4,613 research outputs found

    Multinodular Goiter: Diagnosis and Management

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    Quenching of Impurity Spins at Cu/CuO Interfaces: An Antiferromagnetic Proximity Effect

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    It is observed that the magnetoconductance of bilayer films of copper (Cu) and copper monoxide (CuO) has distinct features compared of that of Cu films on conventional band insulator substrates. We analyze the data above 2 K by the theory of weak antilocalization in two-dimensional metals and suggest that spin-flip scatterings by magnetic impurities inside Cu are suppressed in Cu/CuO samples. Plausibly the results imply a proximity effect of antiferromagnetism inside the Cu layer, which can be understood in the framework of Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yoshida (RKKY) interactions. The data below 1 K, which exhibit slow relaxation reminiscent of spin glass, are consistent with this interpretation.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables. Added a supplementary materia

    Local freedom in the gravitational field revisited

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    Maartens {\it et al.}\@ gave a covariant characterization, in a 1+3 formalism based on a perfect fluid's velocity, of the parts of the first derivatives of the curvature tensor in general relativity which are ``locally free'', i.e. not pointwise determined by the fluid energy momentum and its derivative. The full decomposition of independent curvature derivative components given in earlier work on the spinor approach to the equivalence problem enables analogous general results to be stated for any order: the independent matter terms can also be characterized. Explicit relations between the two sets of results are obtained. The 24 Maartens {\it et al.} locally free data are shown to correspond to the ∇Ψ\nabla \Psi quantities in the spinor approach, and the fluid terms are similarly related to the remaining 16 independent quantities in the first derivatives of the curvature.Comment: LaTeX. 13 pp. To be submitted to Class. Quant. Gra

    Tetragonal CuO: A new end member of the 3d transition metal monoxides

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    Monoclinic CuO is anomalous both structurally as well as electronically in the 3dd transition metal oxide series. All the others have the cubic rock salt structure. Here we report the synthesis and electronic property determination of a tetragonal (elongated rock salt) form of CuO created using an epitaxial thin film deposition approach. In situ photoelectron spectroscopy suggests an enhanced charge transfer gap Δ\Delta with the overall bonding more ionic. As an end member of the 3d transition monoxides, its magnetic properties should be that of a high TNT_N antiferromagnet

    Tuning the effects of Landau-level mixing on anisotropic transport in quantum Hall systems

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    Electron-electron interactions in half-filled high Landau levels in two-dimensional electron gases in a strong perpendicular magnetic field can lead to states with anisotropic longitudinal resistance. This longitudinal resitance is generally believed to arise from broken rotational invariance, which is indicated by charge density wave (CDW) order in Hartree-Fock calculations. We use the Hartree-Fock approximation to study the influence of externally tuned Landau level mixing on the formation of interaction induced states that break rotational invariance in two-dimensional electron and hole systems. We focus on the situation when there are two non-interacting states in the vicinity of the Fermi level and construct a Landau theory to study coupled charge density wave order that can occur as interactions are tuned and the filling or mixing are varied. We examine in detail a specific example where mixing is tuned externally through Rashba spin-orbit coupling. We calculate the phase diagram and find the possibility of ordering involving coupled striped or triangular charge density waves in the two levels. Our results may be relevant to recent transport experiments on quantum Hall nematics in which Landau-level mixing plays an important role.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figure

    Transcranial magnetic stimulation to the occipital place area biases gaze during scene viewing

