751 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Keamanan Kendaraan Bermotor Roda Dua Berbasis Internet of Things dengan Modul NodeMCU ESP8266 V3 dan ESP32-CAM

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    Rancang Bangun Sistem Keamanan Kendaraan Bermotor Roda Dua Berbasis Internet of Things dilengkapi dengan fitur keamanan darurat yang dapat memberikan rasa aman terhadap pemilik kendaraan bermotor. Sistem yang terpasang pada kendaraan bermotor menggunakan sebuah mikrokontroller (NodeMCU ESP8266 V3), ESP32-CAM, modul GPS, modul sensor getar, dan modul relay. Modul GPS berfungsi untuk menentukan koordinat posisi kendaraan bermotor yang akan dikirimkan lalu ditampilkan melalui aplikasi Blynk yang terdapat pada smarphone pemilik kendaraan bermotor dan ESP32-CAM berfungsi untuk mengambil gambar wajah pelaku pencurian bila terjadi tindak pencurian kendaraan bermotor. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, sistem mampu melakukan komunikasi melalui jaringan internet antara kendaraan bermotor dan pemilik kendaraan bermotor dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak blynk dan telegram tanpa ada batasan jarak asalkan perangkat yang terpasang pada kendaraan terkoneksi jaringan internet


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis ektoparasit serta prevalensi serangan ektoparasit pada kepiting bakau (Scylla serrata) dari hasil tangkapan nelayan di perairan Alue Naga Kota Banda Aceh. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan 10 sampel kepiting bakau (Scylla serrata) dalam keadaan hidup yang diambil di perairan Alue Naga. Kemudian kepiting bakau (Scylla serrata) diperiksa di Laboratorium Parasitologi Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Syiah Kuala untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis ektoparasit yang menginfeksinya. Pemeriksaan ektoparasit dilakukan pada hasil pengerokan lendir dari bagian karapas, kaki jalan, kaki renang dan insang. Kerokan lendir diperiksa secara mikroskopis untuk menemukan genus-genus ektoparasit, selanjutnya jenis ektoparasit yang telah ditemukan dibandingkan pada kunci identifikasi. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa ektoparasit yang menginfeksi kepiting bakau (Scylla serrata) di perairan Alue Naga Kota Banda Aceh yaitu dari genus Chilodonella sp. yang berpredileksi diinsang dengan tingkat prevalensi 10%

    Politike visokog obrazovanja u tranziciji: što usmjerava trendove u restrukturiranju sveučilišta?

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    This article tries to examine the major aspects of current trends that impact higher education policies in ongoing processes of universities\u27 restructuring, particularly higher education system transformation in Europe (Bologna process), with an emphasis on postcommunist societies. Globalization, internalization and marketization are identified as main exogenous factors, while massification, national specificities (political and cultural), educational legacies, and local government capabilities are the most significant endogenous factors that determine reforms of higher education systems. The author examines the trends of universities\u27 restructuring under conditions of change of traditional relations between them and the social environment, particularly the state. They are characterized by diminishing of the key role of the nation-state in current social and economic development, as well as gradual decomposition of the welfare state and reduction of its core functions, including a significantly reduced support to higher education. Both processes push policy makers toward market-led policies on higher education, which causes problems, whether of higher education sustainability, or quality and competitiveness, or accessibility and equity. The author argues that the exogenous factors largely impact (or directly create) trends that affect changes in higher education systems, particularly in the universities\u27 role and mission, while the endogenous factors are mainly responsible for the success of reforms in certain societies.Članak nastoji istražiti glavne aspekte suvremenih trendova koji utječu na politike visokog obrazovanja u tekućim procesima restrukturiranja sveučilišta, poglavito pitanje transformacije sustava visokog obrazovanja u Europi (bolonjski proces), s naglaskom na postkomunističkim društvima. Globalizacija, internalizacija i marketizacija su utvrđeni ključnim egzogenim faktorima, dok su masifikacija, nacionalne specifičnosti (političke i kulturalne), obrazovne tradicije te kapaciteti lokalnih samouprava utvrđeni kao endogeni faktori koji određuju reforme sustava visokog obrazovanja. Autor istražuje trendove restrukturiranja sveučilišta u uvjetima promjene tradicionalnih odnosa koje ona ima s društvenim okruženjem, poglavito državom. Spomenute trendove naročito karakterizira smanjena uloga nacionalne države u provođenju društvenog i ekonomskog razvoja te dekompozicija socijalne države i smanjivanje njezinih temeljnih funkcija, što je za posljedicu imalo signifikantno smanjivanje potpore sustavu visokog obrazovanja. Oba procesa gurnula su kreatore politika u smjeru politika visokog obrazovanja zasnovanih na djelovanju tržišta, što uzrokuje niz problema – bilo da se radi o pitanjima održivosti visokog obrazovanja, o pitanjima njegove kvalitete i kompetitivnosti, ili pak o pitanjima pristupa visokom obrazovanju i njegovoj pravičnosti. Autor ističe da na promjene u sustavima visokog obrazovanja prije svega utječu (ili ih čak izravno kreiraju) egzogeni faktori, napose s obzirom na ulogu i misiju koju imaju sveučilišta, dok su endogeni faktori prvenstveno odgovorni za uspjeh reformi u pojedinim društvima

