37 research outputs found

    Joint analysis of the thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect and 2MASS galaxies: Probing gas physics in the local Universe and beyond

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    We present a first joint analysis of the power spectra of the thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich (tSZ) effect measured by the Planck and the number density fluctuations of galaxies in the 2MASS redshift survey (2MRS) catalog, including their cross-correlation. Combining these measurements with the cosmic microwave background (CMB) data and CMB lensing of Planck assuming a flat Λ\LambdaCDM model, we constrain the mass bias parameter as B=1.54±0.098  (1σ)B = 1.54 \pm 0.098\;(1\sigma) [(1−b)=0.649±0.041(1-b) = 0.649 \pm 0.041, where (1−b)≡B−1(1-b) \equiv B^{-1}], i.e., the Planck cluster mass should be 35%35\% lower than the true mass. The mass bias determined by the 2MRS-tSZ cross-power spectrum alone is consistent with that determined by the tSZ auto-power spectrum alone, suggesting that this large mass bias is not due to obvious systematics in the tSZ data. We find that the 2MRS-tSZ cross-power spectrum is more sensitive to less massive halos than the tSZ auto-power spectrum and it significantly improves a constraint on the mass dependence of the mass bias. The redshift dependence is not strongly constrained since the multipole range in which high redshift clusters mainly contribute to the tSZ auto is dominated by the contaminating sources. We conclude that no strong mass or redshift evolution of the mass bias is needed to explain the data.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, MNRAS accepted, references correcte

    Ray-tracing log-normal simulation for weak gravitational lensing: application to the cross-correlation with galaxies

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    We present an algorithm to self-consistently generate mock weak gravitational lensing convergence fields and galaxy distributions in redshift space. We generate three-dimensional cosmic density fields that follow a log-normal distribution, and ray-trace them to produce convergence maps. As we generate the galaxy distribution from the same density fields in a manner consistent with ray-tracing, the galaxy-convergence cross-power spectrum measured from the mock agrees with the theoretical expectation with high precision. We use this simulation to forecast the quality of galaxy-shear cross-correlation measurements from the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) and Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) surveys. We find that the nominal HSC and PFS surveys would detect the cross power spectra with signal-to-noise ratios of 20 and 5 at the lowest (z=0.7z = 0.7) and highest (z=2.2z = 2.2) redshift bins, respectively.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures, accepted to JCAP. The simulation code is available at https://wwwmpa.mpa-garching.mpg.de/~komatsu/codes.htm

    Suzaku Observation of Abell 1555 and Abell 1558: Searching for Non-thermal Emission from Large Scale Structure Formation

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    We report X-ray observations of two galaxy clusters Abell 1555 and Abell 1558 with Suzaku, which are included in a large scale filamentary structure and a supercluster, to search for non-thermal emission driven by shocks produced in structure formation. These two clusters are detected by Suzaku/XIS for the first time in the X-ray band of 0.5-7 keV. No significant flux is detected by HXD in the energy band of 13-40 keV, and upper limits are reported. From the analysis of the XIS data, we find that the spectrum of A1555 is fit by a thermal plus power-law model, significantly better than a single-temperature pure thermal spectrum. If this power-law component is due to inverse-Compton scattering, the fraction of total baryon energy imparted to non-thermal electrons is consistent with the typical value inferred from the observation of other clusters. However, other scenarios (e.g., under lying AGNs, multi-temperature thermal models) cannot be excluded and further investigation of this system is desired. Basic physical properties of A1555 (e.g., total mass) are also reported.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in the PAS

    Generating Log-normal Mock Catalog of Galaxies in Redshift Space

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    We present a public code to generate a mock galaxy catalog in redshift space assuming a log-normal probability density function (PDF) of galaxy and matter density fields. We draw galaxies by Poisson-sampling the log-normal field, and calculate the velocity field from the linearised continuity equation of matter fields, assuming zero vorticity. This procedure yields a PDF of the pairwise velocity fields that is qualitatively similar to that of N-body simulations. We check fidelity of the catalog, showing that the measured two-point correlation function and power spectrum in real space agree with the input precisely. We find that a linear bias relation in the power spectrum does not guarantee a linear bias relation in the density contrasts, leading to a cross-correlation coefficient of matter and galaxies deviating from unity on small scales. We also find that linearising the Jacobian of the real-to-redshift space mapping provides a poor model for the two-point statistics in redshift space. That is, non-linear redshift-space distortion is dominated by non-linearity in the Jacobian. The power spectrum in redshift space shows a damping on small scales that is qualitatively similar to that of the well-known Fingers-of-God (FoG) effect due to random velocities, except that the log-normal mock does not include random velocities. This damping is a consequence of non-linearity in the Jacobian, and thus attributing the damping of the power spectrum solely to FoG, as commonly done in the literature, is misleading.Comment: 38 pages, 16 figures, code publicly available as "lognormal_galaxies" at http://wwwmpa.mpa-garching.mpg.de/~komatsu/codes.html Matches published version : added figures and explanatory comment

