29 research outputs found

    Mercury sources to Lake Ozette and Lake Dickey : highly contaminated remote coastal lakes, Washington State, USA

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2009. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Springer for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 208 (2009): 275-286, doi:10.1007/s11270-009-0165-y.Mercury concentrations in largemouth bass and mercury accumulation rates in age-dated sediment cores were examined at Lake Ozette and Lake Dickey in Washington State. Goals of the study were to compare concentrations in fish tissues at the two lakes with lakes in a larger statewide dataset and evaluate factors influencing lake loading at Ozette and Dickey, which may include: catchment disturbances, coastal mercury cycling, and the role of trans-Pacific Asian mercury. Mercury fish tissue concentrations at the lakes were among the highest recorded in Washington State. Wet deposition and historical atmospheric monitoring from the area show no indication of enhanced deposition from Asian sources or coastal atmospheric processes. Sediment core records from the lakes displayed rapidly increasing sedimentation rates coinciding with commercial logging. The unusually high mercury flux rates and mercury tissue concentrations recorded at Lake Ozette and Lake Dickey appear to be associated with logging within the catchments

    The state of the debate about the date of the Theran eruption

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    23. Beyond the Versailles Effect: Mycenaean Greece and Minoan Crete

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    Introduction In my first published paper over 30 years ago, I coined the term ‘The Versailles Effect’ to describe the impact of a dominant culture on nearby peoples in the absence of conquest, economic dominance, or substantial migration, taking as my example the France of Louis XV as exemplified by the Palace of Versailles (Wiener 1984; Kahane & Kahane 1979). Throughout Europe, architecture, arts, crafts, gardens, food, clothing, education, and language were all affected. Both Frederick at ..

    The Scientific Study of Antiquity

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    Rat c-myc oncogene is located on chromosome 7 and rearranges in immunocytomas with t(6:7) chromosomal translocation.

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    Two B-cell-derived tumours, human Burkitt's lymphoma (BL) and murine plasmacytoma (MPC), are regularly associated with a distinctive form of chromosomal translocation (for reviews see refs 1, 2). In BL, the distal portion of chromosome 8 breaks off and is transposed, in most cases, to chromosome 14, known to carry the immunoglobulin heavy-chain locus. In about 5% of the cases the same distal part of the chromosome 8 has moved to either chromosome 2 or 22, to the neighbourhood of the kappa or the lambda locus, respectively. In MPC the distal region of chromosome 15 is transposed to the chromosome 12, known to carry the immunoglobulin heavy-chain locus, or enters into reciprocal exchange with the kappa locus-carrying chromosome 6 (ref. 7). Several laboratories have located c-myc, the cellular homologue of the MC29 retroviral oncogene v-myc, to human chromosome 8 (refs 8-10) and mouse chromosome 15 (refs 11-13). It has also been shown that the BL- and MPC-associated translocations remove the c-myc gene from its original site and transpose it into or close to one of the immunoglobulin gene clusters. In view of the above findings we also looked for possible involvement of the c-myc gene in a B-cell-derived tumour of a third species, the rat. Rat immunocytomas of spontaneous origin carry a reciprocal translocation between chromosomes 6 and 7 (ref. 17). Here we have localized the c-myc locus to chromosome 7 of the rat. Moreover, we have found that the c-myc gene was rearranged in four of five immunocytomas carrying the characteristic chromosomal translocation.Journal ArticleResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tResearch Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe