23 research outputs found

    Advantages of CO2 laser use in surgical management of otosclerosis

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    Background. Otosclerosis is a progressive osteo-destructive disorder of the bony labyrinth in which the fixation of the stapes causes the hearing loss. The aim of this study was the postoperative determination of parameters of the effect of surgical intervention on hearing and the incidence of complications and, on the basis of the differences in the examined parameters of the study, the estimation of the eficacy of the two mentioned surgical thechniques in the treatment of otosclerosis. Methods. In our research 40 patients with conductive hearing loss caused by otosclerosis underwent surgery with CO2 laser. Functional results were compared postoperatively with the results of 40 patients operated by the classical technique without the use of CO2 laser. The research was accomplished as a prospective comparative study. Results. The air-bone interval (gap) as the difference between the rim of air and bone conductivity for separate frequencies did not significantly differ between the control and the experimental group. Both methods were effective in closing the air-bone gap with the rates of closure to within 10 dB in 82.6% and 75.3% for the laser and drill, respectively. The incidence of tinnitus was significantly lower in patients who underwent surgery with CO2 laser. The frequency of intraoperative and postoperative complications was significantly lower in the laser group. Differences were statistically significant for all parameters (p<0.05). Conclusion. On the basis of the degree of postoperative hearing improvement, tinnitus and the incidence of complications it can be concluded that the use of CO2 laser during inverse stapedoplasty represents an effective and safe method, justifying the promotion of its use in the surgical management of otosclerosis

    Effects of nerve and fibroblast growth factors on the production of nitric oxide in experimental model of Huntington's disease

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    The role of nitric oxide (NO) in neurological diseases represents one of the most studied, yet controversial subjects in physiology. The aim was to examine the effects of intrastriatal injection neurotrophins (nerve growth factors-NGF, fibroblast growth factors-FGF) in order to investigate the possible involvement of NO in quinolinic acid (QA) induced striatum toxicity in the rat model of Huntington's disease (HD). QA was administered unilaterally into the striatum of adult Wistar rats in a single dose of 150 nM. The other two groups of animals were pretreated immediately before QA application with NGF and FGF, respectively. Control group was treated with 0.9% saline solution in the same manner. Animals were decapitated 7 days after the treatment. Nitrite levels were significantly decreased both in the ipsi- and contra lateral striatum and forebrain cortex of NGF- and FGF-treated animals compared with QA treatment. These results indicated a temporal and spatial propagation of oxidative stress and spread protective effects of NGF and FGF on the forebrain cortex, the distant structure, but tightly connected with striatum, the place of direct neurotoxin damage. Neurotrophins could be the potential neuroprotective agents in HD

    Antioxidative effect of nerve growth factor (NGF) in rat thalamus after quinolinic acid-induced neurotoxicity

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    Quinolinic acid (QA) produces a pattern of selective cell loss in the striatum, that closely mimics that of Huntington's disease (HD). The aim of this study was to investigate the antioxidative status in the thalamus after intrastriatal application of QA and the influence of nerve growth factor (NGF) on such neurotoxicity. Wistar rats were treated intrastriatally (coordinates: 8.4A, 2.6L, 4.8V), using a stereotaxic instrument. The first group was treated with QA (150 nmol/l). The second group was treated with QA, followed by NGF (4.5 mg/kg b.w). The control group was treated with 0.9 % saline solution. Seven days after the treatment, we found decreased superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in mitochondrial fractions of the striatum of both groups. In the thalamus, SOD activity showed no differences. The content of superoxide anion increased in the striatum of QA- treated animals. It was decreased in both structures in the group that was treated with QA and NGF. In the QA+ NGF-treated group, we found increased glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx) and GSH, compared to the group that was treated with QA only, but these values were lower than in the controls. Thus, NGF showed beneficial effects on the oxido-reduction status in the striatum, and also in the thalamus, a structure that is separated from but tightly connected with the striatum.Hinolinska kiselina (HK) prouzrokuje takav selektivni gubitak ćelija u strijatumu, koji veoma dobro imitira onaj kod Huntingtonove bolesti. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispita antioksidativni status u talamusu nakon aplikacije HK u strijatum i uticaj NGF na takvu neurotoksičnost. Wistar pacovi su tretirani intrastrijatno, pomoću stereotaksičnog instrumenta (koordinate: 8,4A, 2,6L, 4,8V). Prva grupa je bila tretirana HK (150 nmol/l). Druga grupa je bila tretirana HK, a nakon toga je dobila NGF (4.5 mg/ kg b.w). Kontrolna grupa je bila tretirana fizioloÅ”kim rastvorom. Sedam dana nakon tretmana, u mitohondrijskim frakcijama strijatuma, naÅ”li smo smanjenu aktivnost SOD u obema grupama. U talamusu, aktivnost SOD se nije promenila. Sadržaj superoksidnog anjona se povećao u strijatumu životinja koje su bile tretirane HK, a smanjio se u obema strukturama, u grupi koja je bila tretirana sa HK i NGF. U HK+ NGF-tretiranoj grupi, naÅ”li smo povećanu aktivnost GSHPx i GSH u odnosu na grupu koja je bila tretirana samo sa HK, ali su te vrednosti bile manje u odnosu na kontrolne. NGF je pokazao povoljne efekte na oksido-reduktivni status u strijatumu, ali takođe i u talamusu, strukturi koja je odvojena, ali veoma blisko povezana sa strijatumom.nul