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    We can understand viewed scenes and extract task-relevant information within a few hundred milliseconds. This process is generally supported by three cortical regions that show selectivity for scene images: parahippocampal place area (PPA), medial place area (MPA) and occipital place area (OPA). Prior studies have focused on the visual information each region is responsive to, usually within the context of recognition or navigation. Here, we move beyond these tasks to investigate gaze allocation during scene viewing. Eye movements rely on a scene’s visual representation to direct saccades, and thus foveal vision. In particular, we focus on the contribution of OPA, which is i) located in occipito-parietal cortex, likely feeding information into parts of the dorsal pathway critical for eye movements, and ii) contains strong retinotopic representations of the contralateral visual field. Participants viewed scene images for 1034 ms while their eye movements were recorded. On half of the trials, a 500 ms train of five transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) pulses was applied to the participant’s cortex, starting at scene onset. TMS was applied to the right hemisphere over either OPA or the occipital face area (OFA), which also exhibits a contralateral visual field bias but shows selectivity for face stimuli. Participants generally made an overall left-to-right, top-to-bottom pattern of eye movements across all conditions. When TMS was applied to OPA, there was an increased saccade latency for eye movements toward the contralateral relative to the ipsilateral visual field after the final TMS pulse (400ms). Additionally, TMS to the OPA biased fixation positions away from the contralateral side of the scene compared to the control condition, while the OFA group showed no such effect. There was no effect on horizontal saccade amplitudes. These combined results suggest that OPA might serve to represent local scene information that can then be utilized by visuomotor control networks to guide gaze allocation in natural scenes

    Electronic properties of buried hetero-interfaces of LaAlO3 on SrTiO3

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    We have made very thin films of LaAlO3 on TiO2 terminated SrTiO3 and have measured the properties of the resulting interface in various ways. Transport measurements show a maximum sheet carrier density of 1016 cm-2 and a mobility around 104 cm2 V-1 s-1. In situ ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS) indicates that for these samples a finite density of states exists at the Fermi level. From the oxygen pressure dependence measured in both transport as well as the UPS, we detail, as reported previously by us, that oxygen vacancies play an important role in the creation of the charge carriers and that these vacancies are introduced by the pulsed laser deposition process used to make the heterointerfaces. Under the conditions studied the effect of LaAlO3 on the carrier density is found to be minimal.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    Solid-state metathesis reactions under pressure: A rapid route to crystalline gallium nitride

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    High pressure chemistry has traditionally involved applying pressure and increasing temperature until conditions become thermodynamically favorable for phase transitions or reactions to occur. Here, high pressure alone is used as a starting point for carrying out rapid, self-propagating metathesis reactions. By initiating chemical reactions under pressure, crystalline phases, such as gallium nitride, can be synthesized which are inaccessible when initiated from ambient conditions. The single-phase gallium nitride made by metathesis reactions under pressure displays significant photoluminescence intensity in the blue/ultraviolet region. The absence of size or surface-state effects in the photoluminescence spectra show that the crystallites are of micron dimensions. The narrow lines of the x-ray diffraction patterns and scanning electron microscopy confirm this conclusion. Brightly luminescent thin films can be readily grown using pulsed laser deposition

    The cospectrum of stress-carrying turbulence in the presence of surface gravity waves

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2017. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Physical Oceanography 48 (2018): 29-44, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-17-0016.1.The cospectrum of the horizontal and vertical turbulent velocity fluctuations, an essential tool for understanding measurements of the turbulent Reynolds shear stress, often departs in the ocean from the shape that has been established in the atmospheric surface layer. Here, we test the hypothesis that this departure is caused by advection of standard boundary layer turbulence by the random oscillatory velocities produced by surface gravity waves. The test is based on a model with two elements. The first is a representation of the spatial structure of the turbulence, guided by rapid distortion theory, and consistent with the one-dimensional cospectra that have been measured in the atmosphere. The second model element is a map of the spatial structure of the turbulence to the temporal fluctuations measured at fixed sensors, assuming advection of frozen turbulence by the velocities associated with surface waves. The model is adapted to removal of the wave velocities from the turbulent fluctuations using spatial filtering. The model is tested against previously published laboratory measurements under wave-free conditions and two new sets of measurements near the seafloor in the coastal ocean in the presence of waves. Although quantitative discrepancies exist, the model captures the dominant features of the laboratory and field measurements, suggesting that the underlying model physics are sound.This research was supported by National Science Foundation Ocean Sciences Division Award 1356060 and the U.S. Geological Survey Coastal and Marine Geology Program
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