10 research outputs found

    Entre la espera y la esperanza

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    Loris Malaguzzi y las escuelas de Reggio Emilia

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    Resumen basado en el texto de la contracubierta del libroLoris Malaguzzi fue una de las figuras más importantes de la educación infantil del siglo XX. Alcanzó un reconocimiento mundial gracias a sus ideas educativas y a su labor en la creación de escuelas infantiles municipales para niños y niñas en la ciudad italiana de Reggio Emilia; un verdadero ejemplo de educación progresista, democrática y pública. A pesar de la repercusión de su trabajo, solo está disponible en castellano una pequeña parte de sus escritos y de su pensamiento sobre la educación en la primera infancia. Este libro permite llenar ese vacío, presentando por primera vez en español textos y discursos realizados entre los años 1945 y 1993, seleccionados por un grupo de compañeras suyas del archivo establecido en Reggio Emilia. Es posible encontrar desde poemas breves, cartas y artículos de prensa, hasta fragmentos sobre los primeros años en la vida de Malaguzzi, los orígenes de las escuelas municipales, así como su pensamiento sobre la infancia, la pedagogía y la escuela. El material se organiza en cinco capítulos cronológicos que comienzan al final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y acaban justo antes de su muerte.Ministerio de Educación. Subdirección General de Documentación y Publicaciones; Calle San Agustín, 5; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]

    Which comes first – the chicken or the egg?

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    The relationship between ECE and CSE in the training field. The Italian case.

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    The paper aims to contribute to the debate on pre-school and primary education training through the analysis of a country case. The first part of the paper will explore how the relationships between these two parts of the education system has been constructed and evolved over time in the context of local socio-cultural conditions. The second part of the paper will investigate the impact that such developments had on the professional preparation of pre-school and primary school teachers and it will give a critical account of recent trends starting from a rigorous analysis of pathways of continuity and change. The assumption underlying this paper is that any reflection on the design of teacher\u2019s initial preparation shall not overlook the historical processes and the local socio-cultural conditions within which educational systems are embedded and constantly changing. The concluding part of the paper will outline conceptual categories for looking critically into the challenges and possibilities posed by recent reform trends concerning teachers\u2019 professional preparation across the early childhood and compulsory school education field

    The value of introducing sensopathic materials in a play pedagogy programme during the reception year

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    Rich play enhances the child’s engagement during play, and this improves the potential for learning. This study examines the place of sensory materials focused on visual and tactile stimuli (sensopathic material) during guided play to improve learning in the reception year. Interviews with teachers and observation of the children while playing with sensopathic material were used to generate qualitative data at five schools that applied different play pedagogies. It was found that using sensopathic materials during play enriched young children’s play experience and increased their engagement. The critical role of teachers in the play process and the management of play was explored with the focus on facilitating learning both inside and outside the classroom using readily available sensopathic materials. This article creates awareness of the value of using sensopathic materials and illustrates how careful planning can enhance young children’s engagement during play and create learning opportunities in a playful manner.https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ciey20hj2023Early Childhood Educatio