    Efekat NGF na antioksidativnu odbranu u talamusu pacova nakon neurotoksičnog delovanja hinolinske kiseline

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    Quinolinic acid (QA) produces a pattern of selective cell loss in the striatum, that closely mimics that of Huntington's disease (HD). The aim of this study was to investigate the antioxidative status in the thalamus after intrastriatal application of QA and the influence of nerve growth factor (NGF) on such neurotoxicity. Wistar rats were treated intrastriatally (coordinates: 8.4A, 2.6L, 4.8V), using a stereotaxic instrument. The first group was treated with QA (150 nmol/l). The second group was treated with QA, followed by NGF (4.5 mg/kg b.w). The control group was treated with 0.9 % saline solution. Seven days after the treatment, we found decreased superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in mitochondrial fractions of the striatum of both groups. In the thalamus, SOD activity showed no differences. The content of superoxide anion increased in the striatum of QA- treated animals. It was decreased in both structures in the group that was treated with QA and NGF. In the QA+ NGF-treated group, we found increased glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx) and GSH, compared to the group that was treated with QA only, but these values were lower than in the controls. Thus, NGF showed beneficial effects on the oxido-reduction status in the striatum, and also in the thalamus, a structure that is separated from but tightly connected with the striatum.Hinolinska kiselina (HK) prouzrokuje takav selektivni gubitak ćelija u strijatumu, koji veoma dobro imitira onaj kod Huntingtonove bolesti. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispita antioksidativni status u talamusu nakon aplikacije HK u strijatum i uticaj NGF na takvu neurotoksičnost. Wistar pacovi su tretirani intrastrijatno, pomoću stereotaksičnog instrumenta (koordinate: 8,4A, 2,6L, 4,8V). Prva grupa je bila tretirana HK (150 nmol/l). Druga grupa je bila tretirana HK, a nakon toga je dobila NGF (4.5 mg/ kg b.w). Kontrolna grupa je bila tretirana fizioloÅ”kim rastvorom. Sedam dana nakon tretmana, u mitohondrijskim frakcijama strijatuma, naÅ”li smo smanjenu aktivnost SOD u obema grupama. U talamusu, aktivnost SOD se nije promenila. Sadržaj superoksidnog anjona se povećao u strijatumu životinja koje su bile tretirane HK, a smanjio se u obema strukturama, u grupi koja je bila tretirana sa HK i NGF. U HK+ NGF-tretiranoj grupi, naÅ”li smo povećanu aktivnost GSHPx i GSH u odnosu na grupu koja je bila tretirana samo sa HK, ali su te vrednosti bile manje u odnosu na kontrolne. NGF je pokazao povoljne efekte na oksido-reduktivni status u strijatumu, ali takođe i u talamusu, strukturi koja je odvojena, ali veoma blisko povezana sa strijatumom

    Efekti različitih inhibitora azot oksid sintaze na oÅ”tećenje neurona indukovano hinolinskom kiselinom kod pacova

