421 research outputs found

    X-Ray bright optically faint active galactic nuclei in the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam wide survey

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    We construct a sample of X-ray bright optically faint active galactic nuclei by combining Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam, XMM-Newton, and infrared source catalogs. 53 X-ray sources satisfying i band magnitude fainter than 23.5 mag and X-ray counts with EPIC-PN detector larger than 70 are selected from 9.1 deg^2, and their spectral energy distributions (SEDs) and X-ray spectra are analyzed. 44 objects with an X-ray to i-band flux ratio F_X/F_i>10 are classified as extreme X-ray-to-optical flux sources. SEDs of 48 among 53 are represented by templates of type 2 AGNs or starforming galaxies and show signature of stellar emission from host galaxies in the optical in the source rest frame. Infrared/optical SEDs indicate significant contribution of emission from dust to infrared fluxes and that the central AGN is dust obscured. Photometric redshifts determined from the SEDs are in the range of 0.6-2.5. X-ray spectra are fitted by an absorbed power law model, and the intrinsic absorption column densities are modest (best-fit log N_H = 20.5-23.5 cm^-2 in most cases). The absorption corrected X-ray luminosities are in the range of 6x10^42 - 2x10^45 erg s^-1. 20 objects are classified as type 2 quasars based on X-ray luminsosity and N_H. The optical faintness is explained by a combination of redshifts (mostly z>1.0), strong dust extinction, and in part a large ratio of dust/gas.Comment: 25 pages, 14 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in PAS

    Changes of bone mineral densities in women and prevention and treatment of osteoporosis

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    当科では3年ほど前よりQCT法を用いて骨塩量測定を行い,骨粗鬆症の管理治療を行っている。264名の測定値について分析をしたところ,40歳頃から60歳にかけて急速に低下すること,肥満度が増すにつれ骨塩量も増加する傾向がみられた。また,閉経前に卵巣を両側摘出した場合ホルモン補充療法を行っているが,卵巣を温存した場合と差がでなかった。治療に結合型エストロゲンを用いた群の12カ月後の骨塩量の増加率は,任用しなかった群にくらべ有意の差があった。Bone mineral density (BMD) was measured in 264 females by QCT. BMD was rapidly decreased between 40's and 60's. There was a tendency for BMD increase in proportion to obesity. HRT was made without bilateral ovaries at operation, then there were no differencis between removal of ovaries and preserve of ovaries. The increase rate of BMD treated by conjugated-estrogens was higher than that of no treated BMD (p<0.05)


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    Clinical risk factors associated with the development of osteoporosis and vertebral fractures were evaluated in patients with asthma in relation to sex, age, and dose of glucocorticoids (GC). In 75 asthmatic patients including 44 steroid-dependent asthma, the bone mineral density (BMD) of the lumber spines was measured by quantitative computed tomography (QCT). Thirty five patients of them were followed up with radiographs over a period of 0.5 to 4 years (average: 2.6±1.3 years). The BMD was significantly lower in older (p<O.01) or female (p<0.05) patients. All the five patients developing vertebral compression fractures were female and more than 64 y.o., and received systemic glucocorticoid (GC) therapy for more than 3 years with a lot of cumulative gramdosage of GC. No significant correlation was demonstrated between the BMD and the dose of systemic GC per day, but multiple regression analysis demonstrated a significant relationship (p<O.o1) between the BMD and lifetime cumulative gramdosage of GC. Multiple regression analysis also demonstrated significant relationships (p<O.01) between the BMD and clinical factors such as age and sex. These results indicates that the bone loss and vertebral fractures of patients with asthma are influenced by the patient's age, sex, and the lifetime cumulative GC dose.対象は気管支喘息75症例。このうち44例はステロイド依存性難治症例であった。35症例については,0.5年から4年間(平均:2.6±1.3年間)の経時的観察もおこなわれた。これらの症例の骨塩量に影響を及ぼす因子について検討をおこなった。高齢者,女性に有意な低骨塩量を認めた。重回帰分析にて年齢,性別,経口副腎ステロイド投与総量などの項目に骨塩量と有意な関連が認められた。また,35症例中5例に脊椎圧迫骨折が発生し,いずれも骨塩量が低く,高齢者,女性,長期ステロイド内服例であった。これらのことから気管支喘息患者においては,女性,高齢者,長期ステロイド内服例に骨塩量減少や脊椎圧迫骨折のリスクが高いと考えられた。また,ステロイド続発性骨粗鬆症の発生には,ステロイドの現在の一日内服量よりもこれまでの総積算内服量が重要と考えられた

    Carbon(sp2)-carbon(sp3) Bond-forming Cross-coupling Reactions Using Sulfur-Modified Au-Supported Nickel Nanoparticle Catalyst

