7 research outputs found

    Cuidados e itinerarios de migrantes Aprender de la diversidad de situaciones

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    La relación entre migración y trabajos de cuidados ha sido poco estudiada en Fran-cia a pesar de la sobrerrepresentación de inmigrantes en este sector. Tras examinar las diferentes modalidades de servicios de cuidados en la región parisina, hemos querido destacar la gran variedad de trayectorias de las trabajadoras migrantes y los obstáculos que las privan de una ciudadanía de pleno derecho. Para ello, nos he-mos centrado en los aspectos menos estudiados por la sociología francesa: el su-bempleo de las migrantes en el contexto actual de profesionalización del sector y el trabajo de las sin papeles. También hemos prestado especial atención a los aspectos emocionales de la relación empleador-cuidadora sin papeles por considerarlos vinculados a la vulnerabilidad socio-económica de estas trabajadoras.Care careers, migrants’ professional routes Understanding diverse situationsThe link between migration and care work is very poorly studied in France despite the overwhelming presence of migrants in this sector. By examining the different forms of care services in Ile-de-France, we reveal the diversity of migrants’ profes-sional routes and the barriers that deny them the right to citizenship. We look at is-sues that receive the least attention in French sociology: the deskilling of migrants in a context of professionalization of the care sector, and labour of undocumented women. Specific attention is given to the emotional aspect of the relationship bet-ween the employer and the undocumented care worker, since we consider it rele-vant to the social and economic vulnerability of women migrant workers</p

    Perspectives of Non-Hospitalised Patients with COVID-19 Self-Isolating for 10 Days at Home: A Qualitative Study in Primary Care in Greece

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    The aim of this qualitative research, conducted in Spring 2021, was to identify the inconveniences and the psychological and social impact of 10 days of home isolation, required by law, in non-hospitalised COVID-19 patients in Greece and to improve management. Thirty-seven semi-structured telephone interviews were conducted, audio-recorded, and transcribed verbatim. Thematic analysis identified four key emergent themes, i.e., everyday life during self-isolation, psychological issues, social issues, and information and guidance. Food provisioning was of particular concern. Solidarity was expressed to individuals in need. Isolation was not always viable due to space constraints and the necessity to care for sick family members. Fear of transmission to vulnerable groups, hospitalisation, irreversible complications, and death as well as anxiety, insecurity, guilt, and alienation were articulated. COVID-19 disrupted the normal functioning of families and led to revision of interpersonal relationships. Patients avoided re-integration in society due to the transmitter stigma and to limit the risk of infection spread in the community. Over-information promoted fear. Mild illness raised doubts about information validity. Primary care provided monitoring and psychological support. Home isolation caused disruption in various aspects of participants’ life, ranging from logistic problems to dealing with the psychological burden of isolation and illness. Primary care could play a central role in supporting patients

    Vous n’avez pas le choix, il n’y a pas des Françaises ici : Migrations et travail de care en Île-de-France

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    Care in all its forms : Employees serving the elderly : caught between constraints and informal arrangements

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    Cette thèse étudie les pratiques, les conditions et la division contemporaine du travail de care pour les personnes âgées, en examinant à la fois le travail qualifié et non qualifié, le travail formel et informel, le travail dans les institutions et dans l’aide à domicile. Elle repose sur une enquête qualitative menée en Ile-De-France. Cent vingt-Huit entretiens semi-Directifs ont été réalisés avec des employées qui ont travaillé ou travaillent en emploi direct et dans des organismes (deux EHPAD et une Association d’aide à domicile). La démarche comparative des dynamiques de professionnalisation, ainsi que des formes d’organisation et de hiérarchisation du travail a permis de mettre en lumière les différentes façons dont se construisent les frontières entre le social, la santé et le travail dit non qualifié. La conception fragmentée du travail de care contribue à sa dévalorisation. Dans ce cadre, nous avons développé une approche méthodologique et théorique qui montre l’importance de la relation active entre pourvoyeur et bénéficiaire qui se développe à long terme et englobe l’ensemble des aspects du travail. À partir des expériences de femmes sans-Papiers et de la question du mal-Être au travail, nous avons étudié les modalités selon lesquelles les rapports sociaux de sexe, classe et race s’inscrivent dans la relation du care. La thèse s’inscrit au croisement de plusieurs champs : la sociologie du travail, la sociologie du genre, la sociologie des migrations, la sociologie des émotions. Nous intégrons également dans notre réflexion et dans notre approche les apports pluridisciplinaires des théories du care.This thesis studies the practices, conditions and contemporary division of care for the elderly, by examining skilled and ‘unskilled’ labour as well as formal and informal labour, at home and in care institutions. It is based on a qualitative survey carried out in Ile-De-France. We conducted 128 semi-Structured interviews with employees who have worked or work with the elderly directly and through organisations (two nursing homes, one home-Support association). Comparing the dynamics of professionalization, as well as the forms of organisation and the development of hierarchies of labour, has brought to light the different ways in which boundaries are built between social work, healthcare and ‘unskilled’ labour. The fragmented concept of care contributes to its devaluation. In this context, we have developed a methodological and theoretical approach that shows the importance of the active relationship between caregiver and care-Receiver that develops over time and encompasses all aspects of care. Based on the experiences of undocumented immigrant women and the issue of poor quality of work life, we have examined the role of gender, class and race in care relationships. This thesis touches on several fields of sociology: labour, gender, migration and emotions. We also include the multidisciplinary contributions of care theories

    Comment les aides à domicile pensent-elles à la fois le bien-être des bénéficiaires et le leur

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    Perspectives of Non-Hospitalised Patients with COVID-19 Self-Isolating for 10 Days at Home: A Qualitative Study in Primary Care in Greece

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    The aim of this qualitative research, conducted in Spring 2021, was to identify the inconveniences and the psychological and social impact of 10 days of home isolation, required by law, in non-hospitalised COVID-19 patients in Greece and to improve management. Thirty-seven semi-structured telephone interviews were conducted, audio-recorded, and transcribed verbatim. Thematic analysis identified four key emergent themes, i.e., everyday life during self-isolation, psychological issues, social issues, and information and guidance. Food provisioning was of particular concern. Solidarity was expressed to individuals in need. Isolation was not always viable due to space constraints and the necessity to care for sick family members. Fear of transmission to vulnerable groups, hospitalisation, irreversible complications, and death as well as anxiety, insecurity, guilt, and alienation were articulated. COVID-19 disrupted the normal functioning of families and led to revision of interpersonal relationships. Patients avoided re-integration in society due to the transmitter stigma and to limit the risk of infection spread in the community. Over-information promoted fear. Mild illness raised doubts about information validity. Primary care provided monitoring and psychological support. Home isolation caused disruption in various aspects of participants’ life, ranging from logistic problems to dealing with the psychological burden of isolation and illness. Primary care could play a central role in supporting patients