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    The aetiology of neuronal death in neurodegenerative diseases, including Huntington-s disease, is still unknown. There could be a complex interplay among altered energy metabolism, excitotoxicity and oxidative stress. Our aim was to examine the effects of intrastriatal injection of a selective inhibitor of neuronal nitric oxide synthase, 7-nitroindazole, and a non-specific potent nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, Nw-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester, in order to study the possible involvement of glutathione, an important antioxidant, in quinolinic acid-induced striatal toxicity in the rat. Unilateral administration of quinolinic acid to rat striatum in a single dose of 150 nmol/L was used as a model of Huntington-s disease. The other group of animals were pretreated with 7- nitroindazole and Nw-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester, respectively. Control groups were treated with saline solution and olive oil, respectively. Content of total glutathione, was increased in the ipsi- and contralateral striatum, forebrain cortex, basal forebrain and hippocampus in the groups treated with nitric oxid synthase inhibitors and quinolinic acid compared to the quinolinic acid-treated animals. These results support the hypothesis that oxygen free radicals contribute to excitotoxic neuronal injury, and also that nitric oxide synthase inhibitors could be potential neuroprotective agents in Huntington-s disease.Etiologija selektivnog umiranja neurona u neurodegenerativnim bolestima je nepoznata, iako postoje dokazi o defektu energetskog metabolizma, ekscitotoksičnosti i oksidativnom oÅ”tećenju. Verovatno je da ključnu ulogu ima kompleksna interakcija između ovih mehanizama. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se ispitaju efekti intrastrijatne primene selektivnog inhibitora neuronske azot oksid sintaze, 7-nitroindazola, kao i nespecifičnog inhibitora azot oksid sintaze, Nw-nitro-l-arginin metil estra, zbog moguće uključenosti glutationa, ključnog antioksidansa, u toksičnost strijatuma izazvanu hinolinskom kiselinom, kod pacova. Unilateralna aplikacija hinolinske kiseline, u strijatum pacova u pojedinačnoj dozi od 150 nmol/L koriŔćena je kao model Hantingtonove bolesti. Druge grupe životinja tretirane su 7-nitroindazolom, odnosno Nw-nitro-l-arginin metil estrom. Kontrolne grupe dobijale su fizioloÅ”ki rastvor, odnosno maslinovo ulje. Sadržaj ukupnog glutationa je povećan u ipsi- i kontralateralnom strijatumu, kori prednjeg mozga, bazalnom prednjem mozgu i hipokampusu grupa životinja koje su pored hinolinske kiseline primile i odgovarajući inhibitor neuronske azot oksid sintaze, u poređenju sa grupom tretiranom samo neurotoksinom. Ovi podaci pokazuju da kiseonični slobodni radikali učestvuju u ekscitotoksičnom oÅ”tećenju neurona, kao i da inhibitori azot oksid sintaze mogu biti potencijalni neuroprotektivni agensi u Hantingtonovoj bolesti

    Antioxidative effect of nerve growth factor (NGF) in rat thalamus after quinolinic acid-induced neurotoxicity

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    Quinolinic acid (QA) produces a pattern of selective cell loss in the striatum, that closely mimics that of Huntington's disease (HD). The aim of this study was to investigate the antioxidative status in the thalamus after intrastriatal application of QA and the influence of nerve growth factor (NGF) on such neurotoxicity. Wistar rats were treated intrastriatally (coordinates: 8.4A, 2.6L, 4.8V), using a stereotaxic instrument. The first group was treated with QA (150 nmol/l). The second group was treated with QA, followed by NGF (4.5 mg/kg b.w). The control group was treated with 0.9 % saline solution. Seven days after the treatment, we found decreased superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in mitochondrial fractions of the striatum of both groups. In the thalamus, SOD activity showed no differences. The content of superoxide anion increased in the striatum of QA- treated animals. It was decreased in both structures in the group that was treated with QA and NGF. In the QA+ NGF-treated group, we found increased glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx) and GSH, compared to the group that was treated with QA only, but these values were lower than in the controls. Thus, NGF showed beneficial effects on the oxido-reduction status in the striatum, and also in the thalamus, a structure that is separated from but tightly connected with the striatum.Hinolinska kiselina (HK) prouzrokuje takav selektivni gubitak ćelija u strijatumu, koji veoma dobro imitira onaj kod Huntingtonove bolesti. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispita antioksidativni status u talamusu nakon aplikacije HK u strijatum i uticaj NGF na takvu neurotoksičnost. Wistar pacovi su tretirani intrastrijatno, pomoću stereotaksičnog instrumenta (koordinate: 8,4A, 2,6L, 4,8V). Prva grupa je bila tretirana HK (150 nmol/l). Druga grupa je bila tretirana HK, a nakon toga je dobila NGF (4.5 mg/ kg b.w). Kontrolna grupa je bila tretirana fizioloÅ”kim rastvorom. Sedam dana nakon tretmana, u mitohondrijskim frakcijama strijatuma, naÅ”li smo smanjenu aktivnost SOD u obema grupama. U talamusu, aktivnost SOD se nije promenila. Sadržaj superoksidnog anjona se povećao u strijatumu životinja koje su bile tretirane HK, a smanjio se u obema strukturama, u grupi koja je bila tretirana sa HK i NGF. U HK+ NGF-tretiranoj grupi, naÅ”li smo povećanu aktivnost GSHPx i GSH u odnosu na grupu koja je bila tretirana samo sa HK, ali su te vrednosti bile manje u odnosu na kontrolne. NGF je pokazao povoljne efekte na oksido-reduktivni status u strijatumu, ali takođe i u talamusu, strukturi koja je odvojena, ali veoma blisko povezana sa strijatumom.nul

    Alternative and complementary medicine

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    Effect of magnesium pretreatment on glutathione levels in kidney and liver of mice exposed to acute cadmium intoxication

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    Abstracts of the EUROTOX 2006/6 CTDC Congress43rd Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology & 6th Congress of Toxicology in Developing Countries, 20-24 September 2006 - Cavtat, Croati