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    We report a carbon(sp2)-carbon(sp3) bond-forming cross-coupling reactions by employing a nano-size nickel catalyst supported on sulfur-modified gold (SANi). This transformation demonstrates an efficient synthesis of functionalized aryl compounds, including heterocycles. Notably, the reactions proceeded in good yields with significantly low leaching of nickel from SANi. Moreover, SANi could be recycled several times without significant loss of catalytic activity.This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Ohta R., Shio Y., Akiyama T., et al. Carbon(sp2)-carbon(sp3) Bond-forming Cross-coupling Reactions Using Sulfur-Modified Au-Supported Nickel Nanoparticle Catalyst. Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/ajoc.202200229. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving. This article may not be enhanced, enriched or otherwise transformed into a derivative work, without express permission from Wiley or by statutory rights under applicable legislation. Copyright notices must not be removed, obscured or modified. The article must be linked to Wiley’s version of record on Wiley Online Library and any embedding, framing or otherwise making available the article or pages thereof by third parties from platforms, services and websites other than Wiley Online Library must be prohibited


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    The percentage of attenuation area < -950HU (% LAA) on high resolution computed tomography (HRCT) was compared between 17 smoking and 24 nonsmoking patients with asthma. 1. FEV1/FVC value was lower in smoking patients (56.4%) than in nonsmoking patients (66.0%), however, the difference was not significant. 2. The percentage of LAA of the lung was larger in smoking patients compared with that in nonsmoking patients in all the three anatomic levels: the % LAA was 14.4% in nonsmoking and 20.3% in smoking patients at lower lung level (3cm above the top of the diaphragm). However, this was not significant. The maximal % LAA among the three lung levels on HRCT was 21.6±12.5% in smoking, and 15.7±11.9% in nonsmoking patients. This suggested that the maximal % LAA was larger in smoking patients, however, this was not significant. 3. The mean CT number of the lung on HRCT was smaller in smoking patients (-897.3HU) than in nonsmoking patients (-884.7HU). 4. Three of 4 nonsmoking patients whose % LAA was more than 30% had severe intractable asthma with long-term glucocorticoid therapy. The results suggest the possibility that smoking influences the % LAA of the lung on HRCT in asthma. It could be also speculated that % LAA is influenced by severity of asthma.HRCT (high resolution computed tomography)による-950HU以下の肺野のlow attenuation area(LAA)について,17例の喫煙喘息症例と24例の非喫煙喘息症例で比較検討した。1.FEV1.0%値は,喫煙症例(56.4%)で非喫煙症例(66.0%)に比べ低い値が示されたが,両群間に有意の差は見られなかった。2.% LAAは,肺野のいずれの高さにおいても,非喫煙症例に比べ喫煙症例で高い傾向が見られたが,有意の差ではなかった。Maximal % LAAは,喫煙症例で21.6%,非喫煙症例15.7%であり,同様に喫煙症例で高い傾向が見られたが,有意の差は見られなかった。3.平均CT値は,非喫煙症例(-884.7HU)に比べ,喫煙症例(-897.3HU)で低い値であった。4.% LAAが30%以上を示 す4例の非喫煙症例のうち,3例がステロイド依存性の重症難治性喘息であった。これらの結果より,喫煙が肺野の% LAAに影響をあたえる可能性もあるものの,疾患の重症度がより影響が強い可能性が示唆された


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    In a previous study, we demonstrated that chronic administration of systemic glucocorticoids decreases cortical bone mineral density (BMD) and induces development of pathologic fractures in asthmatic patients. To investigate cortical bone porosity due to glucocorticoids, we studied cortical bone volume, BMD, bone strength, and fractures in patients with asthma in this report. A total of 82 postmenopausal asthmatic patients were enrolled in the study. Vertebral fractures were diagnosed via plain spinal radiograms. Peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) was used to measure cortical BMD, relative cortical volume, and Strength Strain Index (SSI). Multiple regression analysis, Student's t test, and other statistical analyses were performed. Patients with systemic glucocorticoids therapy had lower cortical BMD, relative cortical volume, SSI, and more number of vertebral fractures than patients without it. Lifetime cumulative dose of glucocorticoids was related to cortical BMD, relative cortical volume, SSI, and the number of vertebral fractures. The cortical volumedensity relationship appeared to remain constant regardless of systemic glucocorticoid administration. The number of vertebral fractures correlated highly with cortical BMD, relative cortical volume, and SSI at the radius. In conclusion, systemic glucocorticoid administration decreases cortical bone density, cortical bone volume, and bone strength. G lucocorticoid administration appears to be responsible for the process of cortical bone porosity at both endosteal and intracortical sites. Given that both cortical bone density and volume provide bone strength, cortical bone porosity was seen to contribute to glucocorticoid - induced bone strength loss and fractures.【目的】骨強度には皮質骨の状態が主に関与するため,全身ステロイド療法に伴う病的骨折と皮質骨障害について検討した。【方法】閉経後女性気管支喘息患者82例で,ステロイド依存性群と非依 存群において,椎体骨折数,槙骨皮質骨骨密度,皮質骨容量,骨強度(SSI)をⅩ線側面像とpQCTを用いて検討した。 【結果】ステロイド依存群はステロイド非依存群に比べて,椎体圧迫骨折数は有意に多く,榛骨皮質骨骨密度,皮質骨容積比,骨強度は各々有意に低下していた。また,皮質骨骨密度と容積は一定の割合で減少していた。椎体圧迫骨折数は皮質骨骨密度,皮質骨容積比,骨強度の全てと高い相関を認めた。 【結論】ステロイド依存性気管支暗息症例においては,皮質骨の骨 密度と容量が同時に減少して骨強度が減少することによって,病的骨折が発症すると考えられた


