7 research outputs found


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    Z našo nalogo smo se osredotočili na koncept cenovne pravičnosti, dejavnike, ki vplivajo na oblikovanje zaznav cenovne pravičnosti in njene posledice. V teoretičnem uvodu smo opredelili področje vedenja odjemalcev, proces vrednotenja in njegovo vlogo na področju vedenja odjemalcev. Natančneje smo predstavili koncept cene in nekaj osnovnih izsledkov psihološkega raziskovanja, osredotočenega na zaznavanje cen. V drugem delu smo podrobneje obravnavali opredelitev koncepta cenovne pravičnosti. S pregledom štirih temeljnih teorij cenovne pravičnosti - teorije koristnosti transakcij teorije izgledov, teorije enakovrednosti in teorije postopkovne pravičnosti - smo oblikovali podlago za razpravo o različnih dejavnikih, ki vplivajo na zaznave cenovne pravičnosti. Po zaključku teoretičnega pregleda smo pregledali posledice zaznav cenovne pravičnosti na odnos med odjemalcem in ponudnikom. Na podlagi teoretičnih izhodišč smo izvedli našo raziskavo. Ugotovili smo, da: - med posameznimi dejavniki ni statistično pomembnih razlik pri vplivu na zaznave cenovne pravičnosti- je zaznana cenovna (ne)pravičnost pomembno povezana z intenzivnostjo odziva odjemalcev- med ženskami in moškimi ni pomembnih razlik v zaznavanju cenovne pravičnosti- med oceno povprečnega družinskega prihodka in ocenami cenovne pravičnosti obstaja pomembna linearna povezava.Our work focuses on the concept of price fairness, factors that contriubte to perceptionsof price fairness and its consequences. In the theoretical introduction we define the field of consumer behaviour, the evaluation process and its role in the academic field of consumer behaviour, followed by a closer look at the concept of price and a short review of basic findings in the field of psychology of price perception. Second part provides a detailed look into the concept of price fairness and its definition. We present four major price fairness theories – transaction utility theory, prospect theory, equity theory and procedural justice theory. These four theories help us form the basis for the discussion of different factors that influence the price fairness perceptions. while dedicating the last part of the theoretical introduction to the review of consequences of price fairness perceptions influencing the consumer-seller relationship. On the theoretical grounds we caried out our research. The results of the research are presented in the empirical part of this thesis. We found out, that: - there is no significant difference in influence on price fairness perceptions of different factors- price (un)fairness perceptions significantly correlate with the intensity of consumers\u27 reactions- women and men do not differ significantly in price fairness perceptions- average domestic income correlates linearly with price fairness perceptions

    Influence of purchase context factors on price unfairness perceptions and consumer complaint behaviour

