11 research outputs found


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    PT. Jui Shin Indonesia as the research population is a company engaged in the ceramics, granite, and cement industry. The existence of important assets owned by the company can not be denied the threat that will occur in these important assets. The importance of a company's assets, then the company must maintain the security of assets with various efforts. The security that must be maintained in this study is the security of information related to accessing control of important assets of the company. The purpose of this research is to analyze and design policy documents and SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) access control related to information security. This is done to minimize the risk that occurs in important assets of the company. The method used in this study is the OCTAVE method as a method of identification against risks that will occur in important assets of the company and the FMEA method as a method of risk analysis against the risk that has been identified through the OCTAVE method. The final result of this study is the creation of policy documents and access control SOPs related to information security which refers to the ISO/IEC 27002:2013 framework that focuses on clause 9. Access Control. Based on the results of the study, the researchers received proposals for policy document-making and SOPs as much as, namely, 17 for policy document-making and 18 for the creation of SOP documents

    Technology Readiness Index of Agricultural Extension Officers in Bandung City, Indonesia, towards Digitalization of the “Buruan Sae” Program

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    Currently, “Buruan Sae” is a leading program in Bandung City, during the pandemic, this program was used to solve the problem of food security for every community. The government also promotes every community to implement urban farming in the city. Meanwhile, digitization is a step that is expected to be carried out in the future. To prepare for the transformation in this direction, the initial step is to measure readiness. Therefore, this study aims to determine the readiness of Agricultural Extension Officers (AOE) in Bandung as a necessary initial step in assisting the digital transformation of the “Buran Sae” program. AOE from the Department of Food and Agriculture were used as the sample population considering that they are the “spearhead” of this program. Using the Technology Readiness Index (TRI) Model, the value obtained was 3.365, which can be categorized as Medium Technology Readiness group. The amount of Explorers group namely 37.5% indicated that the majority of extension officers will accept the technology quickly. Furthermore, no part of the population can completely resist technological change as implied by the absence of the Laggards group. In the future, the results are expected to become a fundamental basis for the Department of Food and Agriculture to achieve digital transformation and this program will continue to be the main answer to every community’s problem of food and agriculture

    Penerapan dan Pelatihan Sistem Smart Aquaculture untuk Budidaya Ikan dalam Biofloc di SEIN Farm Kota Bandung

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    Sekemala Integrated Farm (Sein Farm) merupakan bagian dari Unit Pelaksana Teknis (UPT) Pembibitan Tanaman Pangan, Hortikultura, dan Peternakan,  Dinas Ketahanan Pangan dan Pertanian (DKPP) Kota Bandung yang memiliki fungsi sebagai laboratorium umum (masyarakat) untuk kegiatan urban farming. Salah satu kegiatan urban farming adalah budidaya ikan dalam biofloc. Sein Farm memiliki biofloc sebanyak 55 unit untuk budidaya ikan tawar. Menjaga kualitas air dalam biofloc memiliki peran yang sangat krusial dalam keberhasilan budidaya ikan. Permasalahan yang dihadapi Sein Farm dalam budidaya ikan di biofloc adalah dengan keterbasan jumlah karyawan dalam kegiatan operasional sehari-hari untuk menjaga kualitas air. Integrasi teknologi Internet of Things (IoT) dan Artificial Intelligence (AI) memberikan solusi untuk otomatisasi kegiatan akuakultur termasuk untuk menjaga kualitas air, yang juga dikenal sebagai smart aquaculture. Dalam kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat tim dari Fakultas Informatika Universitas Telkom membangun, menerapkan, melakukan alih teknologi, dan mengukur penerimaan solusi berbasis smart aquaculture kepada 16 pegawai operasional di Sein Farm. Dari hasil kegiatan tersebut, tujuan dari kegiatan masyarakat berhasil capai, yaitu berhasil membangun dan menerapkan smart aquaculture di Sein Farm, melakukan pelatihan untuk pengoperasian sistem, dan melakukan survey untuk penerimaan teknologi. Hasil dari survei menunjukkan 95% menjawab “setuju” dan “sangat setuju” terhadap penerapan smart aquaculture dalam membantu kegiatan operasional untuk menjaga kualitas air dalam budidaya ikan di biofloc