764 research outputs found

    The role of veterinarian in the monitoring programs of mastitis control

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    Mastitis is the most common and the most expensive disease of dairy cows. It is followed by a large number of direct and indirect costs that burden the farms budget and lead to major economic and health losses. The veterinarian at the farm plays a key role in implementing a protocol of biosecurity measures, a protocol of control, therapy, and the suppression of clinical and subclinical mastitis. In order to successfully implement these measures, a good communication between a veterinarian and a farm staff who performs milking procedures is necessary in order to detect and treat all cases of mastitis in time

    Uticaj meteoroloških uslova na važnije kvantitativne i kvalitativne osobine heljde (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench)

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    The results of two-year investigations of buckwheat raised in agroecological conditions of South Banat (Pančevo) and West Serbia (Gorobilje) are presented in the paper. Based on the obtained investigation data, we confirm the hypothesis that buckwheat is a plant suited to more humid regions, since we have determined higher yield of the plant on locations with higher precipitation amount. During 1999, the yield of buckwheat was higher at the location in Pančevo and the next year at the location in Gorobilje. Also, in the year 2000, values of average plant height, number of seeds per plant and seed mass per plant were higher at the location in Gorobilje, whereas in the year 1999 (first year of investigation), which from the aspect of climatic conditions could be considered as optimal, plant yield and all other investigated parameters were better in case of buckwheat originating from the location in Pančevo. In the year 2000, in regard to the seed proportionally medium fractions were more present, which is, among other things, the result of the influence of higher precipitation amount. In regard to the exploitation value of the seed, better germination was registered for seed produced in 2000 (at both locations), although it had lower mass compared to the seed produced in 1999. Blossoming (blooming) in the first study year at both locations started 5 to 7 days earlier compared to the second year of investigations and lasted 5 to 8 days longer. On the other hand, in the second year of investigations at both locations harvesting started 10 to 12 days earlier compared to the previous year.Prikazani su rezultati dvogodišnjeg ispitivanja heljde gajene u agroekološkim uslovima Južnog Banata (Pančevo) i Zapadne Srbije (Gorobilje). Na osnovu dobijenih podataka istraživanja potvrđuje se hipoteza da je heljda biljka humidnijih rejona, jer je prinos veći na lokalitetima koji su bili bogatiji padavinama, tako je 1999. godine prinos veći na lokalitetu u Pančevu, a naredne godine u Gorobilju. Isto tako, u 2000. godini prosečna visina biljaka, broj semena po biljci i masa semena po biljci bili su veći u Gorobilju dok su u 1999. godini (prvoj godini istraživanja), koja je sa klimatskog stanovišta bila optimalna prinos, i svi drugi ispitivani pokazatelji bili bolji u Pančevu. U 2000. godini bile su u semenu procentualno više zastupljene srednje frakcije što je između ostalog rezultat uticaja većih količina padavina. Kada je u pitanju upotrebna vrednost semena bolje je klijalo seme proizvedeno u 2000. godini (na oba lokaliteta) iako je imalo manju masu u odnosu na seme proizvedeno 1999. godine. Cvetanje je u prvoj godini istraživanja na oba lokaliteta počelo 5-7 dana ranije u odnosu na drugu godinu i trajalo je vremenski duže 5-8 dana. S druge strane, žetva je u drugoj godini na oba lokaliteta bila ranija u odnosu na prvu 10-12 dana

    Varijabilnost važnijih osobina semena nevena u odnosu na genotip i klimatske uslove

