1 research outputs found

    Conceptual rapprochement between the faculties of Communication and Language, Social Sciences and Education: a proposal for interdisciplinary work.

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    Esta investigaci贸n exploratoria se desarroll贸 con el objetivo de proponer unas estrategias para la creaci贸n de una mesa de trabajo profesoral y estudiantil interfacultades. Dicha mesa de trabajo proveer谩 a los estudiantes con las herramientas para realizar trabajos multidisciplinares entre la Facultad de Comunicaci贸n y Lenguaje y otras facultades afines tales como Educaci贸n y Ciencias Sociales. Para la consecuci贸n de ese objetivo se comenz贸 con una exploraci贸n te贸rica en la que se precisaron los conceptos de multidisciplinariedad, interdisciplinariedad, pluridisciplinariedad y dem谩s variantes desde cinco autores: Nicolescu (1996), Borrero (1996 y 1998), Morin (1998), Tamayo (2004) y Mallarino (2011). Luego de esto se rastrearon e identificaron las tendencias investigativas de los trabajos de grado realizados por estudiantes de la licenciatura durante los a帽os 2010 al 2014. Se encontraron trabajos asociados con las 谩reas de antropolog铆a, sociolog铆a, estudios de g茅nero y otros. As铆 mismo se realizaron una serie de entrevistas a un grupo de profesores de la Facultad de Comunicaci贸n y Lenguaje de la Universidad con el fin de conocer sus percepciones y posturas sobre este tipo de pr谩cticas. Esta investigaci贸n surgi贸 de la necesidad de comprender los intereses investigativos de los estudiantes y docentes de la licenciatura, ya que estos se han hecho cada vez m谩s variados y no s贸lo se han centrado en el espectro de la ling眉铆stica y la pedagog铆a. El producto de esa exploraci贸n te贸rica junto con las entrevistas permiti贸 a los investigadores observar que, a pesar de que algunos estudiantes y docentes se han mostrado interesados por establecer pr谩cticas interdisciplinares en sus investigaciones, es clara la divergencia entre perspectivas te贸ricas y pr谩cticas sobre el di谩logo y trabajo entre disciplinas.This exploratory research was developed with the objective of proposing strategies for the creation of an inter-faculty faculty and student working group. This working group will provide students with the tools to carry out multidisciplinary work between the Faculty of Communication and Language and other related faculties such as Education and Social Sciences. In order to achieve this objective, we began with a theoretical exploration in which the concepts of multidisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity, pluridisciplinarity and other variants were defined by five authors: Nicolescu (1996), Borrero (1996 and 1998), Morin (1998), Tamayo (2004) and Mallarino (2011). After this, the research tendencies of the undergraduate works carried out by undergraduate students during the years 2010 to 2014 were traced and identified. Works associated with the areas of anthropology, sociology, gender studies and others were found. Likewise, a series of interviews were conducted with a group of professors of the Faculty of Communication and Language of the University in order to know their perceptions and positions on this type of practices. This research arose from the need to understand the research interests of undergraduate students and teachers, since these have become increasingly varied and have not only focused on the spectrum of linguistics and pedagogy. The product of this theoretical exploration together with the interviews allowed the researchers to observe that, although some students and teachers have shown interest in establishing interdisciplinary practices in their research, there is a clear divergence between theoretical and practical perspectives on the dialogue and work between disciplines.Licenciado (a) en Lenguas ModernasPregrad