3,504 research outputs found

    Temperature-stable Gunn-diode oscillator

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    Oscillator consisting of Gunn diode embedded in coaxial circuit has excellent temperature stability and low fabrication costs as compared with automatic-frequency-control crystal oscillators

    Sound propagation in density wave conductors and the effect of long-range Coulomb interaction

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    We study theoretically the sound propagation in charge- and spin-density waves in the hydrodynamic regime. First, making use of the method of comoving frame, we construct the stress tensor appropriate for quasi-one dimensional systems within tight-binding approximation. Taking into account the screening effect of the long-range Coulomb interaction, we find that the increase of the sound velocity below the critical temperature is about two orders of magnitude less for longitudinal sound than for transverse one. It is shown that only the transverse sound wave with displacement vector parallel to the chain direction couples to the phason of the density wave, therefore we expect significant electromechanical effect only in this case.Comment: revtex, 14 pages (in preprint form), submitted to PR

    Recent Advances in Unconventional Density Waves

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    Unconventional density wave (UDW) has been speculated as a possible electronic ground state in excitonic insulator in 1968. Recent surge of interest in UDW is partly due to the proposal that the pseudogap phase in high T_c cuprate superconductors is d-wave density wave (d-DW). Here we review our recent works on UDW within the framework of mean field theory. In particular we have shown that many properties of the low temperature phase (LTP) in alpha-(BEDT-TTF)_2MHg(SCN)_4 with M=K, Rb and Tl are well characterized in terms of unconventional charge density wave (UCDW). In this identification the Landau quantization of the quasiparticle motion in a magnetic field (the Nersesyan effect) plays the crucial role. Indeed the angular dependent magnetoresistance and the negative giant Nernst effect are two hallmarks of UDW.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figure

    Combined Electroweak Analysis

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    Recent developments in the measurement of precision electroweak measurements are summarised, notably new results on the mass of the top quark and mass and width of the W boson. Predictions of the Standard Model are compared to the experimental results which are used to constrain the input parameters of the Standard Model, in particular the mass of the Higgs boson. The agreement between measurements and expectations from theory is discussed. Invited talk presented at the EPS HEP 2007 conference Manchester, England, July 19th to 25th, 2007Comment: 7 pages and 6 figure

    Magneto-Hydrodynamics of Population III Star Formation

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    Jet driving and fragmentation process in collapsing primordial cloud are studied using three-dimensional MHD nested grid simulations. Starting from a rotating magnetized spherical cloud with the number density of n=10^3 cm^-3, we follow the evolution of the cloud up to the stellar density n=10^22 cm^-3. We calculate 36 models parameterizing the initial magnetic and rotational energies (\gamma_0, \beta_0). In the collapsing primordial clouds, the cloud evolutions are characterized by the ratio of the initial rotational to magnetic energy, \gamma_0/\beta_0. The Lorentz force significantly affects the cloud evolution when \gamma_0 > \beta_0, while the centrifugal force is more dominant than the Lorentz force when \beta_0 > \gamma_0. When the cloud rotates rapidly with angular velocity of \Omega_0 > 10^-17 (n/10^3 cm^-3)^2/3 s^-1 and \beta_0 > \gamma_0, fragmentation occurs before the protostar is formed, but no jet appears after the protostar formation. On the other hand, a strong jet appears after the protostar formation without fragmentation when the initial cloud has the magnetic field of B_0 > 10^-9 (n/10^3 cm^-3)^2/3 G and \gamma_0 > \beta_0. Our results indicate that proto-Population III stars frequently show fragmentation and protostellar jet. Population III stars are therefore born as binary or multiple stellar systems, and they can drive strong jets, which disturb the interstellar medium significantly, as well as in the present-day star formation, and thus they may induce the formation of next generation stars.Comment: 37 pages, 10 figures, Submitted to ApJ, For high resolution figures, see http://astro3.sci.hokudai.ac.jp/~machida/astro-ph.pd

    Neutrino Mixing and Leptonic CP Phase in Neutrino Oscillations

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    Oscillations of the Dirac neutrinos of three generations in vacuum are considered with allowance made for the effect of the CP-violating leptonic phase (analogue of the quark CP phase) in the lepton mixing matrix. The general formulas for the probabilities of neutrino transition from one sort to another in oscillations are obtained as functions of three mixing angles and the CP phase. It is found that the leptonic CP phase can, in principle, be reconstructed by measuring the oscillation-averaged probabilities of neutrino transition from one sort to another. The manifestation of the CP phase as a deviation of the probabilities of direct processes from those of inverse processes is an effect that is practically unobservable as yet

    Glucose metabolism and oscillatory behavior of pancreatic islets

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    A variety of oscillations are observed in pancreatic islets.We establish a model, incorporating two oscillatory systems of different time scales: One is the well-known bursting model in pancreatic beta-cells and the other is the glucose-insulin feedback model which considers direct and indirect feedback of secreted insulin. These two are coupled to interact with each other in the combined model, and two basic assumptions are made on the basis of biological observations: The conductance g_{K(ATP)} for the ATP-dependent potassium current is a decreasing function of the glucose concentration whereas the insulin secretion rate is given by a function of the intracellular calcium concentration. Obtained via extensive numerical simulations are complex oscillations including clusters of bursts, slow and fast calcium oscillations, and so on. We also consider how the intracellular glucose concentration depends upon the extracellular glucose concentration, and examine the inhibitory effects of insulin.Comment: 11 pages, 16 figure

    Time-Dependent Multi-Centre Solutions from New Metrics with Holonomy Sim(n-2)

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    The classifications of holonomy groups in Lorentzian and in Euclidean signature are quite different. A group of interest in Lorentzian signature in n dimensions is the maximal proper subgroup of the Lorentz group, SIM(n-2). Ricci-flat metrics with SIM(2) holonomy were constructed by Kerr and Goldberg, and a single four-dimensional example with a non-zero cosmological constant was exhibited by Ghanam and Thompson. Here we reduce the problem of finding the general nn-dimensional Einstein metric of SIM(n-2) holonomy, with and without a cosmological constant, to solving a set linear generalised Laplace and Poisson equations on an (n-2)-dimensional Einstein base manifold. Explicit examples may be constructed in terms of generalised harmonic functions. A dimensional reduction of these multi-centre solutions gives new time-dependent Kaluza-Klein black holes and monopoles, including time-dependent black holes in a cosmological background whose spatial sections have non-vanishing curvature.Comment: Typos corrected; 29 page

    Charge-density Waves Survive the Pauli Paramagnetic Limit

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    Measurements of the resistance of single crystals of (Per)2_2Au(mnt)2_2 have been made at magnetic fields BB of up to 45 T, exceeding the Pauli paramagnetic limit of BP37B_{\rm P}\approx 37 T. The continued presence of non-linear charge-density wave electrodynamics at B37B \geq 37 T unambiguously establishes the survival of the charge-density wave state above the Pauli paramagnetic limit, and the likely emergence of an inhomogeneous phase analogous to that anticipated to occur in superconductors.Comment: 4 pages, three figure