5,103 research outputs found
Self-consistent analysis of hadron production in and collisions at mid-rapidity
The self-consistent approach based on similarity of inclusive spectra of
hadrons produced in and collisions is reviewed. This approach allows
us to describe rather well the ratio of proton to anti-proton yields in
collisions as a function of the initial energy at a wide range from a few GeV
to a few TeV. We suggest its modification due to the quark-gluon dynamics to
describe the inclusive spectra of hadrons produced in collision as a
function of the transverse momentum at mid-rapidity. The extension of
this approach to analyze the pion -spectra produced in collision at
high and middle energies and mid-rapidity is given. The satisfactory
description of experimental data on these spectra in and collisions
within the offered approach is shown.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with
Mid-rapidity dependence of hadron production in and collisions
The calculation of inclusive spectra of pions produced in and
collisions as a function of rapidity is presented within the
self-similarity approach. It is shown that at not large rapidities one can
obtain the analytical form of the self-similarity function
dependent of and hadron transverse momentum . A satisfactory
description of data on the rapidity spectra at 0.3 is illustrated
within a good agreement. The universal energy dependence of these spectra is
also shown.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure
Relativistička nuklearna fizika u laboratoriju za visoke energije združenog instituta za nuklearna istraživanja (Dubna)
An overview of experiments with nuclear beams at the Dubna Nuclotron is given. Present status of the nuclear beams accelerated at the Nuclotron is shortly described. Some selected results obtained in the experiments performed with internal and extracted nuclear Nuclotron\u27s beams at the Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energies of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research at Dubna during last years are presented. Future plans of the investigations are discussed.Daje se pregled eksperimenata s unutarnjim i vanjskim nuklearnim snopovima Nuclotrona u Dubni. Opisuju se nuklearni snopovi koji se postižu Nuclotronom. Predstavljaju se odabrani ishodi mjerenja suradnika Vekslerovog i Baldinovog Laboratorija za Visoke Energije Združenog Instituta za Nuklearna Istraživanja u Dubni tijekom posljednjih godina. Raspravljaju se planovi budućih istraživanja
Ratio of cross-sections of kaons to pions produced in collisions as a function of
A calculation of the inclusive spectra of pions and kaons produced in
collisions as functions of their transverse momentum at mid-rapidity is
presented within the self-similarity approach. A satisfactory description of
the data within a wide range of initial energies is presented. We focus mainly
on the ratio of cross-sections of to mesons produced in
collisions as a function of . A fast rise of this ratio, when the
initial energy increases starting from the kaon production threshold up to
20-30 Gev, is revealed together with its very slow increase up
to LHC energies. The energy dependence of this ratio is due to the conservation
laws of four-momenta and quantum numbers of the initial and produced hadrons,
and to the Regge behavior of cross-sections at large energies. The more or less
satisfactory agreement of these ratios with NA61-SHINE, RHIC and LHC data is
demonstrated.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure
Analysis of the confirmation time in proof-of-work blockchains
In blockchain networks driven by Proof of Work, clients spend a certain amount of cryptocurrency (called fees) to control the speed of confirmation of the transactions that they generate. In fact, transactions are confirmed according to a strong priority policy that favors those offering the highest fees. The problem of determining the optimal fee to offer to satisfy certain delay requirements is still widely open and, at the state of the art, mainly reactive methods based on historical data are available. In this work, we propose a queueing model based on the exact transient analysis of a M/MB/1 system to address this problem. The model takes into account (i) the state of the Mempool (the backlog of pending work) when the transaction is generated, (ii) the current transaction arrival intensity and (iii) the distribution of the fees offered by other transactions to the miners. We apply the model to study the performance of the Bitcoin blockchain. Its parameterization is based on an extensive statistical analysis of the transaction characteristics. To this aim, we collected data from over 1.5 million of pending transactions observed in the Mempool of our Bitcoin node. The outcome of our analysis allows us to provide an algorithm to quickly compute the expected transaction confirmation time given the blockchain state, and to highlight new insights on the relations between the transaction fees and confirmation time in BTC blockchain
Coherent and Non-Coherent Double Diffractive Production of - pairs in Collisions of Heavy Ions at High Energies
The double coherent and non-coherent diffractive production of heavy quark -
antiquark pairs () in heavy ion scattering at high energies (LHC) is
considered. The total and differential cross sections of these processes with
the formation of and pairs in , and
collisions are evaluated. The contribution of the considered mechanisms is a
few per cent of the number of heavy quark - antiquark pairs obtained in the
processes of hard (QCD) scattering, and it will be taken into account in the
registration of , quarks or, for instance, in the study of the heavy
quarkonia suppression effects in Quark - Gluon Plasma, in the search for
intermediate mass Higgs bosons and so on. It is shown that the cross section of
the coherent scattering process is great enough. This makes it suitable for
studying collective effects in nuclear interactions at high energies. An
example of such effects is given: large values of the invariant mass of a pair, M_{Q \bar{Q}} \gsim 100 GeV, in association with a large
rapidity gap between diffractive jets .Comment: 22 pages, 5(.eps) figures, 3 tables, LaTe
Pairing symmetry of the one-band Hubbard model in the paramagnetic weak-coupling limit: a numerical RPA study
We study the spin-fluctuation-mediated superconducting pairing gap in a
weak-coupling approach to the Hubbard model for a two dimensional square
lattice in the paramagnetic state. Performing a comprehensive theoretical study
of the phase diagram as a function of filling, we find that the superconducting
gap exhibits transitions from p-wave at very low electron fillings to
d_{x^2-y^2}-wave symmetry close to half filling in agreement with previous
reports. At intermediate filling levels, different gap symmetries appear as a
consequence of the changes in the Fermi surface topology and the associated
structure of the spin susceptibility. In particular, the vicinity of a van Hove
singularity in the electronic structure close to the Fermi level has important
consequences for the gap structure in favoring the otherwise sub-dominant
triplet solution over the singlet d-wave solution. By solving the full gap
equation, we find that the energetically favorable triplet solutions are chiral
and break time reversal symmetry. Finally, we also calculate the detailed
angular gap structure of the quasi-particle spectrum, and show how
spin-fluctuation-mediated pairing leads to significant deviations from the
first harmonics both in the singlet d_{x^2-y^2} gap as well as the chiral
triplet gap solution.Comment: 11 pages 11 figure
On the Use of Proof-of-Work in Permissioned Blockchains: Security and Fairness
In permissioned blockchains, a set of identifiable miners validates transactions and creates new blocks. In scholarship, the proposed solution for the consensus protocol is usually inspired by the Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT) based on voting rather than the proof-of-work (PoW). The advantage of PoW with respect to BFT is that it allows the final user to evaluate the cost required to change a confirmed transaction without the need to trust the consortium of miners. In this paper, we analyse the problems that arise from the application of PoW in permissioned blockchains. In standard PoW, it may be easy for colluded miners to temporarily reach 50% of the total hash power (HP). Moreover, since mining rewards are not usually expected in permissioned contexts, the problem of balancing the computational efforts among the miners becomes crucial. We propose a solution based on a sliding window algorithm to address these problems and analyse its effectiveness in terms of fairness and security. Furthermore, we present a quantitative, analytical model in order to assess its capacity to balance the hash power provided by heterogeneous miners. Our study considers the trade-off between the need to trust the entire consortium of miners guaranteed by the global HP invested by the mining process and the need to prevent collusion among malicious miners aimed at reaching 50% of the total HP. As a result, the model can be used to find the optimal parameters for the sliding window protocol
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