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    The results of the two-year comparative research of qualitative and quantitative traits of marigold seed of different genotypes in regard to the standard cultivar were analyzed. The highest yield of seed in both study years was registered in genotype "King orange", and the lowest in genotype "R". Concerning the quality of seed, that is, germination energy and total germination, the best results were established for genotype "King orange" and the poorest for genotype "R" in both study years. The highest absolute mass was registered in domestic cultivar "Domestic orange". Climatic conditions had great influence on yield and quality of marigold seed. In the first study year, with 2.5 times higher water sediment during the vegetation period, seed yield in all genotypes was higher compared to the second study year. Also, absolute mass of seed of all genotypes was higher in the first study year. However, germination energy and total germination for all genotypes was better in the second year, when the sum of temperatures during the vegetation period was 3758°C compared to the first year when the sum of temperatures recorded was 3523°C.Analizirani su rezultati dvogodišnjeg uporedog istraživanja kvalitativnih i kvantitativnih osobina semena više genotipova nevena u odnosu na standardnu sortu. Najveći prinos semena u obe eksperimentalne godine zabeležen je kod genotipa ²King orange² a najmanji kod genotipa ²R². U pogledu kvaliteta semena, odnosno energije klijanja i ukupnog klijanja, najbolje rezultate dao je genotip ²King orange² a najslabije genotip ²R² u obe godine istraživanja. Najveću apsolutnu masu imalo je seme standardne sorte ²Domaći oranž². Klimatski uslovi imali su velikog uticaja na prinos i kvalitet semena nevena. Tako je u prvoj godini istraživanja, kada je u vegetacionom periodu bilo 2,5 puta više vodenog taloga, prinos semena svih genotipova bio veći u odnosu na drugu godinu. Takođe, i apsolutna masa semena svih genotipova bila je veća u prvoj godini istraživanja. Međutim, energija klijanja i ukupno klijanje bili su kod svih genotipova bolji u drugoj godini istraživanja kada je suma temperatura u vegetacionom periodu bila 3758°C, u odnosu na prvu godinu istraživanja kada je ista suma iznosila 3523°C


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    The opportunity for submission of B&H\u27s application for EU membership was opened with the entering into force of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement, and was carried out in February 2016. The membership application must contain European affiliation of the applicant country, inclusion in the European Union as a policy objective of the applicant country, as well as readiness for assuming all objectives and commitments ensuing from membership in the EU. B&H is at the very bottom compared to Central European countries, and is below 30% of European Union average in view of level of development. That points to the necessity of implementation of structural reforms in order to mobilize the private sector, which must be the main generator of growth and increase in employment, and which will gradually bring B&H closer to the EU average. 165,8 billion euros are intended for B&H from IPA II programme for the period 2014-2017, whereas the amount of available funds for the period 2018-2020 will be defined subsequently. It has been decided that 13,7 million years will be allocated annually for socioeconomic and regional development in 2016 and 2017. In 2014, 4 million euros were allocated for undertakings regarding employment, active social policy, education, research and development, promotion of gender equality and human resources development, and 11 million annually in the following years, including 2017. Reforms financed from IPA should provide citizens with better opportunities and allow for development of standards equal to those of EU citizens

    Poništavanje akustičke jeke pri »hands-free« komunikaciji

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    The control of acoustic feedback has an important function in speech processing systems, whenever the microphone picks up the audio signal radiated by loudspeaker and its reflection from the enclosure. The users are annoyed by listening to their own speech delayed by the round-trip time of the hands free communicator. This paper compares convergence properties of two FIR filter adaptation algorithms used in echo cancellation. Beside base algorithms, advanced and improved versions that include adaptive step size are considered.Kontrola akustičke povratne veze ima važnu ulogu u sustavima koji procesiraju govor, a pritom mikrofon prima audio signale reproducirane pomoću zvučnika kao i refleksije okolnog prostora. Korisnici su ometani pri slušanju jer čuju svoj vlastiti govor zbog vremenskog kašnjenja povratnog signala pri uporabi »hands-free« komunikatora. U članku su uspoređena konvergencijska svojstva dvaju adaptivnih algoritama za FIR filtre koji se upotrebljavaju u sustavima za potiskivanje odjeka. Osim osnovnih algoritama razmatrane su i naprednije verzije koje uključuju adaptivnu veličinu koraka

    Uporedo ispitivanje pojedinih osobina životne sposobnosti semena gajene i samonikle lincure sa više lokaliteta

