5 research outputs found

    عوارض رحمی آمنوره و اولیگومنوره (احتباس طمث) در طب سنّتی ایران

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    Amenorrhea and oligomenorrhea are the most prevalent menstruation disorder in the world and also in Iran. In Iranian traditional medicine amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea and also hypomenorrhea have been known just as ”Ehteebas tams”. From the perspective of Iranian traditional medicine, Amenorrhea enables to induce numerous complications on brain, respiratory system, uterus and other organs. Uterus complication of amenorrhea consists of infertility, uterus strangulation (Ekhtenagh rahem), uterus inflammation (varam rahem) and Anatomical changes of the uterus (Mayalan rahem). In this paper, uterine diseases due to amenorrhea and their mechanism is studied. Investigation of these disease complications and its effects on body and uterus in Iranian traditional medicine emphasize on treatment importance and causing of regular and normal menstruation.از شایع‌ترین اختلالات قاعدگی در دنیا و هم‎چنین ایران، آمنوره و اولیگومنوره است. در مکتب طب سنّتی ایران قطع قاعدگی، تأخیر قاعدگی و هم‎چنین کاهش میزان خونریزی قاعدگی، «احتباس طمث» نامیده می‌شود. بر طبق آموزه‌های این مکتب‏ احتباس طمث می‌تواند عوارض فراوانی بر ارگان‌هایی مانند مغز، سیستم تنفسی، رحم و سایر اندام‏ها بر جا بگذارد. مهمترین عوارض رحمی احتباس طمث شامل ناباروری، اختناق رحم، ورم رحم، میلان رحم هستند. در این مقاله بیماری‌های رحمی ایجاد شده به دنبال احتباس طمث و مکانیسم ایجاد این عوارض مطالعه می‌شود. بررسی عوارض گسترده احتباس طمث و آثار سوء آن‌ها بر بدن و رحم، اهمیت درمان این اختلال را بیش از پیش نشان می‏دهد و لزوم برقراری خون قاعدگی به‌طور طبیعی را یادآور می‌شود

    یبوست در بارداری از دیدگاه طب سنتی ایران

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    Introduction: The human body undergoes many changes during pregnancy, such as constipation that is the second common digestive complaint among pregnant women. Since constipation create many complications in the mother and fetus, also a lot of medication during pregnancy is contraindicated, therefore the adjustment of diet and lifestyle to deal with this problem is essential. Iranian Traditional Medicine has a comprehensive approach to pregnancy. So we can set up a program for pregnant women to prevent constipation and its treatment by traditional medicine resources. Using these experiences with achievements of modern medicine is useful. Method: In this review study, important traditional reference books and new articles were searched and the findings of modern medicine scientists and physicians were compared briefly with traditional medicine findings. Results: First, the concept of constipation and its cause or aggravating factors was assessed and then specifically constipation during pregnancy and its treatment was examined. Discussion & Conclusion: According to the Iranian traditional physicians’ attention in prenatal care and attention to sanitation as a principle of health, nowadays we can use traditional medicine specialists’ finding in reproductive health and research and establish researches base on their speeches and experiences.مقدمه: بدن انسان در دوران بارداری دستخوش تغییرات بسیاری می‌گردد، از جمله یبوست که دومین شکایت گوارشی شایع در بین زنان باردار است. از آنجایی که بروز یبوست عوارض متعددی را در مادر و جنین به همراه دارد، همچنین مصرف بسیاری از داروها در دوران بارداری ممنوعیت دارد، لذا تنظیم برنامه غذایی روزانه و نحوه زندگی برای مقابله با این مشکل، ضروری است. طب سنتی ایرانی دارای رویکرد جامعی به دوران بارداری است. بنابراین جهت تنظیم یک برنامه مدون برای مادر باردار و مادری که قصد بارداری دارد، به منظور جلوگیری از ایجاد یبوست و درمان آن می‌توان از منابع طب سنتی استفاده نمود و استفاده از این تجربیات را در کنار دستاوردهای طب نوین غنیمت دانست. روش: در این مطالعه مروری و کتابخانه‌ای، کتب مرجع و مهم طب سنتی و مقالات جدید مورد بررسی قرار گرفت و یافته‌های دانشمندان طب نوین با یافته‌های حکمای طب سنتی به طور اجمالی مقایسه شدند. یافته‌ها: ابتدا به مفهوم یبوست و علل ایجاد یا تشدید آن پرداخته، سپس یبوست در بارداری و درمان آن را به‌طور خاص مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. نتیجه‌گیری: با توجه به دقت نظر اندیشمندان طب سنتی ایران در مراقبت‌های دوران بارداری و توجه به دفع فضولات به عنوان یك اصل حفظ سلامتی، شاید امروزه بتوان در مباحث بهداشت بارداری و تحقیقات مربوط به این دوران از یافته‌های حکما استفاده کرد و زیربنای تحقیقات را بر گفته‌ها و تجربیات آنان پایه‌گذاری کرد

    Environment-Friendly Waterborne Fire Retardants for Protection of Wood and Bark against Fire Flames

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    Flame retardancy was induced in maple (Acer velutinum) and ash (Fraxinus excelsior) wood and bark by means of mixtures consisting of bio-based materials such as starch (S) and glue (G) and water-based paint, MINWAX (M) in two different combined formulations with perlite (P) as the main fire retardant. The selected wood species as solid wood with two different treatable surfaces (with and without bark) were examined. The lowest and the highest mass loss occurred in the untreated-ash and untreated-maple wood samples with bark, while the lowest weight percent gain was related to PSGM-treated ash wood samples with bark, and the highest weight percent gain was related to PSGM-treated maple wood samples without bark. The lowest time to ignition and glowing point time were measured in the untreated-maple wood samples without bark, and the highest of them were measured in the PSGM-treated ash wood samples without bark. The effect of bark in the treated- and untreated-maple samples on the time to ignition and glowing point time was greater than the bark of treated- and untreated-ash samples, respectively. There was not any significant relationship between actual retention, weight percent gain, and mass loss for all treatments. However, there was significant difference between the individual and interaction agents on fire retardancy of treated and untreated samples

    Environment-Friendly Waterborne Fire Retardants for Protection of Wood and Bark against Fire Flames

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    Flame retardancy was induced in maple (Acer velutinum) and ash (Fraxinus excelsior) wood and bark by means of mixtures consisting of bio-based materials such as starch (S) and glue (G) and water-based paint, MINWAX (M) in two different combined formulations with perlite (P) as the main fire retardant. The selected wood species as solid wood with two different treatable surfaces (with and without bark) were examined. The lowest and the highest mass loss occurred in the untreated-ash and untreated-maple wood samples with bark, while the lowest weight percent gain was related to PSGM-treated ash wood samples with bark, and the highest weight percent gain was related to PSGM-treated maple wood samples without bark. The lowest time to ignition and glowing point time were measured in the untreated-maple wood samples without bark, and the highest of them were measured in the PSGM-treated ash wood samples without bark. The effect of bark in the treated- and untreated-maple samples on the time to ignition and glowing point time was greater than the bark of treated- and untreated-ash samples, respectively. There was not any significant relationship between actual retention, weight percent gain, and mass loss for all treatments. However, there was significant difference between the individual and interaction agents on fire retardancy of treated and untreated samples