1,389 research outputs found

    Spinor Dynamics-Driven Formation of a Dual-Beam Atom Laser

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    We demonstrate a novel dual-beam atom laser formed by outcoupling oppositely polarized components of an F=1 spinor Bose-Einstein condensate whose Zeeman sublevel populations have been coherently evolved through spin dynamics. The condensate is formed through all-optical means using a single-beam running-wave dipole trap. We create a condensate in the field-insensitive mF=0m_F=0 state, and drive coherent spin-mixing evolution through adiabatic compression of the initially weak trap. Such dual beams, number-correlated through the angular momentum-conserving reaction 2m0m+1+m12m_0\leftrightharpoons m_{+1}+m_{-1}, have been proposed as tools to explore entanglement and squeezing in Bose-Einstein condensates, and have potential use in precision phase measurements.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Application of predictive degree day model for field development of sandfly vectors of visceral leishmaniasis in northwest of Iran

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    Background & objectives: Temperature plays a significant role in insect’s development where arise in temperature, accelerates the insect’s metabolic rates, increases egg production and makesblood feeding more frequent. It also shortens the time period required for the development ofpathogens within insects. Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is one of the most important vector-bornediseases transmitted by different sandfly species. In this study, a phenological model was used toestimate the number of generations, peak activity and temporal variability of sandflies in the mainVL foci in northwest Iran.Methods: Development requirements of different life stages of a Phlebotomus papatasi laboratorycolony were measured and were subjected to the formula for calculation of accumulated degree day(ADD) for field sandflies using the online soft (UC IPM), using horizontal cut-off method andsingle triangle model. Sandflies population dynamics was monitored in the field during the seasonalactivity in the region and its association with the ADD was tested using SAS software.Results: Populations of sandflies accommodated well with the amount of accumulated degree days(ADD) in the region. During the seasonal activity, a total of 639 ADD were produced which wasenough to support one complete life cycle and growth of the next generation up to late larvalinstar. Larvae of the second generation hibernate through winter and the first adult populationappears in the mid to late June of the next year when they receive at least 182 ADD from thebeginning of the spring. The highest population density of sandflies was observed in early August,followed by a rapid decrease in early September, with the adult population disappearing completelyin late September. This is the first degree day model related to sandflies in the most important VLfoci of Iran.Interpretation & conclusion: Further studies in various regions with variable climate arerecommended in order to better estimate and understand the development time, population dynamicsand activities of the vectors which in turn could be used in proper implementation of effectivevector control programmes

    Enhanced superconducting proximity effect in clean ferromagnetic domain structures

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    We investigate the superconducting proximity effect in a clean magnetic structure consisting of two ferromagnetic layered domains with antiparallel magnetizations in contact with a superconductor. Within the quasiclassical Green's function approach we find that the penetration of the superconducting correlations into the magnetic domains can be enhanced as compared to the corresponding single domain structure. This enhancement depends on an effective exchange field which is determined by the thicknesses and the exchange fields of the two domains. The pair amplitude function oscillates spatially inside each domain with a period inversely proportional to the local exchange field. While the oscillations have a decreasing amplitude with distance inside the domain which is attached to the superconductor, they are enhancing in the other domain and can reach the corresponding normal metal value for a zero effective exchange field. We also find that the corresponding oscillations in the Fermi level proximity density of states as a function of the second domain's thickness has an growing amplitude over a range which depends on the effective exchange field. Our findings can be explained as the result of cancellation of the exchange fields induced phases gained by an electron inside the two domains with antiparallel magnetizations.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    A novel PKP2 mutation and intrafamilial phenotypic variability in ARVC/D

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    Background: Arrhythmogenic ventricular cardiomyopathy (AVC) is an inherited cardiac disorder affecting 1 in 1000 individuals worldwide. The mean diagnosed age of disease is 31 years. In this article, an Iranian family reported that they were affected by ARVC due to a novel PKP2 mutation. Methods: Clinical evaluations, 12-lead ECG, CMR, and signal-averaged ECG were performed. After DNA extraction, genetic testing was done, and PCR-sequencing was applied to find causal mutations. Segregation analysis was also performed for the family. Results: ARVC criteria were documented in the patients. Genetic testing revealed a novel chain termination mutation (p.Tyr168Ter) in PKP2 gene; this mutation was transmitted from the mother to her 23-year-old son, but only the son was affected with ARVC. Conclusion: Modifier genes were indicated using interactome analysis of Plakophilin 2 protein (PKP2); they might have led to phenotypic variability through cellular mechanisms, such as nonsense-mediated mRNA decay. At least, 9 proteins were identified that might have affected Plakophilin 2 protein function, and consequently, rationalizing this intrafamilial phenotypic variability. This study highlighted the role of modifier genes involved in ARVC as well as the major role of PKP2 mutation in developing the disease in our population. © Iran University of Medical Sciences

    Epidemiological characteristics of human brucellosis in Shahin Dezh, Western Azarbaijan, Iran, 2008-2012

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    Background: Brucellosis is still one of the most challenging issues for health and the economy in many developing countries such as Iran. Objectives: This study investigated the epidemiological features of brucellosis in Shahin Dezh, Western Azarbaijan province, North West of Iran. Patients and Methods: This study had across-sectional design and data was collected from private and public sectors over a five-year period (2008-2012). All cases were studied between years 2008 and 2012 in Shahin Dezh. Results: In total, 492 cases of brucellosis were reported. The prevalence of brucellosis decreased from 152 cases/100000 inhabitants in 2008 to 97 cases/100000 inhabitants at the beginning of 2012. About 52.3 of subjects were male, and most cases of brucellosis were aged 25-30 years. Eighty-one percent of subjects lived in rural areas. There was a statistically significant difference regarding contact with livestock between rural and urban areas (91.7 vs. 68.8) (P value <0.001). Raw milk was the most commonly consumed dairy product; consumed by 37 of cases. Finally, during winter and spring a high prevalence rate of brucellosis was reported. Conclusions: Comprehensive health-related interventions need to empower communities at risk, especially young men and young and adult women in the Shahin Dezh County. Health education is needed to raise awareness of people in the studied area. © 2015, Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine Research Center