study of SPHINX, which indicates that users\u27 perception of SPHINX security and usability is high and satisfactory when compared to regular password-based authentication. Finally, we discuss how SPHINX may be extended to an online service for the purpose of back-up or as an independent password manager

    CoRA: Collaborative Risk-Aware Authentication

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    Today, authentication faces the trade-off of security versus usability. Two factor authentication, for example, is one way to improve security at the cost of requiring user interaction for every round of authentication. Most 2FA methods are bound to user\u27s phone and fail if the phone is not available. We propose CoRA, a Collaborative Risk-aware Authentication method that takes advantage of any and many devices that the user owns. CoRA increases security, and preserves usability and privacy by using threshold MACs and by tapping into the knowledge of the devices instead of requiring user knowledge or interaction. Using CoRA, authentication tokens are generated collaboratively by multiple devices owned by the user, and the token is accompanied by a risk factor that indicates the reliability of the token to the authentication server. CoRA relies on a device-centric trust assessment to determine the relative risk factor and on threshold cryptography to ensure no single point of failure. CoRA does not assume any secure element or physical security for the devices. In this paper, we present the architecture and security analysis of CoRA. In an associated user study we discover that 78% of users have at least three devices with them at most times, and 93% have at least two, suggesting that deploying CoRA multi-factor authentication is practical today

    Avoiding Lock Outs: Proactive FIDO Account Recovery using Managerless Group Signatures

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    Passwords are difficult to remember, easy to guess and prone to hacking. While there have been several attempts to solve the aforementioned problems commonly associated with passwords, one of the most successful ones to date has been by the Fast Identity Online (FIDO) alliance. FIDO introduced a series of protocols that combine local authentication on a user device with remote validation on relying party servers using public-key cryptography. One of the fundamental problems of FIDO protocols is complete reliance on a single user device for authentication. More specifically, the private key used for signing relying party challenges can only be stored on a single device. Each FIDO authenticator key is linked uniquely to an account with a relying party service. As a result a lost or stolen user device necessitates creation of new user account, using a new device, with each (previously enrolled) relying party service. To overcome this limitation, we introduce a dynamic managerless group signature scheme that organizes authenticators into groups. Each authenticator in a group has a unique private key that links it to an account with a relying party, which can sign relying party challenges. The relying party server has a group verification key that can validate challenges signed using the private key of any authenticator in a group. Our approach provides additional redundancy and usability to the FIDO protocol whilst still achieving the security properties expected in the FIDO setting such as unforgeability and unlinkability

    How Interactions Influence Users' Security Perception of Virtual Reality Authentication?

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    Users readily embrace the rapid advancements in virtual reality (VR) technology within various everyday contexts, such as gaming, social interactions, shopping, and commerce. In order to facilitate transactions and payments, VR systems require access to sensitive user data and assets, which consequently necessitates user authentication. However, there exists a limited understanding regarding how users' unique experiences in VR contribute to their perception of security. In our study, we adopt a research approach known as ``technology probe'' to investigate this question. Specifically, we have designed probes that explore the authentication process in VR, aiming to elicit responses from participants from multiple perspectives. These probes were seamlessly integrated into the routine payment system of a VR game, thereby establishing an organic study environment. Through qualitative analysis, we uncover the interplay between participants' interaction experiences and their security perception. Remarkably, despite encountering unique challenges in usability during VR interactions, our participants found the intuitive virtualized authentication process beneficial and thoroughly enjoyed the immersive nature of VR. Furthermore, we observe how these interaction experiences influence participants' ability to transfer their pre-existing understanding of authentication into VR, resulting in a discrepancy in perceived security. Moreover, we identify users' conflicting expectations, encompassing their desire for an enjoyable VR experience alongside the assurance of secure VR authentication. Building upon our findings, we propose recommendations aimed at addressing these expectations and alleviating potential conflicts

    Device Enhanced Authentication: Passwords and Second Factors

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    Presented on January 11, 2019 at 12:00 p.m. in the Klaus Advanced Computing Building, Room 1116W.Dr. Maliheh Shirvanian is a research scientist in the System Security team at Visa Research. Her main research interests are authentication, system security, and user-centered security.Runtime: 56:48 minutesDespite all the advancement in authentication schemes, text-based authentication is perhaps still the most common way of user authentication (e.g., textual passwords or personal identification numbers - PINs). However, they suffer from several well-documented security issues caused by the user’s poor choices or design inefficiencies influenced by limited human users’ capability. To address the issues accompanying current designs, we proposed a password manager and a two-factor authentication scheme built on top of the Device-Enhanced Password Authenticated Key Exchange (DE-PAKE) cryptographic protocol. In this presentation, Dr. Shirvanian introduces the design, implementation and usability evaluation of these schemes that aim to improve the security and usability of password-only authentication systems against offline dictionary attacks, online guessing attacks, and phishing attacks with the aid of a secondary device/service