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    Results of the laboratory study of the quality of gentian seed are analyzed in this paper. Seed originated from wild and grown plants from Zlatibor Mountain (approx. 1000 m above sea level) collected in the third decade of August 2006 and from wild and grown gentian plants around Ivanjica (approx. 1030 m above sea level) collected also in the third decade of August 2006, as well as from grown plants in the Tara Mountain (approx. 1000 m above sea level) collected during the same period. The effects of cooling (90 days at 40°C) and moistening and cooling (90 days at 40°C) on germination energy (GE) and total germination of seed (TG) were observed. The origin of the seed (if it comes from grown or wild plant) had influence on both investigated traits, and grown seed had slightly better germination energy and higher total germination compared to seed of wild plants. On the location in Tara we had no seed from wild plants so no comparison was possible. The location also demonstrated significant effect on traits of ability for living, so wild seed from Zlatibor was of higher quality than the one collected in the vicinity of Ivanjica. In regard to seed from grown gentian the highest quality was determined in seed grown in Zlatibor Mountain, than Tara, and the poorest germination traits were exhibited by seed grown around Ivanjica. The variant with moistening and cooling of seed regardless of the location and origin possessed better germination energy and total germination compared to seed that has only been cooled, and especially in regard to the control (no cooling).U radu su analizirani rezultati laboratorijskog ispitivanja kvaliteta semena lincure. Seme je bilo poreklom od samoniklih i gajenih biljaka sa Zlatibora (oko 1000 m nadmorske visine) sakupljeno u trećoj dekadi avgusta 2006. godine, od samoniklih i gajenih biljaka lincure iz okoline Ivanjice (oko 1030 m nadmorske visine) sakupljeno takođe u trećoj dekadi avgusta 2006. godine, kao i od gajenih biljaka sa planine Tare (oko 1000 m nadmorske visine) sakupljeno u istom periodu. 1 Dr Radosav Jevđović, naučni saradnik, Institut za proučavanje lekovitog bilja "Dr Josif Pančić ", 11000, Belgrade, Tadeuša Košćuška 1, Srbija 2 Dr Radojka Maletić, vanredni profesor, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd-Zemun, 11081, Nemanjina 6, Srbija R. Jevđović and Radojka Maletić Posmatran je uticaj hlađenja (90 dana na 40°C) i kvašenja i hlađenja (90 dana na 40°C) na energiju klijanja (EK) i ukupno klijanje (UK) semena. Poreklo semena (gajeno ili samoniklo) imalo je uticaja na obe ispitivane osobine pa je gajeno seme imalo nešto bolju energiju klijanja i veću ukupnu klijavost od semena samoniklih biljaka. Sa Tare nismo imali seme samoniklih biljaka pa ovde poređenje nije pravljeno. Lokalitet je ispoljio značajan uticaj na osobine životne sposobnosti tako da je samoniklo seme sa Zlatibora bilo kvalitetnije od onog iz okoline Ivanjice. Kod semena gajene lincure najkvalitetnije je bilo seme gajeno na Zlatiboru, zatim na Tari, a najlošije osobine klijavosti ispoljilo je seme gajeno u okolini Ivanjice. Varijanta sa kvašenjem i hlađenjem semena bez obzira na lokalitet i poreklo, imala je bolju energiju klijanja i ukupno klijanje od semena koje je samo hlađeno, a naročito u odnosu na kontrolu (nehlađeno)

    Small and medium enterprises as development factor of agribusiness in Republic of Serbia

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    Development of strong and competitive sector of small and medium enterprises has very important role in process of total transition in Republic of Serbia. This sector should be one of the guidelines of economical development and future, like in developed countries. Within the Strategy of development of SME and entrepreneurship in Republic of Serbia from 2003 to 2008 government of the Republic of Serbia, not accidentally, placed among many sectors which are expected to contribute and boost economical development, increase the employment rate, and realize increased influx of means deriving from export, the priority is on sector of processing of agricultural products. It can be concluded that significant contribution from agriculture to improvement of total economical situation is expected. Accession to EU should be considered primarily not only as the opportunity but serious task in regard to restructuring of the agriculture. However, impeding circumstance,in regard to export ofagricultural-foodproducts,first ofallto EU countries, isthefact that thismarket is under strict protective measures within the policy of agriculture and measures of agrarian protectionism. In such conditions it is very difficult for producers and processors of food to enter such closed markets. Small and medium enterprises are facing the choice of the business strategy: – to place the existing product on current market; – to place the existing product on new markets, including export; – to sell the new product on existing market; – to place the new product on new markets, including export. Therefore, based on analysis of domestic market, volume and structure of import and export of agricultural and food products, as well as analysis of food industry and agricultural production in Serbia, it is necessary to define potential programs for small and medium enterprises with production which could be economically efficient and profitable from the aspect of investment

    Vreme setve - faktor prinosa i kvaliteta semena piskavice (Trigonella foenum graecum L.)