    Infrared Spectral Energy Distribution of Galaxies in the AKARI All Sky Survey: Correlations with Galaxy Properties, and Their Physical Origin

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    We have studied the properties of more than 1600 low-redshift galaxies by utilizing high-quality infrared flux measurements of the AKARI All-Sky Survey and physical quantities based on optical and 21-cm observations. Our goal is to understand the physics determining the infrared spectral energy distribution (SED). The ratio of the total infrared luminosity L_TIR, to the star-formation rate (SFR) is tightly correlated by a power-law to specific SFR (SSFR), and L_TIR is a good SFR indicator only for galaxies with the largest SSFR. We discovered a tight linear correlation for normal galaxies between the radiation field strength of dust heating, estimated by infrared SED fits (U_h), and that of galactic-scale infrared emission (U_TIR ~ L_TIR/R^2), where R is the optical size of a galaxy. The dispersion of U_h along this relation is 0.3 dex, corresponding to 13% dispersion in the dust temperature. This scaling and the U_h/U_TIR ratio can be explained physically by a thin layer of heating sources embedded in a thicker, optically-thick dust screen. The data also indicate that the heated fraction of the total dust mass is anti-correlated to the dust column density, supporting this interpretation. In the large U_TIR limit, the data of circumnuclear starbursts indicate the existence of an upper limit on U_h, corresponding to the maximum SFR per gas mass of ~ 10 Gyr^{-1}. We find that the number of galaxies sharply drops when they become optically thin against dust-heating radiation, suggesting that a feedback process to galaxy formation (likely by the photoelectric heating) is working when dust-heating radiation is not self-shielded on a galactic scale. Implications are discussed for the M_HI-size relation, the Kennicutt-Schmidt relation, and galaxy formation in the cosmological context.Comment: 29 pages including 28 figures. matches the published version (PASJ 2011 Dec. 25 issue). The E-open option was chosen for this article, i.e., the official version available from PASJ site (http://pasj.asj.or.jp/v63/n6/630613/630613-frame.html) without restrictio

    The thermal and gravitational energy densities in the large-scale structure of the Universe

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    As cosmic structures form, matter density fluctuations collapse gravitationally and baryonic matter is shock-heated and thermalized. We therefore expect a connection between the mean gravitational potential energy density of collapsed halos, ΩWhalo\Omega_{W}^{\rm halo}, and the mean thermal energy density of baryons, Ωth\Omega_{\rm th}. These quantities can be obtained using two fundamentally different estimates: we compute ΩWhalo\Omega_{W}^{\rm halo} using the theoretical framework of the halo model which is driven by dark matter statistics, and measure Ωth\Omega_{\rm th} using the Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect which probes the mean thermal pressure of baryons. First, we derive that, at the present time, about 90% of ΩWhalo\Omega_{W}^{\rm halo} originates from massive halos with M>1013 M⊙M>10^{13}\,M_\odot. Then, using our measurements of the SZ background, we find that Ωth\Omega_{\rm th} accounts for about 80% of the kinetic energy of the baryons available for pressure in halos at z≲0.5z\lesssim 0.5. This constrains the amount of non-thermal pressure, e.g., due to bulk and turbulent gas motion sourced by mass accretion, to be about Ωnon−th≃0.4×10−8\Omega_{\rm non-th}\simeq 0.4\times 10^{-8} at z=0z=0.Comment: 11 pages + references, 4 figures, 2 tables. (v2) Expanded discussion on the modelling uncertainty. (v3) Fixed a minor typo in Eq.(22). Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. Julia codes to reproduce the figures and tables are available in https://github.com/komatsu5147/OmegaGrav.j