205 research outputs found

    Local pressure for confined systems

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    We derive a general closed expression for the local pressure exerted onto the corrugated walls of a channel confining a fluid medium. When the fluid medium is at equilibrium the local pressure is a functional of the shape of the walls. It is shown that, due to the intrinsic non-local character of the interactions among the particles forming the fluid, the applicability of approximate schemes such as the concept of a surface of tension or morphometric thermodynamics is limited to wall curvatures small compared to the range of particle-particle interactions.Comment: corrections of typos of the previous version and reorganization of part of the material in an additional appendi

    Model microswimmers in channels with varying cross section

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    We study different types of microswimmers moving in channels with varying cross section and thereby interacting hydrodynamically with the channel walls. Starting from the Smoluchowski equation for a dilute suspension, for which interactions among swimmers can be neglected, we derive analytic expressions for the lateral probability distribution between plane channel walls. For weakly corrugated channels we extend the Fick--Jacobs approach to microswimmers and thereby derive an effective equation for the probability distribution along the channel axis. Two regimes arise dominated either by entropic forces due to the geometrical confinement or by the active motion. In particular, our results show that the accumulation of microswimmers at channel walls is sensitive to both, the underlying swimming mechanism and the geometry of the channels. Finally, for asymmetric channel corrugation our model predicts a rectification of microswimmers along the channel, the strength and direction of which strongly depends on the swimmer type.Comment: Added reference #4

    Mechanical stability of bipolar spindle assembly

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    Assembly and stability of mitotic spindle is governed by the interplay of various intra-cellular forces, e.g. the forces generated by motor proteins by sliding overlapping anti-parallel microtubules (MTs) polymerized from the opposite centrosomes, the interaction of kinetochores with MTs, and the interaction of MTs with the chromosomes arms. We study the mechanical behavior and stability of spindle assembly within the framework of a minimal model which includes all these effects. For this model, we derive a closed--form analytical expression for the force acting between the centrosomes as a function of their separation distance and we show that an effective potential can be associated with the interactions at play. We obtain the stability diagram of spindle formation in terms of parameters characterizing the strength of motor sliding, repulsive forces generated by polymerizing MTs, and the forces arising out of interaction of MTs with kinetochores. The stability diagram helps in quantifying the relative effects of the different interactions and elucidates the role of motor proteins in formation and inhibition of spindle structures during mitotic cell division. We also predict a regime of bistability for certain parameter range, wherein the spindle structure can be stable for two different finite separation distances between centrosomes. This occurrence of bistability also suggests mechanical versatility of such self-assembled spindle structures.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, under review in EP

    Charge polarization, local electroneutrality breakdown and eddy formation due to electroosmosis in varying-section channels

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    We characterize the dynamics of an electrolyte embedded in a varying-section channel under the action of a constant external electrostatic field. By means of molecular dynamics simulations we determine the stationary density, charge and velocity profiles of the electrolyte. Our results show that when the Debye length is comparable to the width of the channel bottlenecks a concentration polarization along with two eddies sets inside the channel. Interestingly, upon increasing the external field, local electroneutrality breaks down and charge polarization sets leading to the onset of net dipolar field. This novel scenario, that cannot be captured by the standard approaches based on local electroneutrality, opens the route for the realization of novel micro and nano-fluidic devices

    Globule-like conformation and enhanced diffusion of active polymers

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    We study the dynamics and conformation of polymers composed by active monomers. By means of Brownian dynamics simulations we show that when the direction of the self-propulsion of each monomer is aligned with the backbone, the polymer undergoes a coil-to-globule-like transition, highlighted by a marked change of the scaling exponent of the gyration radius. Concurrently, the diffusion coefficient of the center of mass of the polymer becomes essentially independent of the polymer size for sufficiently long polymers or large magnitudes of the self-propulsion. These effects are reduced when the self-propulsion of the monomers is not bound to be tangent to the backbone of the polymer. Our results, rationalized by a minimal stochastic model, open new routes for activity-controlled polymer and, possibly, for a new generation of polymer-based drug carriers.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, Supplementary Materials 7 page

    Geometrically-tuned channel permeability

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    We characterize the motion of charged as well as neutral tracers, in an electrolyte embedded in a varying section channel. We exploit a set of systematic approximations that allows us to simplify the problem, yet capturing the essential of the interplay between the geometrical confinement provided by the corrugated channel walls and the electrolyte properties. Our simplified approach allows us to characterize the transport properties of corrugated channels when a net flux of tracers is obtained by keeping the extrema of the channel at different chemical potentials. For highly diluted tracer suspensions, we have characterized tracers currents and we have estimated the net electric current which occurs when both positively and negatively charged tracers are considered.Comment: Fixed reference

    Bistability, oscillations and bidirectional motion of ensemble of hydrodynamically-coupled molecular motors

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    We analyze the collective behavior of hydrodynamically coupled molecular motors. We show that the local fluxes induced by motors displacement can induce the experimentally observed bidirectional motion of cargoes and vesicles. By means of a mean--field approach we show that sustained oscillations as well as bistable collective motor motion arise even for very large collection of motors, when thermal noise is irrelevant. The analysis clarifies the physical mechanisms responsible for such dynamics by identifying the relevant coupling parameter and its dependence on the geometry of the hydrodynamic coupling as well as on system size. We quantify the phase diagram for the different phases that characterize the collective motion of hydrodynamically coupled motors and show that sustained oscillations can be reached for biologically relevant parameters, hence demonstrating the relevance of hydrodynamic interactions in intracellular transport

    Active colloids at fluid interfaces

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    If an active Janus particle is trapped at the interface between a liquid and a fluid, its self-propelled motion along the interface is affected by a net torque on the particle due to the viscosity contrast between the two adjacent fluid phases. For a simple model of an active, spherical Janus colloid we analyze the conditions under which translation occurs along the interface and we provide estimates of the corresponding persistence length. We show that under certain conditions the persistence length of such a particle is significantly larger than the corresponding one in the bulk liquid, which is in line with the trends observed in recent experimental studies

    Driving an electrolyte through a corrugated nanopore

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    We characterize the dynamics of a z−zz-z electrolyte embedded in a varying-section channel. In the linear response regime, by means of suitable approximations, we derive the Onsager matrix associated to externally enforced gradients in electrostatic potential, chemical potential, and pressure, for both dielectric and conducting channel walls. We show here that the linear transport coefficients are particularly sensitive to the geometry and the conductive properties of the channel walls when the Debye length is comparable to the channel width. In this regime, we found that one pair of off-diagonal Onsager matrix elements increases with the corrugation of the channel transport, in contrast to all other elements which are either unaffected by or decrease with increasing corrugation. Our results have a possible impact on the design of blue-energy devices as well as on the understanding of biological ion channels through membrane
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