3 research outputs found

    Correlaci贸n entre las dimensiones del examen de admisi贸n y la trayectoria acad茅mica de estudiantes de la Licenciatura en Enfermer铆a en una Instituci贸n de Educaci贸n Superior

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    La educaci贸n es un derecho humano que promueve la libertad y la autonom铆a del individuo. Para el ingreso a esta educaci贸n se generan herramientas de selecci贸n. En la Universidad Aut贸noma de San Luis Potos铆 se utiliza un proceso de admisi贸n que consta de varias fases. Por otro lado, la permanencia de los estudiantes est谩 condicionado por varios factores. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar la relaci贸n entre las diferentes dimensiones del proceso de admisi贸n: examen psicom茅trico, examen de conocimientos y EXANI-II y la trayectoria acad茅mica (estatus y promedio general acad茅mico) del estudiante en las generaciones 2016, 2017 y 2018, para posteriormente generar estrategias orientadas a disminuir el rezago y la deserci贸n, y aumentar la eficiencia terminal y la titulaci贸n en el PE de Licenciatura en Enfermer铆a de la UAMZM-UASLP. Para esto se llev贸 a cabo una investigaci贸n cuantitativa, descriptiva y correlacional de corte transversal, con un dise帽o no experimental, correlacional del tipo expo facto. El promedio del examen de admisi贸n en los alumnos de las 3 generaciones en el PE de la LE de la UAMZM-UASLP es un predictor de los promedios generales acad茅micos. Sin embargo, no determina el estatus del alumno en su tr谩nsito por el plan curricular

    Nivel de liderazgo transformacional, variables sociodemogr谩ficas y la experiencia pedag贸gica de los docentes universitarios

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    The purpose of the research was to determine the level of transformational leadership and its relationship with sociodemographic variables and the pedagogical experience of the teachers of a public university in Mexico. A quantitative approach of correlational scope was used, with a study population of 123 teachers and with probability sampling. Data collection was done by applying the modified Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ), which is a validated instrument to measure transformational leadership, with the personal survey technique. The instrument consisted of 60 items and the data analysis was done using computer systems and descriptive and correlational statistics with the Statistical Package for the Social (SPSS) tool. Among the main findings, it was found that teachers perceive themselves to have a high level of transformational leadership and that age, gender and academic preparation are not related to the level of transformational leadership of teachers. In the same way, no relationship was found between the pedagogical experience and transformational leadership in the teachers of the public university in Mexico where the study was applied. The results will serve to propose actions aimed at strengthening transformational leadership in teachers.El prop贸sito de la investigaci贸n, fue determinar el nivel de liderazgo transformacional y su relaci贸n con variables sociodemogr谩ficas y la experiencia pedag贸gica de los docentes de una universidad p煤blica de M茅xico. Se utiliz贸 un enfoque cuantitativo de alcance correlacional, con una poblaci贸n de estudio de 123 docentes y muestreo probabil铆stico. La recolecci贸n de datos se hizo mediante la aplicaci贸n del cuestionario Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) modificado, el cual es un instrumento validado para medir el liderazgo transformacional, con la t茅cnica de encuesta personal. El instrumento const贸 con 60 reactivos y el an谩lisis de datos se hizo mediante sistemas inform谩ticos y estad铆stica descriptiva y correlacional con la herramienta Statistical Package for the Social (SPSS). Dentro de los principales hallazgos, se encontr贸 que los docentes se perciben con un nivel alto de liderazgo transformacional y que la edad, el g茅nero y la preparaci贸n acad茅mica, no se relacionan con el nivel de liderazgo transformacional de los docentes. De la misma manera, no se encontr贸 relaci贸n entre la experiencia pedag贸gica y el liderazgo transformacional en los docentes de la universidad p煤blica de M茅xico donde se aplic贸 el estudio. Los resultados servir谩n para proponer acciones tendientes a fortalecer el liderazgo transformacional en los docentes universitarios

    Obesity is the main determinant of insulin resistance more than the circulating pro-inflammatory cytokines levels in rheumatoid arthritis patients

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    ABSTRACT Background: Systemic blockade of TNF-伪 in Rheumatoid arthritis with insulin resistance seems to produce more improvement in insulin sensitivity in normal weight patients with Rheumatoid arthritis than in obese patients with Rheumatoid arthritis, suggesting that systemic-inflammation and obesity are independent risk factors for insulin resistance in Rheumatoid arthritis patients. Objectives: To evaluate the insulin resistance in: normal weight patients with Rheumatoid arthritis, overweight patients with Rheumatoid arthritis, obese Rheumatoid arthritis patients, and matched control subjects with normal weight and obesity; and its association with major cytokines involved in the pathogenesis of the disease. Methods: Assessments included: body mass index, insulin resistance by Homeostasis Model Assessment, ELISA method, and enzymatic colorimetric assay. Results: Outstanding results from these studies include: (1) In Rheumatoid arthritis patients, insulin resistance was well correlated with body mass index, but not with levels of serum cytokines. In fact, levels of cytokines were similar in all Rheumatoid arthritis patients, regardless of being obese, overweight or normal weight (2) Insulin resistance was significantly higher in Rheumatoid arthritis with normal weight than in normal weight (3) No significant difference was observed between insulin resistances of Rheumatoid arthritis with obesity and obesity (4) As expected, levels of circulating cytokines were significantly higher in Rheumatoid arthritis patients than in obesity. Conclusions: Obesity appears to be a dominant condition above inflammation to produce IR in RA patients. The dissociation of the inflammation and obesity components to produce IR suggests the need of an independent therapeutic strategy in obese patients with RA