4 research outputs found

    Il Family Impact. Un approccio focalizzato sulla famiglia per le politiche e le pratiche

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    Facendo seguito a un seminario internazionale promosso in collaborazione con il Cisf (Centro Internazionale Studi Famiglia) e tenutosi presso l\u2019Universit\ue0 Cattolica nell\u2019autunno 2017, il Quaderno contiene la prima edizione italiana di due testi in cui viene presentato il Modello del Family Impact elaborato dal Family Impact Institute (Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana) e alcuni contributi multidisciplinari che fanno il punto sul dibattito riguardante l\u2019impatto familiare di politiche e interventi in Italia. L\u2019analisi dell\u2019impatto delle politiche e degli interventi sul benessere delle famiglie \ue8 un tema rilevante che ha avuto ampia risonanza anche alla Conferenza nazionale sulla famiglia organizzata dal Dipartimento per le politiche della famiglia della Presidenza del Consiglio nel 2017. In questa occasione i curatori del Quaderno hanno presentato il modello americano, valido per promuovere un dialogo virtuoso tra ricercatori e policy makers

    Strategies for Disease Prevention and Health Promotion in Urban Areas: The Erice 50 Charter

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    The Erice 50 Charter titled "Strategies for Diseases Prevention and Health Promotion in Urban Areas" was unanimously approved at the conclusion of the 50th Residential Course "Urban Health. Instruments for promoting health and for assessing hygienic and sanitary conditions in urban areas", held from 29th March to 2nd April 2017 in Erice, at the "Ettore Majorana" Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture and promoted by the International School of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine "G. D'Alessandro" and the Study Group "Building Hygiene" of the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health (SItI). At the conclusion of the intense learning experience during the Course, with more than 20 lectures, workshops and long-lasting discussions between Professors and Students, the participants identified the major points connecting urban features and Public Health, claiming the pivotal role of urban planning strategies for the management of Diseases Prevention and Health Promotion activities. The Erice 50 Charter is configured as a Decalogue for Healthy Cities and as a Think Tank for designing effective strategic actions and best practices to develop urban regeneration interventions and improve the urban quality of contemporary cities. The Decalogue is structured into the following key strategic objectives: 1. Promoting urban planning interventions that address citizens towards healthy behaviours; 2. Improving living conditions in the urban context; 3. Building an accessible and inclusive city, with a special focus on the frail population; 4. Encouraging the foundation of resilient urban areas; 5. Supporting the development of new economies and employment through urban renewal interventions; 6. Tackling social inequalities; 7. Improving stakeholders' awareness of the factors affecting Public Health in the cities; 8. Ensuring a participated urban governance; 9. Introducing qualitative and quantitative performance tools, capable of measuring the city's attitude to promote healthy lifestyles and to monitor the population's health status; 10. Encouraging sharing of knowledge and accessibility to informations. Finally, all the participants underlined that a multidisciplinary team, composed of Physicians specialized in Hygiene, Preventive Medicine, Public Health and Technicians as Architects, Urban planners and Engineers, is needed to deepen the research topic of Urban Health