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    V doktorski disertaciji se osredotočamo na zaznave cenovne nepravičnosti in njihov vpliv na pritožbeno vedenje odjemalcev v različnih kontekstih. Temeljni cilj doktorske disertacije je oblikovati in empirično preveriti model zaznav cenovne nepravičnosti. V okviru modela želimo pojasniti tudi vlogo čustev v tem kontekstu in njihov vpliv na vedenje odjemalcev. Model hkrati testiramo tudi ob pogojih visoke in nizke vpletenosti odjemalcev in ob upoštevanju interakcije mesta nakupa z mestom referenčne transakcije. Za dosego zastavljenih ciljev v teoretičnem delu disertacije najprej podrobno predstavimo cene in njihovo vlogo v marketingu. Posvetimo se tudi strategijam cenovnega razlikovanja in posebej izpostavimo izzive, ki jih za to področje predstavlja uporaba večkanalne strategije marketinških poti. Sledi podroben pregled literature na temo zaznavanja cen, ki predstavlja osnovo za razumevanje našega osrednjega koncepta: zaznane cenovne nepravičnosti. To opredelimo kot odjemalčeve zaznave pravičnosti, sprejemljivosti in razumnosti cenovnih razlik in nanje vezana čustva. Predstavimo še obstoječe pristope k merjenju tega koncepta in dosedanje ugotovitve o zaznavah cenovne nepravičnosti v večkanalnem okolju. Posvetimo se tudi preostalim ključnim konceptom pričujoče raziskave – čustvom, pritožbenemu vedenju in vpletenosti odjemalcev, ob tem pa pojasnimo tudi predhodna dognanja glede njihove povezanosti z zaznano cenovno nepravičnostjo. Na osnovi teoretičnega pregleda oblikujemo štiri glavne hipoteze, ki predvidevajo povezovanje vseh obravnavanih konceptov in tvorijo naš konceptualni model. Empirično preverjanje modela poteka skozi dve eksperimentalni študiji ob uporabi eksperimentalnih scenarijev. Analiza zbranih podatkov obsega deskriptivno statistiko in korelacijske analize, osrednji del pa temelji na modeliranju strukturnih enačb. Pri tem v prvi študiji zaradi njene pilotne narave in nekoliko manjšega vzorca uporabimo pristop MIMIC z metodo delnih najmanjših kvadratov (PLS-SEM), v drugi pa ob večjem vzorcu in z namenom testiranja teorije pristop SMM po kovariančni metodi (CB-SEM). Analize razkrijejo, da negativni čustveni odzivi na razliko v ceni vodijo do višje stopnje zaznane cenovne nepravičnosti, medtem ko pozitivni odzivi znižujejo stopnjo nepravičnosti (H1a). Samo negativni čustveni odzivi pa imajo pomemben vpliv na verjetnost pojavljanja pritožbenega vedenja – konkretno posrednega javnega pritožbenega vedenja in posrednega zasebnega pritožbenega vedenja (H1b). Pomemben dejavnik pritoževanja je tudi zaznana cenovna nepravičnost, ki vodi do višje verjetnosti neposrednega pritožbenega vedenja in višje verjetnosti posrednega zasebnega pritožbenega vedenja, vendar pa ob naraščanju zaznane nepravičnosti pada verjetnost javnega pritoževanja (H2). Preostali dve raziskovalni hipotezi ovržemo, saj ne vpletenost odjemalcev (H3) in ne interakcija mesta nakupa z mestom referenčne transakcije (H4) nimata vpliva na povezave med obravnavanimi konstrukti.This doctoral dissertation focuses on price unfairness perceptions and their influence on consumer complaint behaviour in different contexts. The main goal of the doctoral dissertation is to develop and empirically test the model of price unfairness perceptions. Within the model, we also aim to explain the role of emotions in this context and their influence on consumer behaviour. Also, we test the model under conditions of high and low consumer involvement and regarding the interaction of the place of purchase with the place of reference transaction. To achieve our goals, in the theoretical part of the dissertation we first thoroughly describe price and its’ role in marketing. We also addressed strategies of price differentiation and highlighted the challenges, put forth in this area by the adoption of a multichannel marketing strategy. This was followed by a detailed literature review on the topic of price perception, which forms the basis for understanding the central concept: perceived price unfairness. We defined the latter as consumers’ evaluations of fairness, acceptability and reasonability of prices or price differences and related emotions. Additionally, we described existing approaches to measuring this concept and previous findings on the perceptions of price unfairness in a multichannel environment. We also turned to the remaining key concepts of present research – emotions, consumer complaint behaviour and consumer involvement, while also presenting past findings on their relationship with perceived price unfairness. Based on our theoretical review, we formed our four main hypotheses, which suggest the interconnectedness of all concepts covered in this work and form our conceptual model. The empirical testing of the model was carried out through two experimental studies using experimental scenarios. Data analysis was comprised of descriptive statistics and correlational analysis, and the main part applied structural equation modelling. For the first study, due to its exploratory nature and somewhat smaller sample, we used the MIMIC approach with the method of partial least squares (PLS-SEM), while in the second study with a bigger sample and an aim to test our theory, we applied SMM approach and covariance-based method (CB-SEM). Our analysis showed that negative emotional reactions to price differences lead to higher levels of perceived price unfairness and that positive emotional reactions lower the level of unfairness (H1a). Only negative emotional reactions have a significant impact on the probability of indirect public complaint behaviour and indirect private complaint behaviour (H1b). Another important factor of complaining is perceived price unfairness, which leads to higher probabilities of direct complaint behaviour and higher probabilities of indirect private complaint behaviour but also lowers the probability of indirect public complaining (H2). We had to reject the remaining two research hypotheses since neither consumer involvement (H3) nor the interaction of the place of purchase with the place of reference transaction (H4) had any influence on the relationships between our constructs

    The development of e-banking services quality measurement instrument

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    Perceived service quality is a well-researched concept in the marketing literature. Several measurement scales have been proposed, including for banking services, but most apply to the physical service environment. On the other hand, there is a lack of instruments available to measure the quality of banking services in a digital environment. Nowadays, especially pushed by the COVID-19 situation and sustainable development goals promoted by the United Nations, digitalization of services is a new normal. It is often perceived as a green banking practice and a prerequisite to contribute to the SDGs and environment per se. The purpose of this paper is to develop and validate a perceived quality scale of e-banking services. The proposed measurement model was tested on a convenience sample of 335 respondents from Slovenia and Croatia via web-based questionnaires. Content validity, construct validity, dimensionality, and discriminant validity were assessed with EFA and CFA. The results prove that the instrument is appropriate for measuring the perceived quality of e-banking services. It measures six dimensions: efficiency, availability, contact, design, security, and fulfillment. Additional group analysis shows that the scale applies to different cultural contexts. The main limitation of the research is that the instrument measures only the perceived quality of e-banking services provided through online channels. The main theoretical and managerial implications are also discussed

