3 research outputs found

    Six years of sick leave spells in a group of university civilworkers. Can modernwork bring them a new health problem?

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    The objective of this study is to analyse sick leave episodes of a university’s collective of statutory workers in the State of São Paulo, between January 2010 and December 2015. For this, a descriptive study analysed 5776 registered spells of sick leave of four university units: agricultural sciences; human health, health and animal reproduction, and biological sciences; an administrative unit; and a university hospital. The medical expert assessment was carried out by general practitioners and psychiatrists who managed sick leave and return to work cases. Around 52% had up to three sick leave episodes, and 10% of the workers had 20 or more episodes. Each spell of sickness absence lasted a median of 30 days (IQR 8–60 days). Among all of sick leaves, 35% had as a primary cause mental or behavioural diseases, of which 30% were depressive disorders, followed by around 18% related to the musculoskeletal system and the connective tissues. In the medical reports, 80% of the workers reported pain and 30% reported psychological symptoms. The collective, seen as privileged by many for their job stability, has a high percentage of sick leave due to mental illness, with extended periods which affect the levels of disability and reduce possibilities of return

    Perfil do adoecimento dos trabalhadores de câmpus universitário do interior paulista: análise dos dados de absenteísmo por motivo de doença

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    The profiles of illness and death among workers have changed with the introduction of new production and work methods in society, both in private and in public institutions. In public institutions, recent changes, starting in the 90s, include new management and work organization methods that entail better productivity, faster paced work, employee downsizing, temporary staffing and outsourcing, and labor market flexibility among others. As a result, the rates of physical and mental illness among public servants have increased leading to illness-related absence, defined as time off from work due to illness certified by a physician/sick leave. The objective of this study was to establish the profile of illness-related absence among statutory workers of a Brazilian state public university, in 2012. In this cross-sectional study, secondary data extracted from the institution's occupational medical examination systems and medical reports were analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics software (v.21.0). The results have been reported as simple and cumulative frequencies, associations estimated by chi-square tests, and distribution differences determined by post-hoc Z tests with Bonferroni's correction coefficient. During the study period, 538 workers were on sick leave. Workers consisted of married females aged over 41 years. Most of them had been working on the institution's hospital of clinics for 11-30 years holding intermediate level nursing positions, and had taken leave once. Of these, 11% were provided with job accommodation. The most frequent causes for leaves, which lasted for up to 15 days, were mental/behavioral disorders, and osteomuscular and connective tissue diseases. Statistical analysis demonstrated that some sociodemographic characteristics, such as sex and age, and job characteristics, such as work unit and position, influenced the development of illness, which in turn influenced leave duration and job accommodation ...O perfil de adoecimento e mortalidade de trabalhadores vem mudando na medida em que são alterados os modos de produção e de trabalho na sociedade, atingindo instituições privadas e públicas. Nas instituições públicas, as recentes mudanças ocorrem a partir da década de 90 e preveem a adoção de novos mecanismos de gestão e de organização do trabalho, com exigência de maior produtividade, aumento de ritmo, enxugamento do contingente de trabalhadores, contratações com vínculos precarizados e terceirizados, flexibilização dos direitos e da remuneração dos trabalhadores, entre outros. Resultante desta dinâmica, surgem índices elevados de adoecimento físico e mental entre os trabalhadores públicos, ocasionando o absenteísmo-doença, considerado como a ausência ao trabalho relacionada à doença e justificada por atestado/licença médica. A presente pesquisa teve o objetivo de estabelecer o perfil de afastamento por motivo de doença de trabalhadores estatutários de câmpus universitário do interior paulista no ano de 2012. O estudo foi transversal com utilização de dados secundários extraídos de sistemas de atendimentos ocupacional e pericial da instituição, analisados no programa estatístico IBM SPSS Statistics (v.21.0), e os resultados apresentados em frequências simples e acumuladas, em associações estimadas por testes do quiquadrado e por aplicação de testes post-hoc Z com coeficientes de correção de Bonferroni para determinação das diferenças entre as distribuições. Os dados mostram que em 2012, 538 trabalhadores do regime estatutário se afastaram do trabalho por motivo de doença. O perfil destes trabalhadores é composto por pessoas do sexo feminino, casado, com idade superior a 41 anos, sua maioria lotada no hospital das clínicas universitário, com cargos de nível médio da área da enfermagem, e com 11 a 30 anos de tempo de serviço na instituição. A maioria teve um episódio de..