555 research outputs found

    BABY BOOM target genes provide diverse entry points into cell proliferation and cell growth pathways

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    Ectopic expression of the Brassica napus BABY BOOM (BBM) AP2/ERF transcription factor is sufficient to induce spontaneous cell proliferation leading primarily to somatic embryogenesis, but also to organogenesis and callus formation. We used DNA microarray analysis in combination with a post-translationally regulated BBM:GR protein and cycloheximide to identify target genes that are directly activated by BBM expression in Arabidopsis seedlings. We show that BBM activated the expression of a largely uncharacterized set of genes encoding proteins with potential roles in transcription, cellular signaling, cell wall biosynthesis and targeted protein turnover. A number of the target genes have been shown to be expressed in meristems or to be involved in cell wall modifications associated with dividing/growing cells. One of the BBM target genes encodes an ADF/cofilin protein, ACTIN DEPOLYMERIZING FACTOR9 (ADF9). The consequences of BBM:GR activation on the actin cytoskeleton were followed using the GFP:FIMBRIN ACTIN BINDING DOMAIN2 (GFP:FABD) actin marker. Dexamethasone-mediated BBM:GR activation induced dramatic changes in actin organization resulting in the formation of dense actin networks with high turnover rates, a phenotype that is consistent with cells that are rapidly undergoing cytoplasmic reorganization. Together the data suggest that the BBM transcription factor activates a complex network of developmental pathways associated with cell proliferation and growth

    Health-related problems and quality of life in patients with syndromic and complex craniosynostosis

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    Purpose: We conducted this study to gauge the health-related problems, quality of life and the performance of the Health Utility Index Mark 3 (HUI-3) in patients with syndromic and complex craniosynostosis. Patients with syndromic and complex craniosynostosis have various physical and mental problems. More insight on these problems, per syndrome, could provide guidance to improve patient treatment and follow-up. Methods: A cross-sectional, comparative study on 131 patients and their parents was performed. Health-related quality of life was measured with the HUI-3 and the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). All data were compared to a normative Dutch population. Vision, hearing and intelligence were objectively measured. Results: The HUI-3 and the VAS were significant lower compared to the normative Dutch population. All syndromes have a high prevalence of vision and speech problems. Cognitive problems were mainly reported in patients with Apert, Crouzon and Muenke syndrome. Ambulation and dexterity problems were seen in Apert, Crouzon, Saethre-Chotzen and complex craniosynostosis. Only patients with Apert syndrome scored significantly worse on pain. The HUI-3 had a medium to strong correlation with the objectively measured outcomes. Conclusions: The overall quality of life is lower in patients with syndromic and complex craniosynostosis. To improve quality of life, more attention is needed for problems with vision and speech

    QTLMAS 2009: simulated dataset

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    Background - The simulation of the data for the QTLMAS 2009 Workshop is described. Objective was to simulate observations from a growth curve which was influenced by a number of QTL. Results - The data consisted of markers, phenotypes and pedigree. Genotypes of 453 markers, distributed over 5 chromosomes of 1 Morgan each, were simulated for 2,025 individuals. From those, 25 individuals were parents of the other 2,000 individuals. The 25 parents were genetically related. Phenotypes were simulated according to a logistic growth curve and were made available for 1,000 of the 2,000 offspring individuals. The logistic growth curve was specified by three parameters. Each parameter was influenced by six Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL), positioned at the five chromosomes. For each parameter, one QTL had a large effect and five QTL had small effects. Variance of large QTL was five times the variance of small QTL. Simulated data was made available at http://www.qtlmas2009.wur.nl/UK/Dataset

    Induction of breast cancer resistance protein by the camptothecin derivative DX-8951f is associated with minor reduction of antitumour activity

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    DX-8951f (exatecan mesylate), a new water-soluble derivative of camptothecin, is currently being evaluated in phase II clinical trials. Resistance may be acquired when treating cancer patients with DX-8951f. Therefore, we selected a subline of the human ovarian cancer cell line A2780 for resistance against DX-8951f to investigate possible mechanisms of resistance. This DX-8951f-resistant subline, designated 2780DX8 (resistance factor=9.3), displayed a typical cross-resistance pattern including compounds, such as topotecan (resistance factor =34), SN-38 (resistance factor =47), mitoxantrone (resistance factor =59) and doxorubicin (resistance factor =2.9), which have previously been associated with the expression of breast cancer resistance protein. 2780DX8 cells did not show changes in the topoisomerase I gene, in topoisomerase I protein levels or catalytic activity. Overexpression of breast cancer resistance protein could be detected, both at the mRNA and protein level, while staining for Pgp, MRP1, or LRP was negative. GF120918, an inhibitor of breast cancer resistance protein, was able to reverse the DX-8951f-induced resistance in 2780DX8 cells. In vivo experiments in well-established 2780DX8 human tumour xenografts demonstrated that the growth inhibition induced by CPT-11 was more affected by breast cancer resistance protein expression than that of DX-8951f. These data indicate for the first time that DX-8951f is able to induce breast cancer resistance protein as a mechanism of resistance. Breast cancer resistance protein, however, results in only minor reduction of antitumour activity of DX-8951f which is an advantage over topotecan and CPT-11/SN-38

    Interstatelijke betrekkingen en terugkeer:Overkoepelende samenvatting en belangrijkste conclusies

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    Comparison of analyses of the QTLMAS XIII common dataset. I: genomic selection

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    Background - Genomic selection, the use of markers across the whole genome, receives increasing amounts of attention and is having more and more impact on breeding programs. Development of statistical and computational methods to estimate breeding values based on markers is a very active area of research. A simulated dataset was analyzed by participants of the QTLMAS XIII workshop, allowing a comparison of the ability of different methods to estimate genomic breeding values. Methods - A best case scenario was analyzed by the organizers where QTL genotypes were known. Participants submitted estimated breeding values for 1000 unphenotyped individuals together with a description of the applied method(s). The submitted breeding values were evaluated for correlation with the simulated values (accuracy), rank correlation of the best 10% of individuals and error in predictions. Bias was tested by regression of simulated on estimated breeding values. Results - The accuracy obtained from the best case scenario was 0.94. Six research groups submitted 19 sets of estimated breeding values. Methods that assumed the same variance for markers showed accuracies, measured as correlations between estimated and simulated values, ranging from 0.75 to 0.89 and rank correlations between 0.58 and 0.70. Methods that allowed different marker variances showed accuracies ranging from 0.86 to 0.94 and rank correlations between 0.69 and 0.82. Methods assuming equal marker variances were generally more biased and showed larger prediction errors. Conclusions - The best performing methods achieved very high accuracies, close to accuracies achieved in a best case scenario where QTL genotypes were known without error. Methods that allowed different marker variances generally outperformed methods that assumed equal marker variances. Genomic selection methods performed well compared to traditional, pedigree only, methods; all methods showed higher accuracies than those obtained for breeding values estimated solely on pedigree relationship

    Interstatelijke betrekkingen en terugkeer:Overkoepelende samenvatting en belangrijkste conclusies

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    Novel Properties of The Apparent Metal-Insulator Transition in Two-Dimensional Systems

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    The low-temperature conductivity of low-density, high-mobility, two-dimensional hole systems in GaAs was studied. We explicitly show that the metal-insulator transition, observed in these systems, is characterized by a well-defined critical density, p_0c. We also observe that the low-temperature conductivity of these systems depends linearly on the hole density, over a wide density range. The high-density linear conductivity extrapolates to zero at a density close to the critical density.Comment: 4 Figure