3 research outputs found

    Cognitive status predicts preoperative instruction compliance

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    The most common postoperative complication for older adults is perioperative neurocognitive disorder (PNCD). Its greatest risk factor is preoperative cognitive impairment. Cognitive impairment also predicts higher likelihood of postoperative complications. While the cause of disparity in outcomes is likely multifactorial, the ability to correctly follow perioperative instructions may be one modifiable component. The purpose of this study was to determine whether cognitive impairment led to reduced preoperative instruction compliance and if so, identify barriers and enact a tailored care-plan to close the gap. Our preoperative clinic implemented routine Mini-Cog screening to identify older (age ≥ 65) surgical patients at increased risk. All patients received the same instructions and, on day of surgery, were surveyed to determine correct execution of nil per os guidelines, chlorhexidine wipe use and medication management. Data was stratified by cognitive status to evaluate whether impairment predicted instruction execution. Feedback from patients and families were compiled. Of those who screened negative for impairment, 68% correctly followed instructions, while 84.2% of those impaired struggled with ≥1 instruction(s); impaired patients were more likely to incorrectly follow instructions (OR = 10.5, p-value = 0.001). Areas for change were identified and team-based solutions were enacted with additional support for those with impairment. We found a clear difference in correct execution with respect to cognitive status. By improving instructions as an institution and adding additional support for those with impairment, the compliance gap was significantly reduced. Targeting perioperative instructions and tailoring care in this population may be one modifiable component in the outcome disparity they face

    Global Analysis of Predicted G Protein−Coupled Receptor Genes in the Filamentous Fungus, Neurospora crassa

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    G protein−coupled receptors (GPCRs) regulate facets of growth, development, and environmental sensing in eukaryotes, including filamentous fungi. The largest predicted GPCR class in these organisms is the Pth11-related, with members similar to a protein required for disease in the plant pathogen Magnaporthe oryzae. However, the Pth11-related class has not been functionally studied in any filamentous fungal species. Here, we analyze phenotypes in available mutants for 36 GPCR genes, including 20 Pth11-related, in the model filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa. We also investigate patterns of gene expression for all 43 predicted GPCR genes in available datasets. A total of 17 mutants (47%) possessed at least one growth or developmental phenotype. We identified 18 mutants (56%) with chemical sensitivity or nutritional phenotypes (11 uniquely), bringing the total number of mutants with at least one defect to 28 (78%), including 15 mutants (75%) in the Pth11-related class. Gene expression trends for GPCR genes correlated with the phenotypes observed for many mutants and also suggested overlapping functions for several groups of co-transcribed genes. Several members of the Pth11-related class have phenotypes and/or are differentially expressed on cellulose, suggesting a possible role for this gene family in plant cell wall sensing or utilization