136 research outputs found

    Miners on Mining: Sākuru-mura

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    A variety of social and cultural movements emerged during the post-war democratisation of Japan, including so-called sākuru undō or circle movements. One in particular has drawn interest from historians due to its conceptual novelty and influence on left-wing intellectuals in the 1960s: Sākuru-mura (Circle Village), a debate and social reflection group and eponymous journal active in northern Kyūshū from 1958 to 1961. Its location in a key coal-mining region reflects the importance of the mining industry in the history of Japanese labour disputes at the time. Nevertheless, a number of non-miners also took part. This article examines the many connections between the mines and Sākuru-mura. A brief chronological introduction is followed by a focus on the mining-related writings of the movement’s three leaders (two of whom were not miners). Finally, an analysis of the styles, aesthetics and themes of the many texts penned by miners will highlight the diversity of these writings and the clues they hold about life inside the mines.Avec la démocratisation de l’après-guerre, le Japon a vu émerger divers mouvements sociaux. C’est le cas des mouvements culturels dits sâkuru-undô (mouvements de « cercles »). Pour sa singularité et en raison de son influence chez des intellectuels de gauche des années 1960, certains historiens se sont intéressés à l’un de ces sâkuru, ayant existé entre 1958 et 1961 dans le nord de Kyûshû : le Sâkuru-mura (Village des « cercles »). Son enracinement dans une région houillère s’explique par l’importance de l’industrie minière dans l’histoire des conflits du travail. Des personnes extérieures du monde de la mine s’y sont également investies. Dans ce texte, nous examinerons la réalité des rapports multiples entre les mines et le Sâkuru-mura. Après une brève présentation chronologique, nous aborderons les travaux directement liés à la mine des trois acteurs principaux du mouvement (dont deux non mineurs). Nous analyserons ensuite les textes, nombreux et variés, rédigés par les mineurs afin d’en mesurer l’étendue, et de saisir ce qu'ils donnent à sentir de la vie de la mine

    Prevalence and clinical manifestations of gastro-oesophageal reflux-associated chronic cough in the Japanese population

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    Gastro-oesophageal reflux (GOR) is one of the most common causes of chronic cough in Western countries, responsible for 10 to 40% of cases. In Japan, however, GOR-associated chronic cough (GOR-CC) has been rarely reported and its clinical manifestation including frequency of concomitant reflux laryngitis is poorly known. We have analyzed prevalence and clinical characteristics of patients who were diagnosed as having GOR-CC among adult patients with chronic cough (≥ 8 weeks) who visited our asthma and cough clinic over a period of 19 months. Diagnosis of GOR-CC was based on the response of coughing to a proton-pump inhibitor (lansoprazole™) and/or positive results of 24 h ambulatory esophageal pH monitoring. Laryngeal involvement was based on symptoms or objective diagnosis by specialists. GOR-associated chronic cough was diagnosed in 7.1% (8 of 112) of chronic cough patients. In addition to the demographic data which were consistent with the characteristics of patients with GOR-CC in the Western populations, including gender (6 females), age (mean ± SE, 56.9 ± 5.8 years), duration of cough (9.9 ± 3.3 months), lack of gastrointestinal symptoms (3 of 8) and complication with other causes of cough (5 of 8), we found the standard range of body mass index (23.9 ± 1.5 kg/m(2)) and high incidence of concomitant reflux laryngitis (5 of 8) in the present 8 patients. Among 4 patients who could stop treatment with temporal resolution of cough, cough recurred in 3 patients, 1 week to 8 months after the discontinuation. In conclusion, GOR-CC is a less frequent cause of chronic cough in Japan than in Western countries. Signs or symptoms of laryngitis may be important as clues to suspicion of GOR-CC

    Features of cough variant asthma and classic asthma during methacholine-induced brochoconstriction: a cross-sectional study

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    [Background]Little is known regarding mechanistic and phenotypic differences between cough variant asthma (CVA), presenting with a chronic cough as the sole symptom that responds to bronchodilators, and classic asthma with wheezing during methacholine inhalation. Here we reported airway sensitivity, airway reactivity, and as the main concern, the appearance of cough and wheezes during methacholine inhalation in patients with CVA or classic asthma. [Methods]We cross-sectionally examined the degrees of airway sensitivity, the point where resistance started to increase, and reactivity, the slope of the methacholine-resistance curve, and the appearance of cough and wheezes in steroid-naive adult patients with classic asthma (n = 58) or CVA (n = 55) while they were continuously inhaling methacholine during simultaneous measurement of respiratory resistance. [Results]Patients with CVA were less sensitive and less reactive to inhaled methacholine and wheezed less frequently but coughed more frequently during methacholine-induced bronchoconstriction than did patients with classic asthma. Multivariate analysis revealed that airway hypersensitivity and lower baseline FEV1/FVC were associated with the appearance of wheezes, whereas a diagnosis of CVA was associated with coughing. [Conclusion]There are mechanistic and phenotypic differences between CVA and classic asthma during methacholine inhalation. Frequent coughing during bronchoconstriction may be a distinctive feature of CVA

    Sustained activation of the unfolded protein response induces cell death in Fuchs' endothelial corneal dystrophy