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    Results of a two-year investigation (2005 and 2006) for the yield and quality of fenugreek seed (Trigonella foenum graecum L.) obtained on the location in South Banat (around Pančevo) on marsh dark soil are presented in the paper. Fenugreek seed used in this investigation was produced in the collection of the Institute of Medicinal Plant Research "Dr Josif Pančić" in Pančevo. The effect of sowing date on yield (kg/ha) and quality of fenugreek seed (germination energy and total germination) were investigated. Sowing was carried out on seven dates, 10 days between dates of each sowing. Yield of fenugreek seed sowed on different dates differed in both years. Sowing carried out in the first two weeks in April resulted in considerably higher yield compared to sowing at the end of April and during May. The highest yield was produced in the second sowing date from April 10, then in the first (April 1) and the third sowing period (April 20). The lowest yield of fenugreek seed was recorded in sowing carried out at the end of May. Yield of fenugreek seed wasn't significantly different in study years. Earlier dates of sowing resulted in seed of better quality (better germination energy and total germination). In the second sowing date fenugreek seed obtained was of best germination energy and total germination (approx. 99%). Later sowing dates gave seed of lower quality. So, sowing carried out at the end of May resulted in seed with the lowest value of germination energy and total germination (approx. 91%).U radu su prikazani rezultati dvogodišnjih istraživanja (2005. i 2006. god.) prinosa i kvaliteta semena piskavice (Trigonella foenum graecum L.) dobijenog na lokalitetu regiona Južnog Banata (okolina Pančeva) na zemljištu tipa ritska crnica. Za istraživanje je korišćeno seme piskavice koje se umnožava u kolekciji Instituta za proučavanje lekovitog bilja "Dr Josif Pančić" u Pančevu. Proučavan je uticaj vremena setve na prinos (kg/ha) i kvalitet semena piskavice (energija klijanja i ukupno klijanje). Setva je obavljena u sedam rokova, sa razmakom od 10 dana između rokova. Prinos semena piskavice se razlikovao po rokovima setve u obe eksperimentalne godine. Setva obavljena u prvoj polovini aprila meseca je dala znatno veći prinos u odnosu na setvu krajem aprila i tokom maja meseca. Najveći prinos je ostvaren u drugom terminu setve od 10.04, zatim prvom (01.04.) i trećem periodu setve (20.04.). Najmanji prinos semena je izmeren u setvi krajem maja meseca. Prinos semena piskavice nije se značajno razlikovao između eksperimentalnih godina. Raniji termini setve dali su seme boljeg kvaliteta (bolja energija klijanja i ukupno klijanje). Iz drugog termina setve dobijeno je seme piskavice najbolje energije klijanja i ukupne klijavosti (oko 99%). Sa kasnijom setvom kvalitet semena se znatno smanjuje. Tako je setva krajem maja meseca dala seme najniže vrednosti energije klijanja i ukupne klijavosti (oko 91%)

    Uticaj starosti semena heljde na njegov kvalitet

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    The effect of buckwheat seed storage duration on major indices of the quality was analyzed. Seed collected in 1996 and stored for 30 days (analyzed in 1996), seed stored for one year (analyzed in 1997), seed stored for two years (analyzed in 1998), seed stored for three years (analyzed in 1999) seed stored for four years (analyzed in 2000), seed stored for five years (analyzed in 2001) and seed stored for six years (analyzed in 2002) were investigated. The results of investigation have shown that seed stored up to two years had preserved its good production traits. Seed stored longer than two years have shown poor quality traits, and seed stored over three years could not be used - its production traits (germination energy and total germination) confirmed that such seed could not be used for planting. Seed stored over five years, regardless of storage conditions, had no qualitative traits, and therefore no value. It was also observed that longer storage duration induced decrease of seed mass. In regard to fractions, it was observed that smaller fractions lost their quality more quickly than medium fractions.Analiziran je uticaj dužine čuvanja, odnosno starosti semena heljde na najvažnije parametre njegovog kvaliteta. Ispitivano je seme sakupljeno 1996. godine i to staro 30 dana (ispitivano 1996. godine), staro jednu godinu (ispitivano 1997. godine), staro dve godine (ispitivano 1998. godine), staro tri godine (ispitivano 1999. godine), staro četiri godine (ispitivano 2000. godine), staro pet godina (ispitivano 2001. godine) i staro šest godina (ispitivano 2002. godine). Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je seme starosti do dve godine zadržalo dobre proizvodne osobine. Seme starije od dve godine brzo je gubilo kvalitet, te ono starije od tri godine više nije bilo za upotrebu, odnosno njegove proizvodne osobine (energija klijanja i ukupno klijanje) su toliko oslabile da ono više nije bilo za setvu. Seme staro pet i više godina bez obzira na odgovarajuće uslove čuvanja nema više nikakvih kvalitativnih osobina pa samim tim ni upotrebnu vrednost. Primećeno je da se sa dužinom čuvanja smanjuje i masa semena. Kada su u pitanju frakcije zapaža se da sitna frakcija najbrže gubi kvalitet, a da ga srednja najduže zadržava