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    In previous studies, we have demonstrated that chronic administration of systemic glucocorticoids decreases cortical bone mineral density (BMD), cortical bone volume, bone strength, and induces development of pathologic fractures in asthmatic patients. We have also demonstrated that glucocorticoid administration appears to be responsible for the process of cortical bone porosity at both endosteal and intracortical sites in postmenopausal asthmatic patients. There is a difference of gonadal hormones between male and female. To investigate the influence of hormonal difference on glucocorticoid-induced cortical bone porosity, we studied cortical bone volume and BMD in both male and female patients with asthma in this report. A total of 99 asthmatic patients (male 26 cases, female 73 cases) were enrolled in the study. Peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) was used to measure cortical BMD and relative cortical volume. The cortical volume-density relationship appeared to remain constant regardless of the level of systemic glucocorticoid administration, age or sex, suggesting cortical bone porosity causes similar and simultaneous decreases in cortical bone volume and density. In conclusion, glucocorticoid administration appears to be responsible for the process of cortical bone porosity at both endosteal and intracortical sites despite the gonadal hormonal differences.【目的】これまでに我々は,気管支喘息症例において経口ステロイドによる皮質骨骨密度,容積の減少が骨折に関与する新知見を報告し,閉経後女性では皮質骨骨密度一容積の減少はステロイド投与量にかかわらず一定であることを報告してきた。この皮質骨骨密度-容積の関係において性差による違いを検討するために,男性,女性患者の両方について検討を行った。【方法】対象はステロイド依存性喘息99例(男性26例,女性73例)。性別,年齢,経口ステロイド積算総投与量により6群に分類した。椎体圧迫骨折はⅩ線側面像にて評価 し,皮質骨容積比および皮質骨骨密度はpQCT(Stratec XCT960)を用いて測定した。それぞれの群の皮質骨骨密度-容積比の関係を算出し比較検定をおこなった。【結果】それぞれの群の皮質骨の骨密度と容積比は有意に相関した。それぞれの群の皮質骨骨密度-容積比の傾きは,いずれも有意差を認めなかった。【結論】気管支喘息症例におけるステロイド投与による皮質骨の骨密度と容積の減少は,性別にかかわらずほぼ一定で,皮質骨は内側と外側において同様に海綿化してゆくと考えられた

    A Genetic Variant in the IL-17 Promoter Is Functionally Associated with Acute Graft-Versus-Host Disease after Unrelated Bone Marrow Transplantation

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    Interleukin IL-17 is a proinflammatory cytokine that has been implicated in the pathogenesis of various autoimmune diseases. The single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), rs2275913, in the promoter region of the IL-17 gene is associated with susceptibility to ulcerative colitis. When we examined the impact of rs2275913 in a cohort consisting of 438 pairs of patients and their unrelated donors transplanted through the Japan Marrow Donor Program, the donor IL-17 197A allele was found to be associated with a higher risk of acute graft-versus-host disease (GVHD; hazard ratio [HR], 1.46; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.00 to 2.13; P = 0.05). Next, we investigated the functional relevance of the rs2275913 SNP. In vitro stimulated T cells from healthy individuals possessing the 197A allele produced significantly more IL-17 than those without the 197A allele. In a gene reporter assay, the 197A allele construct induced higher luciferase activity than the 197G allele, and the difference was higher in the presence of T cell receptor activation and was abrogated by cyclosporine treatment. Moreover, the 197A allele displayed a higher affinity for the nuclear factor activated T cells (NFAT), a critical transcription factor involved in IL-17 regulation. These findings substantiate the functional relevance of the rs2275913 polymorphism and indicate that the higher IL-17 secretion by individuals with the 197A allele likely accounts for their increased risk for acute GVHD and certain autoimmune diseases