9 research outputs found

    Plant communities of the western part of the Bloemfontein district: the Ca land type

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    An analysis of the plant communities of the Ca land type of the Bloemfontein West District is presented. The Braun-Blanquet technique, supplemented by TWINSPAN, was used for phytosociological classification of the vegetation of the study area. Eleven distinct vegetation units were recognized and described. An hierarchical classification is suggested and each vegetation unit is related to its particular environmental characteristics. Relevés were compiled in 76 sample plots.‘n Ontieding van die plantgemeenskappe van die Ca-landtipe van die Bloemfontein-Wes-distrik word aangebied. Die Braun-Blanquet-tegniek, ondersteun deur TWINSPAN, is gebruik vir die fitososiologiese klassrfikasie van die plantegroei van die studiegebied. Elf plantegroei-eenhede is geïdentifiseer en beskryf. ‘n Hiërargiese klassifikasie word voorgestel en elke plantegroei-eenheid word aan die hand van toepaslike omgewingsfaktore verklaar. Reievés is in 76 monsterpersele saamgestel