    Demokracija u doba pandemije: građanska i ljudska prava i izbor između slobode i sigurnosti

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    The health and economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has grown into a political crisis. It manifests itself primarily in challenges to the institutions of liberal democracy, particularly in ensuring a legitimate legal and political framework for action and crisis management in an emergency situation. This paper examines the implementation of public health measures to protect life and health (epidemiological measures, vaccinations), which by their very nature involve restrictions on civil liberties, and analyzes their legitimacy and appropriateness against the standards of liberal democracy. The theoretical and legal-political framework of the analysis is the relationship between freedom and safety, i.e. between the civil rights and liberties guaranteed in liberal democracy and the right to life and health as a fundamental human right. Based on the distinction between these two concepts and the analysis of the scope and manner of the implementation of public health measures – especially in the current context of the crisis of liberal democracy and the populist instrumentalization of civil rights for certain political goals and the state of infodemics – the specifics of this relationship are determined. Following the findings of this analysis, it is concluded that civil rights and human rights are not mutually exclusive, despite the competitive relationship and tension between individual liberty and public security – which is particularly emphasized in a pandemic situation. On the contrary, they complement each other and are prerequisites for each other. This path points to the possibilities of achieving a balance between them, and thus to the possibilities of overcoming the crisis caused by the pandemic.Zdravstvena i ekonomska kriza nastala COVID-19 pandemijom prerasla je i u političku krizu. Ona se očituje prvenstveno u izazovima s kojima se suočavaju institucije liberalne demokracije, prije svega u osiguranju legitimnog pravno-političkog okvira djelovanja i upravljanja krizom u izvanrednoj situaciji. Ovaj članak istražuje primjenu javnozdravstvenih mjera (epidemiološke mjere, cijepljenje) usmjerenih zaštiti života i zdravlja, koje inherentno uključuju i ograničenja građanskih sloboda, te analizira njihovu legitimnost i primjerenost u odnosu na standarde liberalne demokracije. Teorijski i pravno-politički okvir analize jest odnos između slobode i sigurnosti, odnosno građanskih prava i sloboda koje jamči liberalna demokracija i prava na život i zaštitu zdravlja kao temeljnog ljudskog prava. Temeljem razgraničenja tih dvaju pojmova i analize opsega i načina implementacije javnozdravstvenih mjera – posebice u aktualnom kontekstu krize liberalne demokracije i populističke instrumentalizacije građanskih prava za partikularne političke ciljeve te stanja infodemije – utvrđuju se specifičnosti tog odnosa u aktualnoj pandemijskoj situaciji i procjenjuje se legitimnost poduzetih mjera. Na osnovi te analize, zaključuje se kako, usprkos konkurentskom odnosu i tenziji između individualne slobode i javne sigurnosti – osobito naglašenima u pandemijskoj situaciji – građanska i ljudska prava se međusobno ne isključuju. Naprotiv, ona se nadopunjuju i jedna su preduvjet drugima, pa se na tom tragu upućuje na mogućnosti postizanja ravnoteže među njima, posljedično i na mogućnosti prevladavanja pandemijske krize

