12 research outputs found

    Sex differences in the development and expression of a preference for familiar vocal signals in songbirds.

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    Production and perception of birdsong critically depends on early developmental experience. In species where singing is a sexually dimorphic trait, early life song experience may affect later behavior differently between sexes. It is known that both male and female songbirds acquire a life-long memory of early song experience, though its function remains unclear. In this study, we hypothesized that male and female birds express a preference for their fathers' song, but do so differently depending on the developmental stage. We measured preference for their father's song over an unfamiliar one in both male and female Bengalese finches at multiple time points across ontogeny, using phonotaxis and vocal response as indices of preference. We found that in males, selective approach to their father's song decreased as they developed while in females, it remained stable regardless of age. This may correspond to a higher sensitivity to tutor song in young males while they are learning and a retained sensitivity in females because song is a courtship signal that is used throughout life. In addition, throughout development, males vocalized less frequently during presentation of their father's song compared to unfamiliar song, whereas females emitted more calls to their father's song. These findings contribute to a deeper understanding of why songbirds acquire and maintain such a robust song memory

    Different Reactions of Zebra Finches and Bengalese Finches to a Three-Component Mixture of Anesthetics

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    Ikebuchi M, Okanoya K, Bischof H-J. Different Reactions of Zebra Finches and Bengalese Finches to a Three-Component Mixture of Anesthetics. ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE. 2020;37(2):159-167.Kawai et al. (2011) recently introduced a mixture of three anesthetic agents (here called MMB) that has an effect similar to ketamine/xylazine in mice, which might allow more effective reaction to changes in the animal condition, as an antagonist is available, and which can be used without license for handling narcotic drugs. Using Kawai's study as a baseline, we tested whether this anesthesia and its antagonist can also be used in avian studies. In the present study, we used two species, the zebra finch and the Bengalese finch, of the avian family Estrildidae. In zebra finches, anesthesia effects similar to the use of ketamine/xylazine and to those obtained in mice can be reached by the use of MMB if a higher dose is applied. MMB leads to more variable anesthesia, but has the advantage of a longer time window of deep anesthesia. An antagonist to one component of MMB reduced the awaking time, but was not as effective as in mice. For Bengalese finches, MMB cannot be generally recommended because of difficult handling and high mortality rate when used without antagonist, but could be used for perfusions instead of pentobarbital

    Amygdala and Socio-Sexual Behavior in Male Zebra Finches

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    Ikebuchi M, Hasegawa T, Bischof H-J. Amygdala and Socio-Sexual Behavior in Male Zebra Finches. BRAIN BEHAVIOR AND EVOLUTION. 2009;74(4):250-257.Neuroanatomical studies including pathway tracing and cytochemical characterizations have suggested that the avian nucleus taeniae of the amygdala (TnA) might be homologous to a part of the mammalian medial amygdala. Recent behavioral observations in TnA-lesioned birds also reported deficits in the control of motivational aspects of behavior, advancing the concept of homology of the structure in the two classes of animals. To further examine the functional role of TnA, we used a highly social, monogamous song bird species, the zebra finch, for our experiments. Male birds received a focal lesion of TnA, and several aspects of sociosexual behavior of these animals were compared with control bird behavior. We found that zebra finch males with TnA lesions were never chosen as sexual partners by a female in a triadic situation with another male because they showed less sexually motivated behavior. Because such sexually motivated behavior was shown in dyadic situations with a lesioned male and a female, however, and females in this situation also showed pair bonding behavior towards the lesioned males, TnA might be involved in other behaviors, not just sexual behavior towards females. Instead, it might play a role in the control of a variety of social encounters including male-female and male-male interactions. This research clearly indicates that TnA, by its involvement in the control of socio-sexual behavior, is functionally comparable with the mammalian medial amygdala. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Base

    Chick Development and Asynchroneous Hatching in the Zebra Finch (Taeniopygia guttata castanotis)

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    Ikebuchi M, Okanoya K, Hasegawa T, Bischof H-J. Chick Development and Asynchroneous Hatching in the Zebra Finch (Taeniopygia guttata castanotis). ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE. 2017;34(5):369-376.The mode of hatching in birds has important impacts on both parents and chicks, including the costs and risks of breeding for parents, and sibling competition in a clutch. Birds with multiple eggs in a single clutch often begin incubating when most eggs are laid, thereby reducing time of incubation, nursing burden, and sibling competition. In some songbirds and some other species, however, incubation starts immediately after the first egg is laid, and the chicks thus hatch asynchronously. This may result in differences in parental care and in sibling competition based on body size differences among older and younger chicks, which in turn might produce asynchronous development among siblings favoring the first hatchling, and further affect the development and fitness of the chicks after fledging. To determine whether such processes in fact occur in the zebra finch, we observed chick development in 18 clutches of zebra finches. We found that there were effects of asynchronous hatching, but these were smaller than expected and mostly not significant. Our observations suggest that the amount of care given to each chick may be equated with such factors as a camouflage effect of the down feathers, and that the low illumination within the nest also complicates the determination of the hatching order by the parents

    Behavioral and neural trade-offs between song complexity and stress reaction in a wild and a domesticated finch strain

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    Suzuki K, Ikebuchi M, Bischof H-J, Okanoya K. Behavioral and neural trade-offs between song complexity and stress reaction in a wild and a domesticated finch strain. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral reviews. 2014;46(4):547-556