9 research outputs found

    Particulars regarding the development of the folk style shoe collection

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    This paper analyzes the source of inspiration, which is the national ornament in the development of new models. Inspiration is an essential component of creation, so you can get collections that will be recognized and appreciated in the fashion world. Following the study, a modern collection of footwear products was developed, adored by young people


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    Compatibility between the consumer and the interior leg permanent footwear raises a number of issues. And any new form of footwear is time for a new silhouette last. Fashion is a factor in determining the shape of the last significant role. The most important influence on fashion in footwear that has at one time is found in peak shape. During registered a variety of forms leading to the last, for example, pointed, oval, round, square, asymmetrical, curved, trapezoidal, etc. Each has added a tip top recommended. The paper analyzes the morphofunctional characteristic, namely, finger configuration. The configuration of the fingers is determined from the positions of all the fingers of one another, as are six variants. Analysis of the shape and configuration of the arm fingers allow us to make the following recommendations to consumers: people showing finger configuration as in variant V and VI are advised not to wear pointy shoes because of the limited movement of the foot, which favors the diversion finger I exterior and deformed finger V; persons who fall within I-IV variant can procure pointy shoes; a round-tipped shoes, square, curved or asymmetric may be purchased by any consumer regardless of the configuration of the fingers; shoes with cut edge must be present only in garderopa people in variant I and II; consumers whose configuration is like finger-VI and III variants are awkwardly shaped fingers can buy shoes closed in the previous summer, but of different perforations or overlapping strips


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    Now customary accessory companies of all leather garments, zipper began to enjoy popularity only after 80 years of its invention. The first is considered the inventor of the zipper Elias Howe. Essentially involves fashion, change, innovation, originality, creativity and is defined as a succession of trends or fads, short. Create fashionable leather confections from home means accepting a contract with the producer and / or consumer, showing a profit motivating all at the right time. Continuous which require the exercise involves creative skills of fashion design, leading to a wide range of products. Current zipper is composed of: slider, teeth, strips shooter stops. Currently there is possibility to customize shooters to customer requirements, and even to form their own zippers. The present work presents the classification criteria zippers. They are after construction fastener after destination zippers, after the role they fulfill zippers, after the presentation at the procurement zippers, after finishing module of the metallic elements, as visibility zipper in the product, by type of teeth, by nature material strip zipper, after the type of materials they are made pullers, after the nature of the materials they are made of sliders and stops after the oxidation of metal components after finishing module teeth after shaped zipper, after slider type, by mode of ornamentation zippers. Knowing appearance zippers, elements of which it is composed, and their classification criteria allow us to correlate the shape of the product and destination

    Styles of bionic sources for the design of textile products

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    Аналізується колекція портключів, що складається з 17 моделей. Джерелом натхнення стала стихія природи, а саме підсніжник. Представлені моделі виготовлені авторами вручну з використанням таких технік оздоблення: вишивка, кольорові скоби, шви для з’єднання орієнтирів з декоративною роллю, розпис. Орнаментальні мотиви, використані для створення колекції, – рослинні, геометричні, зооморфні, пасхальні, персоналізовані та комбіновані.The paper analyzes a collection of portkeys, made up of 17 models. An element from nature was used as a source of inspiration, namely the snowdrop. The presented models are made by hand by the authors, using the following techniques for decoration: embroidery, colored staples, stitching to join the landmarks with a decorative role, painting. And the ornamental motifs used to create the collection are: vegetal, geometric, zoomorphic, paschal, personalized and combined

    Особенности проектирования коллекции обуви для женщин в "западном" стиле

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    In the preparation of the creative process, the idea of creative transformation of the inspirational source, the highlighting of the stages in the elaboration of the new models, even of some interesting collections, is of great importance. As a source of inspiration used for the production of women's footwear collection is the "western" style. Currently, the "western" style boots are classified as follows: the sex of the wearer and the purpose of the shoe. This paper presents a collection of five models, of which three were made, respecting the specifics of the style under consideration.При разработке коллекций объектов дизайна большое значение имеет творческий источник, его анализ и трансформация для проектирования новых моделей. Источником вдохновения для дизайн-проектирования женской обуви выбран "западный" стиль. В настоящее время "западные" сапоги классифицируются следующим образом: пол владельца и назначение обуви. Представлена коллекция пяти моделей, три из которых сделаны с учетом специфики рассматриваемого стиля