    MaldOS: a Moderately Abstracted Layer for Developing Operating Systems

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    Anche se pochi studenti affronteranno la sfida di sviluppare software al di sotto del sistema operativo, la comprensione dei suoi principi di funzionamento è essenziale. In sè, la teoria dietro ai sistemi operativi non è particolarmente complessa: concetti come scheduling, livelli di esecuzione e semafori sono intuitivamente comprensibili; tuttavia appropriarsi pienamente di queste nozioni soltanto tramite lo studio teorico è quasi impossibile: serve un esempio pratico per assimilare i dettagli. Sviluppare un sistema operativo come progetto accademico è però diversi ordini di grandezza più difficile che creare un software in ambiente di lavoro già esistente. La complessità aggiunta dell'hardware va spesso oltre a quello che ci si aspetta dagli studenti, il che rende difficile anche soltanto la ricerca di un'architettura su cui lavorare. Questo studio è fortemente ispirato da precedenti soluzioni a questo problema come uMPS, un emulatore per il processore MIPS. Lavorando su una virtualizzazione semplificata gli studenti si possono concentrare sui concetti chiave dello sviluppo di un SO. Anche se ispirato a un'architettura reale, uMPS rimane comunque un ambiente astratto, e nel corso del lavoro potrebbe sorgere una sensazione di distacco dalla realtà. In questo studio si sostiene che un progetto simile possa essere sviluppato su hardware reale senza che questo diventi troppo complicato. L'architettura scelta è ARMv8, più moderna e diffusa rispetto a MIPS, nella forma della board educativa Raspberry Pi. Il risultato del lavoro è duplice: da una parte è stato portato avanti uno studio dettagliato su come sviluppare un sistema operativo minimale sul Raspberry Pi, dall'altra è stato creato un layer di astrazione che si occupa di semplificare l'approccio alle periferiche, permettendo agli utenti di costruirci sopra un piccolo sistema operativo. Pur facendo riferimento a un dispositivo reale, la possibilità di lavorare su un emulatore rimane grazie al supporto di Qemu

    Can design confront consumerism?:A critical study of clothing volumes, personalisation, and the wardrobe

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    Irene Maldini’s PhD research discusses the quantity of clothing produced and consumed, its growth, and the environmental challenges associated with it. Moreover, Maldini examines how the field of design has reacted to this issue, reflecting critically on the gap between the expected and the actual effects of design strategies aimed at reducing clothing demand. Clothing personalization and durability have been central strategies to that end; however, this research points out that their expected effects are based on partial historical views and simplistic perspectives of clothing consumption. Therefore, the study proceeds in offering an alternative perspective on clothing consumption building on the systemic nature of the wardrobe

    Higher Education Policies in Transition: What Drives Trends in the Restructuring of Universities?

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    This article tries to examine the major aspects of current trends that impact higher education policies in ongoing processes of universities\u27 restructuring, particularly higher education system transformation in Europe (Bologna process), with an emphasis on postcommunist societies. Globalization, internalization and marketization are identified as main exogenous factors, while massification, national specificities (political and cultural), educational legacies, and local government capabilities are the most significant endogenous factors that determine reforms of higher education systems. The author examines the trends of universities\u27 restructuring under conditions of change of traditional relations between them and the social environment, particularly the state. They are characterized by diminishing of the key role of the nation-state in current social and economic development, as well as gradual decomposition of the welfare state and reduction of its core functions, including a significantly reduced support to higher education. Both processes push policy makers toward market-led policies on higher education, which causes problems, whether of higher education sustainability, or quality and competitiveness, or accessibility and equity. The author argues that the exogenous factors largely impact (or directly create) trends that affect changes in higher education systems, particularly in the universities\u27 role and mission, while the endogenous factors are mainly responsible for the success of reforms in certain societies

    Influence of Social Networks on National Television News Programmes

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    This paper deals with the influence of social media on the creation of news in Croatian national television news programmes. It examines how posts published in social media influence news on public and commercial televisions, primarily concerning the creation of relevant political messages in national television central news programmes (HTV, RTL, Nova TV). At the same time, the paper attempts to determine which social media news are used the most, and which televisions lead in conveying the same. The research was based on several assumptions, presented through three hypotheses. The first is that commercial televisions use social media as a source of information to a greater extent than the public television. The second is that most posts from the social media that are presented in public and commercial television news refer to political messages. The third is that journalists usually do not check the authenticity of posts and messages in social media by consulting additional sources. Taking into consideration uniqueness of television as a visual medium, this paper was trying to test in which manner presenting posts from social media impacts the changes within television as a medium. By using two empirical research methods (quantitative method based on surveys and content analysis) and by comprising a representative sample (of both the respondents and characteristic content segments). The results obtained basically refuted both the first and the third hypotheses, while the second one was supported in full. The results – along with the confirmation of the importance of social media as a source of information – displayed the structure of using the shared information, especially the information with political content, crucial to forming public opinion. At the same time, they also showed the direction of change of the television medium in the media convergence environment