    Mobing v Sloveniji

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    An increasing number of organizations face the problem of mobbing, which represents a serious, widespread problem with numerous consequences for victims, organizations, and society. We also recognize the connection this phenomenon has with the emergence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD poses one of the most critical consequences for victims of mobbing, who mostly consist of employees at lower organizational levels. Our research focuses on the prevalence of mobbing in Slovenia, its correlation to PTSD, and some differences in the subjective and objective assessments of being exposed to mobbing. We found that the prevalence of mobbing in Slovenia can be compared to some previous assessments as well as data from other countries. Among the study´s participants, 24% could be classified as regular victims of mobbing. For the first time, we link mobbing with PTSD using a Slovenian sample. We also recorded some interesting differences between subjective and objective assessments of mobbing, thereby indicating the importance of subjective conceptualizations of mobbing acts, which should be investigated in greater detail in future research.Organizacije se vse pogosteje soočajo z mobingom. To je resen in predvsem razširjen problem. Že dolgo poznamo tudi njegovo povezavo s posttravmatsko stresno motnjo. Za žrtve mobinga, med katerimi so najpogosteje zaposleni na nižji organizacijski ravni, je ta motnja je ena najresnejših težav. Z raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti razširjenost mobinga v Sloveniji, raziskati njegovo povezanost s posttravmatsko stresno motnjo ter proučiti razlike med subjektivnimi in objektivnimi ocenami izpostavljenosti mobingu. Naše ugotovitve kažejo, da je prevalenca mobinga v Sloveniji primerljiva s podatki iz prejšnjih merjenj pa tudi s podatki za druge države. Med udeleženci raziskave je kar 24 % takih, ki se uvrščajo v skupino rednih žrtev mobinga. Prvič potrjujemo njegovo povezavo s posttravmatsko stresno motnjo na slovenskem vzorcu. Zabeležili smo tudi zanimive razlike med subjektivnimi in objektivnimi ocenami, ki kažejo na pomen subjektivne konceptualizacije dejanj mobinga

    Marketing - Fundamental Concepts and their Use in Digital Environment

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    Praktikum je namenjen študentom prvega letnika dodiplomskega študija na Ekonomsko-poslovni fakulteti za delo pri vajah predmeta Osnove marketinga in se uporablja kot dopolnilo k drugi izdaji monografije Marketing – Temeljni koncepti in njihova uporaba v digitalnem okolju. Praktikum zajema 10 poglavij in zajema naslednja osnovna področja marketinga: opredelitev marketinga, marketinško okolje, temeljni marketinški koncepti, spoznavanje odjemalcev, raziskave za potrebe marketinga, načrtovanje strategij marketinga, izdelek, cena, marketinške poti in marketinško komuniciranje. Vsako poglavje sledi enaki strukturi: študijski primer, vprašanja iz primera, vprašanja za utrjevanje in vaje za utrjevanje, ki so namenjene poglobljenemu razmisleku o obravnavni temi.The handbook is intended for first year undergraduate students at Faculty of Economics and Business for work in the course Fundamentals of marketing and it is used as a supplement to second edition of the monograph Marketing – Fundamental concepts and their use in digital environment. In a total of 10 chapters, this handbook covers basic areas of marketing science: definition of marketing, marketing environment, fundamental marketing concepts, consumer studies, marketing research, marketing strategy planning, product, price, marketing channels and marketing communication. Each chapter follows the same structure: case study, case questions, questions for repetition, exercises for repetition, which allow for deep reflection on the topic

    Exploring the emotional side of price fairness perceptions and its consequences

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    In the present research, we examined whether emotional responses determine price fairness perceptions and resulting behaviours. The relationships among negative emotional response, price fairness perception, self-protective behaviour, and negative word-of-mouth were hypothesized and empirically investigated. Furthermore, the moderating role of moral foundation was addressed and tested. Results indicated that there is a strong relationship between negative emotions and price fairness perceptions. While the latter had no significant effect on self-protective behaviour, it had a noticeable one on negative word-of-mouth. There was also a significant positive relationship between the two types of behaviours, where self-protective behaviour positively influenced negative word-of-mouth. Furthermore, the relationship between price fairness and negative word-of-mouth was significantly greater among respondents who scored higher on the moral foundation scale. Such results indicate that behaviour of those with a higher moral foundation appears to rely more on price fairness, while the behaviour of the second group (respondents with lower moral foundation scores) is determined primarily by emotional response. Our research contributes to the knowledge of consumer behaviour by providing an insight into different customer reactions regarding what they perceive to be unfair prices

    Mobbing in Slovenia: Prevalence, Mobbing Victim Characteristics, and the Connection with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

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    An increasing number of organizations face the problem of mobbing, which represents a serious, widespread problem with numerous consequences for victims, organizations, and society. We also recognize the connection this phenomenon has with the emergence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD poses one of the most critical consequences for victims of mobbing, who mostly consist of employees at lower organizational levels. Our research focuses on the prevalence of mobbing in Slovenia, its correlation to PTSD, and some differences in the subjective and objective assessments of being exposed to mobbing. We found that the prevalence of mobbing in Slovenia can be compared to some previous assessments as well as data from other countries. Among the study's participants, 24% could be classified as regular victims of mobbing. For the first time, we link mobbing with PTSD using a Slovenian sample. We also recorded some interesting differences between subjective and objective assessments of mobbing, thereby indicating the importance of subjective conceptualizations of mobbing acts, which should be investigated in greater detail in future research