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    Purpose: The unfolded protein response (UPR) is believed to play a role in the pathogenesis of Fuchs' endothelial corneal dystrophy (FECD). The purpose of this study was to investigate whether unfolded proteins accumulate in the corneal endothelium in FECD and if they are involved in triggering cell death. Methods: Descemet's membranes with corneal endothelial cells (CECs) were obtained during keratoplasty, and expression of aggresomes, type 1 collagen, fibronectin, and agrin was evaluated. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress of immortalized human CECs from non-FECD subjects and from FECD patients (iHCEC and iFECD, respectively) were evaluated. The effect of MG132-mediated aggresome formation on the UPR and intrinsic pathway and the effect of mitochondrial damage on UPR were also examined. The effect of CHOP knockdown on the ER stress–mediated intrinsic pathway was also evaluated. Results: Aggresome formation was higher in iFECD than in iHCEC and was colocalized with type 1 collagen, fibronectin, and agrin. GRP78, phosphorylated IRE1, PERK, and CHOP showed higher activation in iFECD than in iHCEC. MG132-mediated aggresome formation upregulated ER stress sensors, the mitochondrial membrane potential drop, cytochrome c release to the cytoplasm, and activation of caspase-9 and -3. By contrast, staurosporine-mediated mitochondrial damage did not induce ER stress. Knockdown of CHOP attenuated the ER stress-induced cleavage of caspase-9, which is caused by intrinsic pathway activation. Conclusions: Excessive synthesis of extracellular matrix proteins induced unfolded protein accumulation in FECD. Prolonged ER stress–mediated cell death, occurring via the intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway, therefore might be associated with the pathogenesis of FECD

    The Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey (SXDS). IV. Evolution of Lya Emitters from z=3.1 to 5.7 in the 1 deg^2 Field: Luminosity Functions and AGN

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    We present luminosity functions (LFs) and various properties of Lya emitters (LAEs) at z=3.1, 3.7, and 5.7, in a 1 deg^2 sky of the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey (SXDS) Field. We obtain a photometric sample of 858 LAE candidates based on deep Subaru/Suprime-Cam imaging data, and a spectroscopic sample of 84 confirmed LAEs from Subaru/FOCAS and VLT/VIMOS spectroscopy in a survey volume of ~10^6 Mpc^3 with a limiting Lya luminosity of ~3x10^42 erg/s. We derive the LFs of Lya and UV-continuum (~1500 \AA) for each redshift, taking into account the statistical error and the field-to-field variation. We find that the apparent Lya LF shows no significant evolution between z=3.1 and 5.7 within factors of 1.8 and 2.7 in L* and phi*, respectively. On the other hand, the UV LF of LAEs increases from z=3.1 to 5.7, indicating that galaxies with Lya emission are more common at earlier epochs. We identify six LAEs with AGN activities from our spectra combined with VLA, Spitzer, and XMM-Newton data. Among the photometrically selected LAEs at z=3.1 and 3.7, only ~1 % show AGN activities, while the brightest LAEs with logL(Lya) >~ 43.4-43.6 erg/s appear to always host AGNs. Our LAEs are bluer in UV-continuum color than dropout galaxies, suggesting lower extinction and/or younger stellar populations. Our stacking analyses provide upper limits to the radio luminosity and the f(HeII)/f(Lya) line fraction, and constrain the hidden star formation (+low-luminosity AGN) and the primordial population in LAEs.Comment: 75 pages, 27 figures; ApJS in press. High resolution version at http://www.ociw.edu/~ouchi/work/astroph/sxds_LAEs/ouchi_SXDSLAE_ApJS.pd

    The Actual Conditions of creation and utilization of the Records of Children with Disabilities during the School Transition Period: A Survey of Early Childhood Facilities and Elementary Schools

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    The purpose of this study is to clarify the actual conditions of personal records such as “support files” and “transition support sheets” created by early childhood facilities (kindergartens and nursery schools) to provide transition support to children with disabilities. The study seeks to examine how these records are created by early childhood facilities and used by elementary schools. A nationwide questionnaire survey targeting public and private kindergartens, nursery schools, and elementary schools was carried out. The survey results show that about half of the early childhood facilities created these records and that the records were being effectively utilized by the elementary schools that received them. However, there were also differences based on the type of institution: for instance, the rate of record creation was high at public kindergartens and low at private kindergartens and nursery schools. In terms of record content, there is a possibility of a gap between the information recorded by early childhood facilities and that sought by elementary schools. Based on these actual conditions, this study identifies issues to be considered in the effective creation and utilization of records.本研究は平成28年度文科省委託「幼児期の教育内容等深化・充実調査研究」(調査研究課題:幼保小接続における学習機会の保障としての合理的配慮に関する研究,研究受託機関:名古屋市立大学)の助成を受けて行われた研究成果の一部である。なお,本稿の一部は日本教育心理学会第59回総会において発表した

    Successful management of preoperatively diagnosed torsion of a subserosal uterine fibroid by pneumoperitoneum laparoscopic single-port surgery

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    Objective: Preoperative diagnosis and successful management of acute torsion of a subserosal fibroid by using appropriate imaging modalities and single-port laparoscopic surgery. Case report: A 44-year-old nulliparous woman presented with lower abdominal pain. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging with contrast enhancement revealed a tumor in the pouch of Douglas with a low contrast at the center and thin-rim enhancement. Torsion of a uterine subserosal fibroid was diagnosed preoperatively. Laparoscopic single-port surgery by pneumoperitoneum was performed. Torsion of the pedicle attached to the uterine wall was excised by bipolar coagulation and cut with scissors. The extirpated fibroid was extracted from the umbilical wound. The pneumoperitoneum single-port laparoscopic surgery was completed as a gynecologic emergency operation. Conclusion: Torsional uterine fibroids are difficult to diagnose preoperatively as symptoms are nonspecific and need emergent surgical management as an acute abdomen. Preoperative diagnosis using appropriate imaging modalities is important to perform single-port laparoscopic surgery