6 research outputs found

    Técnicas endovasculares para colocação de cateteres de longa permanência para quimioterapia

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    PURPOSE: To analyze the results from using endovascular techniques to place long-term chemotherapy catheters when advancing the catheter using the external jugular vein is difficult due to obstructions or kinking. METHODS: Between July 1997 and August 2000, 320 long-term chemotherapy catheters were placed, and in 220 cases the external jugular vein was used as the primary venous approach. In 18 of these patients, correct positioning was not achieved and several endovascular techniques were then utilized to overcome these obstacles, including manipulation of a J-wire with a moveable core, venography, and the exchange wire technique. RESULTS: In 94.5% of the patients with difficulties in obtaining the correct positioning, we were able to advance the long-term catheter to the desired position with the assistance of endovascular techniques. CONCLUSIONS: Venography and endovascular guidance techniques are useful for the placement of long-term catheters in the external jugular vein.OBJETIVO: Analisar os resultados da utilização de técnicas endovasculares na colocação de cateteres de longa permanência para quimioterapia quando a progressão do cateter através da veia jugular externa é dificultada devido a obstruções ou tortuosidades. MÉTODOS: Entre Junho de 1997 e Agosto de 2000, foram colocados 320 cateteres de longa permanência para quimioterapia, e, em 220 casos a veia jugular externa foi utilizada como acesso venoso primário. Em 18 desses pacientes, o correto posicionamento não foi conseguido sendo então utilizadas várias técnicas endovasculares para superar os obstáculos incluindo o uso de fio guia com ponta em J, flebografia e troca de cateteres. RESULTADOS: Em 94,5% dos pacientes com dificuldades para obtermos o correto posicionamento, foi conseguida a progressão do cateter de longa permanência até o posicionamento desejado com a assistência de técnicas endovasculares. CONCLUSÃO: A Flebografia e a técnica endovascular são úteis para a colocação de cateteres de longa permanência através da veia jugular extern

    Carotid reconstruction in patients operated for malignant head and neck neoplasia

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    CONTEXT: Patients with malignant head and neck neoplasia may present simultaneous involvement of large vessels due to the growth of the tumoral mass. The therapeutic options are chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery or combined treatments. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the result of surgical treatment with carotid reconstruction in patients with advanced malignant head and neck neoplasia. DESIGN: Prospective. SETTING: Hospital do Câncer A.C. Camargo, São Paulo, Brazil. PARTICIPANTS: Eleven patients operated because of advanced malignant head and neck neoplasia that was involving the internal and/or common carotid artery. MAIN MEASUREMENTS: By means of clinical examination, outpatient follow-up and duplex scanning, we analyzed the patency of the carotid grafts, vascular and non-vascular complications, disease recurrence and survival of the patients. RESULTS: Six patients (54.5%) did not present any type of complication. There was one vascular complication represented by an occlusion of the carotid graft with a cerebrovascular stroke in one hemisphere. Non-vascular complications occurred in five patients (45.5%). During the follow-up, eight patients died (72.7%), of whom seven had loco-regional tumor recurrence and one had pulmonary and hepatic metastases (at an average of 9 months after the operation). Seven of these patients presented functioning grafts. The three patients still alive have no tumor recurrence and their grafts are functioning (an average of 9 months has passed since the operation). CONCLUSIONS: Patients with advanced malignant head and neck neoplasia involving the carotid artery that are treated surgically present a prognosis with reservations. When the internal and/or common carotid artery is resected en-bloc with the tumor, arterial reconstruction must be performed. The long saphenous vein is a suitable vascular substitute

    Totally implantable venous catheters for chemotherapy: experience in 500 patients

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    CONTEXT: Totally implantable devices are increasingly being utilized for chemotherapy treatment of oncological patients, although few studies have been done in our environment to analyze the results obtained from the implantation and utilization of such catheters. OBJECTIVE: To study the results obtained from the implantation of totally implantable catheters in patients submitted to chemotherapy. TYPE OF STUDY: Prospective. SETTING: Hospital do Câncer A.C. Camargo, São Paulo, Brazil. METHODS: 519 totally implantable catheters were placed in 500 patients submitted to chemotherapy, with preference for the use of the right external jugular vein. Evaluations were made of the early and late-stage complications and patient evolution until removal of the device, death or the end of the treatment. RESULTS: The prospective analysis showed an average duration of 353 days for the catheters. There were 427 (82.2%) catheters with no complications. Among the early complications observed, there were 15 pathway hematomas, 8 cases of thrombophlebitis of the distal stump of the external jugular vein and one case of pocket infection. Among the late-stage complications observed, there were 43 infectious complications (0.23/1000 days of catheter use), 11 obstructions (0.06/1000 days of catheter use) and 14 cases of deep vein thrombosis (0.07/1000 days of catheter use). Removal of 101 catheters was performed: 35 due to complications and 66 upon terminating the treatment. A total of 240 patients died while the catheter was functioning and 178 patients are still making use of the catheter. CONCLUSION: The low rate of complications obtained in this study confirms the safety and convenience of the use of totally implantable accesses in patients undergoing prolonged chemotherapy regimes