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    Moldova is a small country whose territory is 350 km from north to south and 150 km from West to East. Analyzing data from the Statistical Yearbook 2012 shows that 437 enterprises were active dealing with textiles, footwear etc., from 2005 - only 310 companies. Motivation is the business of an assured market, the demand for products and services - volume and structure - which manifests itself on the domestic and foreign markets. Improving customer service is one of the main objectives of production enterprises. Service level directly affects the economic capacity of the enterprise by increasing its contribution in increasing company profits. Increasing the level of service in shops can be determined by reducing factors that negatively influence the desire to purchase, ie ,, eyes scan "; lengthy speech to the seller on the phone; excessive attention to the buyer; arrogant and indifferent gaze of the seller. As a tool for gathering information served questionnaire that was distributed to 50 respondents, which ranks in the age group: 18-27 years with urban living environment. The questionnaire included questions that allow to analyze the efficiency of customer service and the factors influencing the decision to purchase in local shops in the field of Light Industry. The paper identified measures to increase the level of customer service, which would help to increase sales


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    It is known that regulations allow the introduction in production regimes efficient operation of equipment and methods of rational organization of production. To ensure accuracy imposed regulations must meet the following conditions: to take into account the main factors influencing consumption of work; depending on the types of production which they are intended to ensure adequate precision. In this work the analysis literature authors proposed a new relationship for calculating the standard time for the operation of thinning also set the value of two coefficients K1 and K2. K1 is a constant coefficient for thinning operation of 1,0549; and K2 - a constant that depends on the degree of automation of the machine. Knowing the degree of mechanization machines and time required to perform operation coefficient was determined K2, namely Km – 1,0833; KM – 1,0460; KA – 0,0785. Since the relationship for the calculation of the time aids not it into consideration that a part may contain from 3 to 5 types of profiles, it has been proposed that it be included in the relationship, so there was obtained a new relationship calculation. The study conducted also allowed the optimization of computing time assistant relationship, including the number of adjustments in relation computing machine. Proper use of normative values, taking into account the type of machine, but also their knowledge calclulul methodology allow us to identify the following positive effects on the company's footwear: reducing workload; achieving balanced labor standards; saving human effort; reducing worker fatigue etc


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    With the evolution of time changes, grows and improves, construction, form, rationality and argumentation usefulness of various types of footwear, namely machines. In the present paper analyzes a number of sewing machines, bound for achieving moccasin shoes. With sewing machines can perform a wide variety of stitches, they create an aesthetically pleasing, but all at once enable product diversification with minimum expenses. Sewing machines moccasins are distinguished by technological parameters, number of stitches, design and affordability. Sewing operation carried out in these machines is carried out within 72 seconds to manual operation - 22 minutes. A flow diagram mechanical requires a reduced number of workers (e.g., 3 workers), to a manual flow diagram - 38 workers. Labour productivity in the use of sewing machines increase by 10 times, and operation cost decreases from 3,7 to 5,7 lei. Regardless of the sewing moccasins construction company helps to increase productivity, quality completion of the operation, ie products, reducing the time required to manufacture the products, shortening manufacturing cycle. Among the cars analyzed, the most recommended sewing machine as OS 7700 P Global company because it represents the best technical features. Sewing machines for manufacturing footwear moccasin were implemented in Moldova in 2010, at the "Cristina Mold Rom Simpex" in Chisinau. Because, company management understood beneficial role of sewing moccasins on quality operation, but also on other economic indicators. Currently the majority of footwear enterprises in Moldova sewing moccasins are done manually. One problem is the high price of sewing machines moccasins

    The Internet – A Successful Technology for the Footwear Factories from the Republic of Moldova

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    Today, the importance of the Internet in any field of activity, whether economic or less economic, is no longer under discussion. The Internet is the one that can be used by anyone to achieve their desired goals. The access to information and the development of new technologies have now reached an unprecedented level in history, hence the ability of economic agents to reach out to prospective buyers much more than ever before, but unfortunately, the internet is often not used to its true value. Thus, on the national market, out of the 17 (100%) footwear factories analyzed none owns online trade, 12 (71%) own the web page and 5 (29%) – do not. The success of businesses across the country in the future depends to a large extent on their ability to integrate into the wave of digital change. The Internet in Moldova is developing, being an opportunity for domestic companies to produce quality footwear and affordable products