30 research outputs found

    Kebijakan Perdagangan Internasional Komoditas Pertanian Indonesia

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    Dampak Deregulasi Gula terhadap Penerimaan Petani Tebu

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    EnglishSugar deregulation carried out by the government through INPRES No. 5, 1998 has liberated farmers from compulsory of cane planting. Formerly, the input of sugar raw materials to the factory was assured by the compulsory cane rotation planting by the farmers. Following deregulation, the compulsory planting was abolished. To fulfill the raw material needs, the factory was urged to offer more advantageous sharing system pattern and price level to the farmers. Alternatively that could be done is through sugar agribusiness unit development with vertical coordination where sugar factory as the initiator, motivator and coordinator. By doing so, the role of the government is limited on the effort of preventing a monopsonistic practices that might take place. IndonesianDeregulasi gula yang dilakukan pemerintah melalui Inpres No. 5 tahun 1998 telah membebaskan petani dari kewajiban menanam tebu. Bila sebelum deregulasi pasokan bahan baku pabrik gula dijamin melalui kewajiban penanaman tebu secara bergilir oleh petani, maka setelah adanya deregulasi kewajiban tersebut di hapuskan. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bahan bakunya, pabrik gula saat ini dituntut menawarkan pola bagi hasil dan tingkat harga yang lebih menguntungkan petani di bandingkan pengusahaan tanaman pangan. Alternatif yang dapat ditempuh adalah pengembangan Unit Agribisnis Gula (UAG) dengan pola koordinasi vertikal, di mana pabrik gula bertindak sebagai inisiator, motifator dan koordinator. Di sini peran pemerintah dibatasi pada upaya untuk mencegah praktek-praktek monopsonistik yang mungkin terjad

    Dampak Peningkatan Tarif Impor Gula Terhadap Pendapatan Petani Tebu

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    International sugar price tended to decline during 2002 due to high stock sugar inproducing countries and high import tariff by consumed countries. Such condition resultingnegative impact for sugar cane farmers. Therefore, government increased import tariff to700/kg to increase farmer's income. Based on some assumptions; price of white sugar cane inthe world US 225/ton,valueofexchangerateRp.8,500–Rp.8,700/US 225/ton, value of exchange rate Rp. 8,500 – Rp. 8,700/US , a range ofrendemen 6.00 – 6.50 % and farmers receive management fee 20 % from BEP; specific tariffrange from Rp 950,- to Rp 1,300/kg. To reduce the negative impact, government providedsubsidized to farmers calculated from BEP + 20% (management fee) subtracted by lelangprice at farmer level

    Struktur dan Integrasi Pasar Ekspor Lada Hitam dan Lada Putih di Daerah Produksi Utama

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    Pepper agribusiness in Indonesia has contributed to farmer\u27s incomegeneration and national foreign exchange earnings. Most pepper exportdestination is Singapore or United States of America. Annual growth rate ofpepper export value during 1989-1998 was 9.0%, although there was adecrease in 2001. The objective of the study is to identify pepper marketstructure and integration in Indonesia. Selected study sites are main productioncenters which are Lampung Province for black pepper and Bangka-BelitungPropince for white pepper. Various primary and secondary data had beencollected from various sources. An analysis model of market integration ofmodified Ravallion Model (1986) was applied. The result shows that blackpepper farm gate price is not integrated with exporter\u27s gate price, while theexporter\u27s gate price and the world\u27s price is weakly integrated. In addition,white pepper farm gate price is integrated very weakly with exporter\u27s gateprice; in contrast the exporter\u27s gate price is strongly integrated with the world\u27spepper price. This strong integration reflects that domestic price movement isheavily affected by International price fluctuation. This indicates that peppercommodity development should take efficiency and world marketcompetitiveness into consideration

    Upaya Perbaikan Kualitas Bahan Olah Karet Rakyat

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    Dalam era perdagangan bebas yang akan terus bergulir, peningkatan ekspor produk karet olahan hanya dapat ditempuh bila memiliki keunggulan komparatif dan kompetitif dari negara pesaing. Upaya kearah itu harus dimulai dari perbaikan kualitas bokar di tingkat petani, dengan menghilangkan lima faktor penghambat utama yaitu: (1) belum berperannya kelompok tani sebagai unit bisnis, (2) permintaan bahan baku inustri karet remah yang masih berorientasi kepada bokar berkualitas rendah, (3) dominasi pedagang dalam pemasaran bokar, dan (4) belum adanya pola kemitraan yang saling menguntungkan, (5) belum terlaksananya penentuan harga sesuai kualitas yang menarik bagi produk sheet angin dan slab giling